Saturday, 17 December 2011

Not Only Hope but Justice for All 24 May 2011

“A full realisation of what is right and what is wrong now comes to the individual as a revelation.  It has always been seen and recognised, but the will to do anything constructive has not taken place.

“Now that the way is shown to them and where before nothing was attempted, so now the individual is in full command to change what has been going wrong.

“In some cases it has been a lifetime of abuse, where individuals have been subjected to the wilful demands of another and where they have been browbeaten to such an extent that they felt they were losing their minds.

“The Higher Power comes to the aid of all those who have been afflicted in this manner and a new realisation to the victim comes in as never before to stand up now and finally to put down their perpetrator.

“The influence and the power of justice firmly in their hands, gives them the mental and physical strength to turn their lives around from one of being a victim to one of being restored to a new life of justice.

“For all now the entire world over, more and more people are standing up for their rights and they will be heard.  No one now, who has suffered so severely at the hands of another, will be left behind.

“They will receive both courage and strength to slay their perpetrators in ways not before seen or realised in their life time.

“It is now that their judgement is at its highest, as The Higher Power gives this influence and might, so that changes never before imagined can now take place.

“All internal rage of much injustice will eventually be calmed and man, woman and child can finally walk free from the bonds of an enslaved misery.

“No one is exempt, as the power and influence will not diminish until the job is done and those individuals are free for all time.

“The turning point is now and the revolution has already started some time ago on a large scale and also on an individual scale.

“All will find the strength and the courage to finally free themselves, so that they may be able to live a life not before imagined.

“Where at one time there was no hope, now there is not only hope, but justice for all and a life that they alone deserve!
           Jenny Ayers

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