Sunday, 18 December 2011

See a Structure Emerge and a Nation is Reborn 10 August 2011

“The wake up call has fully arrived for each and every one of us and that is to get our own house in order first before we judge the actions of others.

“It is our example and our example alone that are the lessons for our young ones to learn from – what is right and what is wrong and how to behave.

“Until respect is brought back throughout society on every level, then we are ultimately doomed from this day.

“We must start to understand the needs and the aspirations of the people and to learn the many lessons from the past, where respect for law and order was a natural thing.

“Where respect for teachers, doctors, the pillars of society were taken as the norm.

“Unfortunately we have collectively allowed a society to build up where common good manners for all are seen as odd or even weak.  It all stems from education, doing it in the right way and for the right reasons.

“Discipline starts in the home and must be adhered to.  The education of our children becomes the bedrock of society.  If it is left to its own devices, then children undisciplined run amuck.

“We are all in one way or another responsible if we put up with and allow bad behaviour to occur.

“The World now is in so much disarray that it needs an internal revolution to stop Man in his tracks before anything concrete and formidable can be accomplished.

“We all have a voice and it is with this voice that we must stand up and be counted.  The rights of the people must be heard, so that new laws and power is given back to the people to implement a more fulfilling society.

“Until we sort out this culture of ‘have to-day and pay for it tomorrow’ and it is addressed then nothing can change.  Until we as people stand up together and protect our teachers from harm and abuse by today’s society nothing will ever get sorted.

“Respect for the people must start in the home and that is where parents must act and bring about a new format of civilisation.  Television and the media should be censored in the violence and flagrant disrespect for the people.  They too must take much of the blame.

“American television curbed violence on their screens by the power of parliament as crime and violence was getting out of hand.  This had a profound effect on the viewing public and crime and violence decreased as a positive result of these measures.

“We also in this country allow our children to view the many ‘soaps’ and films where blatant disrespect is shown, so brainwashing our youth from a very early age.

“So much so they are immune to the shockability of it.  It has no impact anymore on their psyche.  They simply take it as the norm when in fact it shouldn’t be.

“We must be responsible as to what our children are exposed to and where necessary switch these televisions off.  Protection against the media sometimes is necessary.

“Authority in the home and respect shown as to what is right and what is wrong is the ultimate education that we all must adhere to in order for society to start again.

“We will as a nation turn this around.  We have to.  It has been too long now, decades in fact where we have systematically allowed situations to get out of hand by our own lackadaisical attitude, so we now reap what we have sown.

“The pendulum of not bothering, the ‘I don’t care attitude’, will now change and it will start to swing the other way.

“A harder, but fairer approach will be implemented, whereby all of society will need to think very carefully as to how to approach this new order of things.

“Everybody will be affected and everybody without exception will have to play their part.

“A simple thing like throwing litter on the ground instead of either taking it home and disposing of it or putting it into litter bins – again education is necessary.

“Now the tide of thinking, a further deep cleansing of society, will reach out and a more positive outcome will emerge.  The voice of the people will be heard and help for each other in the form of comradeship will develop.

“We can no longer fight as an individual and not be heard.  We have to fight collectively and be heard.

“Respect throughout society from the highest in the land must be seen to be squeaky clean, so that they are able to set the benchmark for us all.

“By their example and the law to act, so everyone will feel and see a structure emerge and so a Nation is reborn.
 Jenny Ayers

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