Saturday, 17 December 2011

See the Reality Pay Dividens to You 17 June 2010

“Now, as the adjustment to this country starts to take hold so that we can obtain full economical recovery, it holds to everybody nationwide to do their utmost so that full economic growth can become a true reality.

“No more can we afford to go over budget and so we all must endure in some way to cut costs where we can.  By taking our own personal responsibility we then are no longer burdened by crushing debts.

“As we begin to start on this road to personal salvation all then starts to come our way.  The true uplifting of all restrictions to our own economic growth starts to take effect.

“Why?  Because we have through our own mindsets begun that road to recovery and so it is the Higher Power, which comes in to assist and the common constraints are eased.

“We are able to work more effectively.  More financial support in the way of industry starts to open up and so the losing of finances down the plug hole is stopped and financial growth starts to take hold in a much better and more economical way.

“By doing our bit for recovery, so we in turn are helped giving us the impetus to be able to stick it out even further.

“The more you sort out your finances, the more help is being offered to you and from the strangest of places growth comes in and so the precedent is started.

“Life then becomes lighter of that burden and one can begin to breathe a sigh of relief as more and more is given.

“This is not just pie in the sky, but a Universal/Spiritual Law.  As you make those strides for change, hardship to you is finally relieved and a much better more effective way of working on a more economical front comes into existence.

“Know what you do with the right intentions will always have its rewards, not only on this earth plane, but in the Heavens above.

“The sacrifice no longer becomes the sacrifice, but a more effective way of living and working.

“See the reality pay dividends to you and always ask for help and you shall always receive it.  Start the process and be enlightened as to your own recovery.

“Peace then comes in and fear is then removed.

Jenny Ayers

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