“What had looked like a disappointing election for so many will in fact turn out to be a very good start.
“Here we are still in a recession where Global Markets are vying for position on the World Stage.
“Britain, for all its faults over recent times, will be able to battle through and a new turn around of the economy will transpire.
“‘We’ in the Spirit World have every confidence that a new successful financial mandate will not only be achieved but will be workable.
“This broken lost nation will start to slowly but methodically gather momentum once again.
“‘We’ are not Greece.
“‘We’ have a situation where great political minds can now come together and increase their voice in bringing about from destruction, a completely new fiscal policy that will suit all the economical minds that this country has ever produced.
“‘We’ have been stagnating for far too long now, as the right politicians and economists were not listened to.
“Their hands were bound by a regime who thought they were right and everybody else was wrong.
“This at last has backfired leaving ‘Us’ all in a substantial economic mess.
“From this mess, a new structure through open minded people at the very top of their professions can at last be heard and so the new economical format can at last be implemented.
“It will be a little rocky to start with as the breaks for caution, and quite frankly, so will come into effect.
“Once this caution starts to bear fruit, so then the momentum will and can gather strength.
“So economically and spiritually all again starts to play its role in the recovery of this vast nation of ‘Ours’.
“People from every walk of life will start to believe in a democracy again and trust on a number of levels will come back.
“It has to, as the politicians will be in no minds to step over that line of mistrust to the public again.
“So there will be many watchful eyes to oversee that nothing untoward will transpire.
“Start to see a new way of governing and those who thought they would lose out dramatically will see a shift in energy, as new life is restored to this battered nation.
“There will of course have to be cuts on various levels, but an industry with new technology starts up again with a new investment plan, so this country can at last get back on its feet and back to some kind of work plan.
“There will be a reduction in industrial working hours, but jobs will start to come in and then the workforce can begin to start from there.
“Everyone in this nation must start to understand that nothing is for nothing in this life.
“What you give in so you can take out. This scenario will become self-evidential.
“So the benefit system, which is quite frankly on its last legs and cannot sustain the impossible needs of the people, will find its own level.
“The public will have to learn to adjust their needs and cannot expect the few to work all hours ‘God’ sends to support those who feel too idle to work.
“There will be a tightening of these reins as the benefit system is unable to continue in its present form.
“See a redistribution of money being targeted to the most needy only. The rest will have to work themselves out of their own jam.
“To restore pride in a nation has to come from the very top.
“As these politicians start to set an example and start to build up this fallen nation, so by their methods it will eventually filter down and man himself must then set an example to his own family, so that pride through work and effort is expected and man can then rise above the parapet of despair and encumberment.
“‘God’ will not allow this nation to sink into oblivion, but equally man must do the right and honourable thing and that is to start to put his/her own house in order first and then the example becomes second nature to all.
“‘Our’ young people learn by the example of their parents. If they see their parents do not care whether they work or not, so they also by example become equally dysfunctional.
“‘We’ must set the right example to ‘Our’ young people and strive to maintain dignity and a purpose in life.
“What you give out so you receive. So if you do nothing in your life, especially when you are able to do so, you should expect nothing.
“If you work hard then by Spiritual Law you will always achieve.
“The nation’s cupboard is now bear to all, so through new industry and commerce, these valiant politicians under the guidance of vast experience will start to refloat our economy, so that a new structure is formed and so this nation will be able to pick up the treads and start again.
“There is a new impetus of life emerging and it will gather momentum with each passing day.
“What once was is now no more and will be ousted at the earliest convenience.
“No one has the right to remain in office when their policies have been thrown out and found wanting on every level.
“It is only a matter of a few days as the impetus to repair this broken society gathers momentum.
“It is a machine now that is unstoppable and will be part of a New World Order, which now has to come into play.
“Where the heads of nations will at last begin to recognise, that unless one tows the line of true democracy and everyone has to tighten their belts in this wayward economy globally, all will suffer.
“Risks can no longer be an afforded luxury.
“They have to be quashed fully and so allowing a protective new structure of the Stock Markets around the Globe.
“This over time will be implemented as this New World Order will come to realise it must be so in order to save the lives of so many.
“The large economies of the World need to think long and hard of their fiscal responsibilities, as they are the ones who hold up the poorer countries of this World.
“In order to save a total World collapse, so the politicians must learn to talk and to trust each other once again.
“Global economies, when they go wrong, will have a devastating domino effect. No country is an island and ‘We’ are all joined together in one way or another.
“I can assure you that even Iran, who feels it can work alone or even outside the special trade agreements, will find it is left out in the cold and the people of that country will suffer even more hardship than they do already.
“Trade will no be given to them as other countries will rally around to save their own economies.
“There is little point in having a big stick if everybody does not wish to deal with you – if everybody turns their backs on you.
“You are either in the World Club or not.
“‘We’ must, as nations together, protect not only our people, but our economies to secure and stabilise each other.
“No man is an island and neither is any country.
“‘We’ all are interdependent in one way or the other and this, especially where economies are concerned, is now being visibly recognised.
“When nations find themselves starving, their threats hold no water at all, as the people of those countries will rise up and overthrow those Governments.
“One by one start to see the tyrants being withdrawn.
“The people of this World to speak out – the power being given back to the people.
“The people in this country in their own way have spoken and out of what appears a mess, a new improved format comes alive and a nation is reborn.
“See this country rise again with every man, woman and child prepared to make that necessary sacrifice to make it happen.
“The ‘Great’ in Great Britain can at last be put back as the nation rebuilds itself once more.”
Jenny Ayers
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