Saturday, 17 December 2011

Sending Out Our Love Thoughts against Dictatorship and Suppression 09 May 2011

“It is now that we must act as one nation to secure our younger generation into thinking that Mankind can change this world into becoming a better place.

“All people deserve to live in freedom and to have that freedom of speech.  Their lives depend on it as suppression builds bitter resentment and becomes the closing down of mind and spirit.

“All must help in their own way to centre their loving thoughts against vibrations of dictatorship and suppression, so that Mankind can rise up against the bondage that he finds himself in.

“Our loving thoughts do actually bring in changes.  They strengthen the mind and bring about a resolve towards a greater freedom of thinking and expression.

“Our younger generation must learn that through our fathers and our father’s fathers that we enjoy peace and free speech.  It was due to their courage and much conviction that we are free today.

“The price of this freedom we so enjoy and at times take so much for granted is due to the heavy price in lives born by our forefathers and many years of toil and sacrifice by a nation, so that freedom at last was realised.

“Our younger generations must now play their parts by sending positive energy of enlightenment and strength, so that the people of this world can also turn suppression into freedom and like us enjoy a life without bondage.

“We all can act in a positive enlightened way.  We must just send those thoughts and they will be converted into energy and then changes for the better are finally realised.

“We all owe it to our fellow man to help them find a way towards freedom.

          Jenny Ayers

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