Friday, 16 December 2011

The Difference between God and Religion 13 October 2009

“‘God’ being the Universal all divine wisdom and intelligence is all around us all the time – both within us and without us. 

“We, being the very essence of ‘God’ through ‘His’ creation of us, are never ending and it is through this very essence-like ‘God’, our very being, our souls are indestructible.

“So until we can get our tiny heads around this fact and start to really examine why we are here on this Earth and for what purpose, we tend to float around in a mist of what is actually going on and have we got any say in it.

“Religions, being made by Man for Man, have absolutely nothing to do with the direct concept of ‘God’ itself.

“Religion puts up barriers and constraints for the people.

“‘God’ has always been about love and the Spiritual Laws of Cause and Effect, or the balance of things, so that in our lives as well as in nature, balance in all matters must be maintained in order for harmony on all levels to exist.

“Without harmony and love so chaos ensues and imbalance on every proportion happens, throwing all situations into unrest.

“Religion through its constraints and dictatorial ways can never be about love and harmony, especially today, where it is often used in a violent way.

“The few who dictate policy to the masses to control them can never be about love.  Control and love is not the same thing at all, because ‘God’ is a Universal source of love and wisdom and is all around us. 

“Do we ever need to pray to ‘God’ in any building erected by Man in ‘His’ so called name?

“If all the churches and mosques and temples were to be totally flattened, do you think you can still talk to ‘God’ from anywhere in this World, whether upside down or right way up, facing North, South, East or West – of course you can.

“Why?  Because ‘God’ is all about us and also within us and so it does not matter where we pray, whether inside or outside, we are always heard.

“We do not need the confines of a religion or a building to prevent us from speaking to the Almighty at any given time – we so choose.

“We have been so brainwashed by the dogma of the religion with all its dignitaries and rituals that we find we can not, or will not any longer, think for ourselves.

“All of us, to be able to move on, must start when we are ready to move out of the box of ignorance that we so often find ourselves in and start to question.

“Question the religious dogma and that is when you will start to see and realise it holds very little for us these days.

“Education of the ‘God Force’ is always there if we are prepared to see it.  Every day through life we are shown and taught lessons.  ‘God’s Laws are all around us.

“If you do harm to others, so harm will come to you.  If you cheat on others, so you too will be cheated upon – until balance and the laws of love are implemented, then by ‘God’s’ Laws so you will learn.

“These are the natural Laws of the Universe and by adhering to these, so you will always be fulfilled and provided for.

“Religion then becomes extinct and we, through the ‘God Force’ can operate our lives and begin to understand through these teachings what is necessary for us to conduct our lives.

“We have no need to recite continuous dogma and ritual – that does not make us good people.  Living in ‘God’s’ way by doing good works for others that necessary helping hand is what is important, not the reciting of a whole load of prayers and verses.

“Children are taught to say over and over again the same prayers that have no meaning to their lives – most don’t even understand why they are saying it.

“‘God’ needs to be spoken to direct and when you alone feel inspired to speak.  When it comes from the heart and soul and has profound meaning, then answers to prayers are given and an understanding, a one to one with ‘Our’ Creator, becomes possible.

“I appreciate those who wish to go to church, because for them it is sometimes necessary.  They have not yet been able to move away from the sanctuary of their box.

“For them ‘God’ tends to be only there, for others who truly believe, can see ‘He’ is all around.

“Soldiers in the battle front when faced with extreme hardship are given much calm in the field, as if all terror is removed and courage even to the feint hearted is achieved.

“For them they have no building, no altar to worship.  They are in a situation of terror and must then find their own ‘God’ and be at one with ‘Him’.

“Peace from nowhere comes in – love from nowhere comes in and a sense of duty to what is right also is given and that faith is always there – that knowing that no matter what the outcome, they will be alright.

“Our spirit, that ‘God’ essence, is always within us and does not need anyone to tell us, or dictate to us, how we should converse with our ‘God’.

“Only we can do what is right for us, knowing that when it is time to meet our Maker we have done all that was humanly asked of us in the name of love and nothing else.

Jenny Ayers

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