“Until Man stands up against the aggressor we are all lost. Throughout the ages Man in one form or another has done battle against nations, the aggressor wielding the axe and annihilating a people so that they can have power over them.
“Once achieved then their will, their influence, is dictated on that populace never thinking how it will affect them, the mightier power taking over and exerting their will regardless of all affects.
“Throughout the World so many have suffered and a resentment and inbred hatred has occurred, so for generations the hatred manifests itself and the bitterness continues.
“Until Man starts to realise that through his wanton behaviour, so much hardship, pain and misery is given to so many and that one day he must atone for his actions, then nothing will ever change.
“Man will only see his actions as right. To have power over people is never right. One must learn to live side by side in peace, exchanging through legitimate trade the benefits one country has with another.
“Until Man evolves out of the Dark Ages, and continues to fight for what he wants and wilfully takes it regardless of the consequences, his higher intellect can never come to the fore.
“For it is those who have emerged out of the Dark Ages can already see that the occupation by force of a nation against their will breeds lasting resentment and much hatred.
“So another way must be found and that comes by diplomatic dialogue and trade. An exchange of ideas and utilities is a healthier way to resolve conflict and through friendship and commerce a healthier outcome is always found, peace and trust is restored and the barriers of pain and much hardship are removed.
“Until we can start to practice to work together, and where the leaders of nations have a profound responsibility to come to this point, then bitterness, hatred and mistrust of one another will continue throughout the generations of this World.
“War, famine, a destruction of people, becomes the everlasting legacy of what Man has done to Man.
“Every person must look to their own conscience to see how they have played their part in this upheaval of Mankind and could they have changed matters.
“It all starts with a single voice and then another and before long the voice of the people will be heard and so politicians will have to do something and a responsible action is then taken.
“Wars will be stopped. What is needed now is for wars to be no more. Man must come out of the Dark Ages and start to see that all humans are equal under the eyes of ‘God’. Justice always comes in. It is always the enormous loss of human lives that must pay the price.
“It is in our hands to stop this and to find another way. As so called intelligent beings, our intellect given to us by ‘God’, it is our responsibility to rise above the Darkness of Ignorance and find another way. Man can live and work alongside Man, but only if he chooses. It is high time we made that evolution, so that Man can start to live in peace and no longer in fear.
“Jenny Ayers”
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