Saturday, 17 December 2011

Tyrants Aren't Forever 26 March 2011

“Tyrants will come and go.  Until man becomes strong enough in himself to speak out and learn the proper ways of living and acting, he will always be dominated by the few.

“So many of you are still entrenched in the old ways of life, in relationships that batter and bruise, yet through fragility feel paralyzed to do anything about it.

“Wake up.  See and acknowledge your own pain.  See that this is no way to live and move on.  Why wait until you are exhausted of life’s energy and you come to screaming point before you act.

“Act now, before it becomes too late and the damage is mighty indeed.  The tyrant will never give up their place.  They are too insecure to do so.

“They crave the security of their position and care nothing of the cost or discomfort to others.  They are the selfish ones and by their own hand and with Spiritual Law they will be removed.

“But man must learn not to replace one tyrant by another.  There has to be open dialogue at all times, an equality for all men so that a better understanding and footing – a way of life –where love can enter in.

“Where there are tyrants, whether in a country or in the home, there can be no room for love.  For love is about the good feelings and the welfare of all people and where the nurturing of these people is in the forefront of what is necessary.

“Remember one can always move away.  No one is held captive by these regimes unless they want to be.  The voices of the people all over the world are now being heard and exercised.

“In the home also, the tyrant holds no more power only if you give him/her licence to it.  The tyrant holds no the power unless he/she has domination over a person or people.

“It is the right of every person not to give them power any more, so begin to realise your own power to survive and to be happy.  Move on and away and start to create your own happiness that can only be special to you.

“You, as an individual, owe it to yourself.  As a nation, it is your right.  The good of all the people and the individual is now in hand.  Learn to do and act your bit and, by the Universal Laws, help and guidance is always given.
Jenny Ayers

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