Saturday, 17 December 2011

None of Us are Perfect 10 July 2010

 “Now as we all begin to look at ourselves and our lives together, we all see many failings that we all have from time to time.

“None of us are perfectWhat one person sees as his/her right another is horrified or disappointed that they would have to act and think in that fashion.

“We all have frailties in one way or another and none can really judge a person when we ourselves are not perfect, where we also make mistakes that often hurt or injure another.

“Just because we go to Church and think we live a Godly life, does not always mean that is so.

“Those of us who are entrenched in religious methods often never see around us the simple folk who tend to live ordinary but beautiful lives, where their appreciation of life and what it truly means is all about them.

“Those who live alongside nature with the strong values that nature gives, its laws for rebirth and recreation is all about us, yet most of us are entrenched in the day grind of our day to day life and often miss what is so beautiful around us.

“Look to Mother Nature for its strengths, for its willingness to adapt when harsh environmental issues attack its very existenceNature can and does thrive throughout the harshest of influences and so shall we.

“It is when we actually stop to take a look at our life paths and see objectively where we went wrong – to have the courage of our convictions and start to put right those situations where we caused so much grief and injury to others.

“In so doing, we are able to turn our own lives around and begin to breathe a sigh of relief.  None of us are perfectWe all hurt and injure others in some way.

“It is our inexperience of the Life Force around us that makes us think it doesn’t really matter.  I say to you, “It does!”

“If by our actions we hurt or injure a person, physically, emotionally or spiritually we will be given that same hurt/injury back.

“By the Laws of the University this is the only just way of bringing everything back into balance and harmony.

“As nature can be destroyed, so rebirth through that distinction is born, refreshed and rejuvenated, so, as spiritual beings, we too can be reborn and readjusted.

“It is only our minds that must learn to see and understand the difference.  Accept where we have gone wrong and try in our own sweet way to bring about justice and harmony to those we have injured so that, that same process can equally come back to us.

“We then become reborn and our minds return to balance and much harmony.

“Never think we are perfect and never try to judge too harshly another’s actions.

“We have no knowing what caused that person to act in that way, as others are not aware of our own harmful actions when we act out of character.

“Every person must look to their own soul, their own conscience and see where they went wrong and try in this lifetime to address the balance, to put matters right before there is no time left to make all this possible.

“Act now and receive the rewards for your courage and conviction and, like Mother Nature, you too can be reborn.
Jenny Ayers

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