Sunday, 18 December 2011

Are You Listening? 08 July 2011

“We don’t speak to each other.  We are surrounded by communication from one source to another, yet we still walk blindly and deafly on.

“In families, institutions no matter how big or how small, there is a lack of interest and concern to the needs of the individual.  All are fighting their corner in one way or another, but cannot get through to others the real points that they want to.

“We talk to each other, but we don’t hear the underlying messages that are always there, so there is miscommunication, which continues and even lasts for years.

“In order to speak to each other we do actually have to learn to listen and further more understand the message that is being relayed.  We tend to only half listen or take on board what it is we want to hear and disregard the rest.

“Whole families have been miscommunicating for years and then they wonder why there is so much pain and anxiety.  To really listen to another is to take that message one step further and to ask oneself, “Do I need to do anything about it?  Does it affect me or should I ignore it?”

“Often we are too lazy or to busy to do much about anything.  We stumble on from day to day in a hopeless vacuum of unrest and uncertainty going on for years until one day an explosion of what has been so wrong for so long is finally blown up.

“Everybody then starts to actually listen.  It is then that all the true pains and anguish spill out in ever increasing bouts.  We are speaking to each other properly and the individual is listening intently and the penny drops of what they hadn’t fully heard or wanted to hear before.

“Sometimes the situation can be too late.  There is too much pain buried and no lasting agreement can be found or even rectified at the time.

“But as time passes and the realisation that had we listened properly before and not shut our eyes and ears to it, then things could have been so different.

“It is necessary for each individual to speak, but it is also necessary for the recipient to listen and to take on board fully what has actually been said and then act upon the message.

“To learn to live in love is to understand the needs of that individual and to find solutions to the various problems in a light, but constructive way, whereby personal responsibility is at the heart of all this and where the proper action can be obtained to put into motion what is so necessary in ones life.

“Speak, listen and then act in the proper way.  It is all a learning process and can take a lifetime to master it.  Where there is love and consideration, then it is dealt with quickly.

“Where there is selfishness and the message does not get through, then genuine harm and damage becomes the order of the day.  Don’t wait for damage to occur.

“Act now and start listening to what is actually said.  It could change your life and make you act responsibly before it is too late.
           Jenny Ayers

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