“The world is now in complete chaos on so many fronts with disharmony and pain all about us.
“People have to realise their hand is in so many things and until Man is prepared to change and be accountable for his/her own actions nothing can get better.
“There are always the minority, who are prepared to bail out the few. The burden on them ever increasing until their backs break and they are no longer in a position to help and maintain the uplift of so many.
“Now, as the Higher Power comes in and disorganises everything where those that are continually been the savers and have now fallen through exhaustion will be saved.
“The rest, who have decided to do nothing in their lives, will rapidly for.
“There is a turning point now of such magnitude that is the sharp shock awakening to so many.
“All over this world changes are having to the net and felt by so many.
“The stark reality, that no more can be given to them unless they are prepared to work for it, will become self evident on so many fronts.
“Nothing is for nothing anymore.
“All will have to suffer until the full realisation hits home and the new awakening starts to come to the fore.
“It is now or never.
“Time to reflect on the past has already expired – time now to act for self preservation and to find a purposeful life for oneself.
“Everybody, who are truly helpless will of course the helped, but the vast majority out there are still prepared to do nothing.
“As world events start to overtake us all, then and only then, will the full realisation of what is in store will have to hit home very hard indeed.
“Life will continue, but not how we know it as changes will be sent upon us where we collectively will have no choice but to act.
“Start to take stock of your lives and begin to see just how you must change in order to succeed.
“You will be shown the way and guided through that maze of uncertainty.
“Now is your chance to evolve in ways not for possible before. You really can do it and do it now!
“See these world changing events occur and how their ripple effect will ultimately affect your lives.
“No one will be exempt.
“Notice the held being offered to you in so many ways, but only given when the mindset changes and not before.”
Jenny Ayers
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