“The people from every country are now finding a voice and corruption on every level is being fought against, hard and effectively. All despots who thought their terms of office will last a lifetime will find their thrones cut in two.
“No more will the little people of this World stand for this behaviour. All is in upsurge. All now have found a voice and they will be heard.
“The man, woman and child, all individual people, are now beginning to exercise a voice not before heard of. Fear to speak was always the criteria.
“Now fear is removed and much courage has been given, so this accelerates a period of energy not before realised. All will be able to confront issues, where before they had no voice.
“Now they have that vital courage, not only to speak but to act according to their rights to do so. So many people and their plights for justice have been forgotten and overlooked.
“Every country, all over the World, has these forgotten people in society, where their pain is a hidden one and where their voice a cry for help is ignored.
“It is up to us all not to go through life blindly, but to accept responsibility in our own way for it might be us one day and who has the heart then to come to our rescue.
“When everybody the World over does their bit to help our fellow man, so we will be rewarded for these acts, time and time again. We secure our own safe passage in this World of ours and make life happier not only for us, but to every one we help along the way.
“United in this cause we can turn a helpless case into salvation. The few certainly can turn matters around for the majority. All that is needed is the will to do it and to see this mission through.
“The Middle East Spring will continue. There is no stopping this process. Every single country will be affected and a cleansing is already occurring and those who are the piranhas of others will fall and full justice will be their reward.
“It is happening globally, but also individually in every country. A new found courage, a new found voice is now being heard and accepted and help on a magnitude proportions is now being given, so that salvation and justice for all is now being implemented.
“All things come in at the right time. For some it is quickly achieved, for others the transition takes a little longer – the benefits for all to see.
“One thing is for sure, all who have experienced injustice in one way or another are now getting their rewards. For some it has been a lifetime’s ordeal, for others a shorter time.
“For all it has been a time of great pain and angst. Now the turning of the tide is there and much change to relieve Mankind of their suffering becomes possible.
“If you are an individual suffering in your own home, either through a domineering partner or an insulting boss or a parent who treats you badly, take courage and speak out.
“Help in every way is there for you. You just need to ask. There is no need to suffer in silence anymore. Justice for all is yours when you feel you can manage it.”
Jenny Ayers
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