Sunday, 18 December 2011

Peace and Love and Goodwill are Easily Restored 12 September 2011

“As we all now pass through the new energies, a more positive outlook is given. 

“Situations that were struck, or not bearing any fruit, now see the lifting of all restrictions to bring about positive new beginnings and happenings.

“The energies create situations for personal and professional output.  New starts in life not before envisaged are open and receptive to your career.

“It brings about a total turnabout of events from a negative perspective to a positive outcome, changes that forced us all to see within and to move on from what was a dysfunctional time.

“These had to be, so that new passages of time where the lighter, more productive energies, can bring about the results we all now need to start afresh.

“This really is a time for rejoicing and to stretch ourselves mentally and emotionally for what is to come.

“We have all felt frail and out of sorts for some time, so as we have all shed the situations from the past and are baggage free, we can enter into the new state of being where everything is open to us.

“New opportunities for personal and professional advancement are directed towards us.  We have opportunities to experience a whole new life and lifestyle.

“By leaving the past behind, we feel finally a freedom not known before.  We are able to make plans.  The sacrifices of the past are no longer needed and are no longer relevant to our new position.

“Start to see all things being made easier as the strangleholds of the past are laid to rest.  New birth, new beginnings are being generated on a daily basis.  All are now uplifted in ways not thought possible before.

“Exercise your mind.  Remember those dark clouds, which are no longer there.  They pulled you down and put your lives in despair and pain.

“See the freedom to exercise new thoughts, new plans.  Inspiration comes freely to you where before all was a muzzy haze of uncertainty and pain.  The positive vibrational energies restore life in both body and mind and will be there for a very long time.

“Start to rebuild your lives in ways not thought possible before.  All will be instructed in how to manage that new way of thinking and believing that will be right for them.

“Everybody’s needs and inspirations are different.  That is what makes us unique, but all will go forwards in a harmonious and productive way – the shackles of the past finally being laid to rest for good.

“All are free to be at peace and love and goodwill are easily restored.

Jenny Ayers.

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