Saturday, 17 December 2011

For Those who Work and Live Spiritually 30 August 2010

 “For those who work and live spiritually of which there is no other way they, these people, will see a difference with their lives that others lack who do not follow this way of life.

“The spiritual aspect removes the fear in their lives.  It brings about a certainty that they are being looked after in every way.

“It starts off in seeing small things coming their way.  That parking space is always available to them.  They are always able to manage their money even in great times of hardship.

“Illnesses are almost no existent and more importantly their minds become at peace, because they are aware of a ‘Higher Power’ helping and directing them in every way.

“It takes time over many years and, when that individual looks back, they can begin to see a pattern of help and support throughout their lives.

“It is more noticeable in times of great hardship, when all appears lost and impossible that, out of the darkness of despair, a shining light of help comes in and the way is smoothed over and our passage through is assured.

“Nothing is left to chance.  That ‘Higher Power’ comes in to rescue you and all becomes well again.  Nothing is lost – balance returns to ones life.

“By living ones life spiritually, it means that you always do things in the right way with the right intentions.  You give to others in a form of service to help those who are less fortunate than yourself.

“This way of living and working accrues good points towards your own salvation, so that should you ever be in need the ‘Powers’ that be give to you also.  You receive spontaneously, because you have earned it over time.

“All comes into balance.  You do good things in your life and good things are equally returned to you.  This way, those who live the spiritual way, live a life in harmony where peace and balance remains throughout.  They never live in fear, but in love.

“Those who are ignorant of this way of life, grabbing each day as it comes what they want out of it and giving nothing in return, always live in fear and dread of what life holds for them.

“They go about aimlessly from day to day.  Their lives never settled, always confused.  They are the ones who run to this specialist and that specialist in the hope that they will get the help that they are searching for.

“That help is there, but the individual never takes full help, only what feeds their ego at the time of its needs.  It is almost like, “Give me a sticking plaster for my wound to get me better, to get me back on track with my life.”

“They never wish to see deeper into the problem and sort out the matter, so that they finally can get peace and harmony.  For them that requires effort/work and they are never interested in that.

“Their mind/ego is far too big for that.  They arrogantly think they know better.  “Just give me that sticking plaster.  Make it alright for me.  I don’t want to do anything for myself.  I just want the help now.”

“Those are the people who always live in an anxious way.  They never rest.  They are never at peace.  Harmony is not in their lives or in their families either.

“Throughout their lives, knowledge of the spiritual way is shown to them.  Whether they begin to notice or understand it depends on whether they are ready for that change and to accept that change in all its forms.

“By acting according to Spiritual Law, everything is in balance and in harmony then matters for them become easier from the offset.  If they chose not to, then disharmony and chaos become the order of the day.

“How would you like to live?  In peace or chaos, that decision has to be yours alone.  Begin to see the difference and act accordingly to Spiritual Law.

“It is in the giving that you always will receive without even having to ask.  Help and harmony will remain throughout your life.
 Jenny Ayers

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