Saturday, 17 December 2011

There is a Life After Fear 07 August 2010

 “To turn ones life around is never easy.  It takes long-term carriage and conviction.

“What is so tragic in this day and age, where there is so much help and advice out there if only man would put aside his pride and start to look the within and see is our own dysfunctional behaviour and to begin to see his/her own fears and misgivings and to try to do the responsible thing not only for themselves, but to their family who they hurt time and time again.

“A person’s fears and inadequacies will have a knock on effect by harming the individual and all they come into contact with.

“Their fears stop them going forwards in lifeIt hinders them in making the right decisions and so they remain stuck in their lives, never ever being free of their own pain which haunts them daily.

“Courage comes in when the person is finally on their knees with despair and they find themselves all alone as many have left them as they can no longer stand or tolerate these individuals behaviour.

“Instead of taking personal responsibility from the time of early adulthood, their suffering dealt with quickly and concisely, they chose to ignore their symptoms and put the blame on others, when in fact it is their own insecurities that are to blame for so much torment.

“In the end they themselves are destroyed and they sink even deeper into the pits of their own despair and destruction.  Nobody wants to know them anymore.

“For a life to be rescued, that individual must seek help and guidance and with the right help they can be brought back from the brink of despair and are able to build a healthier, happier life for themselves and for those around them.

“When the individual finally acknowledges that they need help, always help is given and found and peace and harmony is finally restored.

“Everyone owes it to themselves to become a whole, fully functioning individual instead of a frightened dysfunctional one with long term fears and anxieties.

“Do you wish to breathe the fresh air of liberation or be stifled by the putrid air of despair, which constantly haunts you?

“There is life after fear.  The choice is yours.
 Jenny Ayers

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