“We all now must start to take a grip of our lives and learn to live each moment as if it were our last.
“We must be thankful for what is given to us and start to see the beauty in all things, present and also unseen but felt.
“Love surrounds us all as an invisible cloak that protects and provides for all our needs.
“We often do not take the time to fully examine what is out there for us. We are so encased in our own rut of living that we miss the precious things that surround us and are always there.
“This springtime explodes new life with birds, animals and plants. All are bursting forwards. Some have but a short life to live, some have much longer.
“Start to look around you. See this magnificent beauty and start to appreciate the new life giving properties.
“It is when our own senses are being heightened that re-adjustments to our own life begins and a new and exciting passage of events start to emerge.
Our appreciation of them only occurs when we start to see how we are affected and how we are further enlightened into this glorious life.
“It is only when we know of a person’s life being extinguished that we realise that passage of time is so precious and every minute is counted and used wisely.
“For most of us it is not so, as we feel we have all the time in the world and so it bears no importance to our lives.
“Yes, another year goes by but what have we learnt? What have we experienced or even noticed of the world around us? It is far easier for those who live side by side with nature to see and appreciate every day.
“For those who live in the great metropolis, they rarely have the time to see what is important, but are only concerned with getting through the day and getting the job done.
“None really have the time or even want to give themselves the time to stop, listen and observe and to slow down their mindset enough to appreciate what is all about them, to see the greater appreciation of living and not one of existing.
“Take time to become nice to one another, to smile, to appreciate the help that is there for you and to place yourselves in gentler hands of guidance instead of the fast lane, which ultimately destroys when it gets out of hand.
“Every day must be lived to the fullest and for one to appreciate what is out there if they have the time to look.
“Nature with all that it provides for us, the food on the table, the rain which washes the crops and feeds them, but equally cleanses our dirty streets.
“The sun with its life saving properties that brings a cheer to our hearts and a spring in our step. The sweet smell of the blossoms now fully open, the radiance of colours, all nature a wonderments of life itself.
“Take time out even just a few minutes in the day out of your hectic schedule and see what is out there. It is all free and it will enhance your life and in time will also address certain answers to certain questions you have been asking yourself.
“These also will be given to you freely.”
Jenny Ayers
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