Friday, 16 December 2011

Afghanistan and its People 03October 2009

“The race of people is complicated by its ideology. 

“On the one hand they wish peace and prosperity for all their people and on the other hand they feel almost unnerved by the aspect that it is not their right, but ‘God’s’ to bring about this possibility.

“They can never fully agree amongst themselves what it is they truly want and what they want to aspire to.

“Conflict in this respect has always been at the heart of their thinking and of their Government and the unrest boils over constantly.

“Control by the few for the masses, constantly inflames this scenario and so the total unrest to the entire population is always there in varying degrees.

“To be able to tame, or to bring about rest to these unsettled people, cannot be achieved in one’s life time.

“It will need the Nation themselves to put an end to their own turmoil and as their ideology almost prevents this as they see it, as its ‘God’s’ work to make it happen rather than their own responsibility to strive for it, so then the enormous conflict to the people will remain.

“There is never a united front, a united consensus of public opinion, to put aside all the unrest that they have – be it emotional, economic or cultural.

“The Government do not gather the will of the people.  They never listen to what their people say and the good and welfare of their own people are never in the forefront of their minds.

“Corruption on every level is rife and will remain so and where the strong govern the weak for their own gratification, so the will of the people is constantly being denied them.

“For change to occur, it will need an internal revolution that can finally unite the people under a common banner – a kind of Che Guevara – a person who is of the people and who can rally the people around him, a visionary who seeks no self aggrandisement, but who is prepared to fight for what he believes in and that is justice for all.

“Until that day comes, the infighting will continue for decades and all those wonderful fighting men, who devote themselves to save others, see that this regime is falling down and is in need of saving.

“They cannot hope to change an ideology that the people of Afghanistan are not prepared to fight for themselves.

 “Those brave soldiers who constantly give their heart and soul into every mission, who feel passionately that what they are fighting for is to save not only the people of that country, but also a regime that is in a sense monstrous and corrupt.

“Until the politicians from outside countries are able to come to terms with the fact that they can never hope to win until the Afghanistan people themselves rise up and show as a Nation they want change and justice for themselves, then the soldiers can with all heart only hope to stem an increasing tide of complacency.

“It is purely the mindset of the people themselves who must change, who then collectively fight for their own people and that means every man, woman and child.

“The people themselves must finally decide a collective strategy that will allow all their people a rightful voice where freedom of expression is allowed for all the people and not just the few.

“We cannot keep going in with our own mindset of what we feel is right for them when they themselves cannot judge what they feel to be right.

“It must come from them alone.  Once the people of this once great nation rally together, then a vision from their history will appear to them and give them purpose.

“Once the mindset is universal and true, then at the appointed time a person will be brought forwards out of the wilderness of time and that person alone will be able to unite this fallen nation and they will be able to conquer their own demons and defeat finally their own internal enemy whose power will be no more for where there is no collective strength of purpose within a nation, so then they are constantly exposed to militant factions.

“The time is fast approaching for World Change in any event and that will have a ricochet effect to all aspects of this Globe.

“The people of Afghanistan will in time rise up and an internal revolution will occur, but that time is not now.  They are fighting for something that cannot happen until the mindset of the people themselves starts to take up active personal responsibility.

“All will remain the same – a corrupt Government who will dictate policy to the vulnerable fragile people – in a sense nothing changes.
Jenny Ayers

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