Saturday, 17 December 2011

Are We Sleepwalking through Life? 17 May 2011

“It has been said that Man is a most complex animal and one which takes a long time to get through, if its mindset is fixed in one particular way of thinking and acting.

“We tend to form our opinions at an early age of existence, mainly through our parents and close advisors, like teachers and others who tend to influence our lives.

“Their opinions manufacture our own and, no matter whether they are right or wrong, we all tend to be influenced in those ways and beliefs.

“For Mankind to think independently and where, through personal experiences which often can change our opinion, we tend to plod along with the same old belief system and nothing much is ever changed.

“Mankind is primarily lazy and wants to be fed information without starting to think outside of the box for him or herself.

“Throughout life we are given experiences of which to learn from, to see whether we are able to turn in our thinking or to get further bogged down by the rigmarole of it all.

“Those who go to church are subjected to the same dogma, but do we ever question anything?

““Seldom,” is the answer.  We really can’t be bothered.

“It is only through life’s experiences, especially when they are traumatic or harmful in some way that we are actually activated to think.

“Our mind begins to actually question, “Is this right or is this wrong?”

“It is then that we start to find the truth about matters and our mindset finally begins to change and we start to see the light.

“Our opinions that once were are now no longer.  Through our questioning and then automatic research, we start to see and learn matters were not as we once thought they were, but are completely different.

“Unfortunately for most of the world’s population, we are all sleepwalking through life and unless it affects us personally in some way or another, do we actually care or bother to find out?

“The answer frequently is “No!”

“We all must take personal responsibility in our lives, as what we say and do does have an effect on the lives around us and as parents and adults, who have young people around us, our actions, behaviour and opinions do influence those who daily are in our midst.

“So we need to be mindful as to what we are saying and doing is right.  Are we setting a good example to those around us and are our opinions correct or are they just opinions?

“So many people are misled these days and so it is vitally important that what knowledge one gets is researched properly, not from one source only, but several qualified sources, so that when finally armed with the facts one can at least give a qualified opinion rather than just hearsay, which is no basis to lead ones life on.

“It is only when we, as individuals, are affected that we are then forced to find out, rather than find out as a general informing of education.

“The right information at the right time comes to us and because of that we are better for it and fear and uncertainty is often removed.

“So start to see life in different ways.  Don’t just sleepwalk.  You will be woken from your slumber and realise you know so little and its time you did.

“The information will change your lives and you will become more responsible for your actions and opinions than you were before.

          Jenny Ayers

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