“If we are really serious about our dreams and aspirations for ourselves, then an energy of expectation starts to grow within us and around us making the necessary in roads to occur.
“We will be introduced to the right people and the right teachers, where it seemed almost impossible at one time, the impossible begins to happen.
“The more good things we manage to see about ourselves the more our destiny is revealed and a purpose, a drive to achieve, is made clear and functioning.
“Everything that is right will open up for us and to our surprise we are on our way. It is a step by step process that can take any number of years for full achievement to be realised.
“Our job is not to give up on that journey of enlightenment towards our objective dream.
“Once all the knowledge and know-how has been put into place and when we are totally ready, the dream is then presented to us and the awakening along the way makes the reality happen.
“All of us can achieve. All will obtain to a certain degree our dreams. It is just in the process and how much we actually want it, then the impossible is able to manifest itself over time.
“The dream is our starting block to getting us on that road, which is so often our own destiny. To be half-hearted will only produce a half-hearted measure.
“So be secure in the knowledge that full achievement for everybody, no matter who you are, is possible.
“People all over the world have managed enormous feats through many obstacles and much hardship. They have all been steadfast in obtaining that dream and so they have achieved. They always knew they would.
“Whatever the degree of achievement, be it total or small, is an achievement in ones own right. By pursuing that dream it has ignited in us a spark to begin to notice who we are and what we can become.
“All of us have that power to do so. Never doubt your own capabilities. You will find you will astonish yourself and be the better for it.”
Jenny Ayers
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