Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Let The Force Be With You 28 December 2011

“Now as we approach a New Year of unrest and indecision, we seem to plan for things, but are uncertain of their fruition under all this mayhem and global unrest.

“To dream of better things within oneself is all important, as we are a living and breathing object and we must keep moving on regardless of external forces.

“We are all now approaching various crossroads in our lives.  Some of us know which way to go already, others of us are uncertain and must see the way thrust open before us before we feel able to trust in that decision.

“Many of us will stare fear in the face and it will be unpleasant if we are not yet sure of our direction.  This is where help is on hand and it is all just a matter of asking, so that we are then aware of these events and can make the right decisions when faced by them.

“Nothing in life is ever there to destroy us, but to test our resolve, to see whether we have the guts to carry forth what is truly expected of us.

“Should we fail in this decision and harm comes to those around us, we will feel as if we have betrayed them in some way or another.

“Our motivation must be what is ultimately right for us and those around us.  We are not judged for our mistakes, rather the consequences of our actions.

“To know and to do what is right in our hearts, even under considerable hardship, will pay dividends and openings that seemed impossible open up at an amazing rate.

“We need to always do the right thing and not to allow fear to dominate our decisions, for then we will truly fall and so much then is lost for all time – for us to rise up against that fear and to put our trust in a Higher Intelligence, will always bear fruit and salvation.

“Out of nothing many things are born and many happenings do occur.

“We tend to see ourselves as little people instead of a big united force, where help is given when the right intentions are always there and a new path to salvation is assured.

“Look now towards your futures, not with trepidation and a heavy heart, but with love and trust and then your true path will open up and amazing things are shown to you.

“The coming New Year will expect greater things from all of you.  It is not just a question of sitting back and expecting.  You will be driven by a force not before imagined and that force will stretch you all beyond your wildest dreams.

“This is the beginning and I can assure you none will fall.
          Jenny Ayers

Sunday, 18 December 2011

For the Children Everywhere 03 December 2011

“Children in so many ways are a joy to behold.  Their laughter and innocence brings happiness to those who are in their company.

“Christmastime is especially a wonderment for the little children all over the world and can be a time of peace and rejoicing.

“Children are the most resilient of people, yet many suffer long and hard, not only at this time of the year, but throughout.  Poverty strikes them hard, not necessarily in material wealth, but in love and kindness.

“In this day and age, where mothers feel the necessity to work so as to supplement the family income, children become almost a forgotten commodity.  They are there and have to be dealt with.

“Many children do not understand the meaning of love where its demonstration by parents often is found wanting.  Parents work long hours and their exhaustion gives them little to no time to devote to the care and upbringing of their children.

“Children have to fend for themselves and love and tenderness are not always there.  Many children throughout this land go missing.  They run away from home, their spirits are broken and they search for comfort and identity elsewhere, whoever can take them in.  These poor children become withdrawn and isolated.  They crave love and attention and cannot find it. 

“This time of year is a time for giving where presents are exchanged.  It is supposed to be special.  Take this precious time to get reconnected with your children, to give them of your time, to talk and exchange hugs of affection, to build bridges where have been lacking.

“The most important thing every child needs is primarily love and attention.  They must know they are special and safe.  In this kind of special environment they are able to grow as strong, happy and contented people.  If these circumstances are not there, they won’t and can’t.

“Children are indeed special – a gift from God.  They are something money cannot really buy.  You either can have them or not, so because they are unique in that way the desire to look after them and nurture them must come in.  It is our duty as parents to perform that role otherwise, if you are not prepared to take on this powerful responsibility, do yourself a favour and do not have them.

“To see the children of this world suffer with so many deprivations is indeed heart chilling.  Anyone who has a heart cannot fail to be moved by their plight of depravity.

“Look into a child’s eyes and you can read in them so many things.  Is there fear there?  Are they withdrawn?  Do they lack in confidence?  Are they able to discuss matters freely or are they afraid to do so?

“Look into your children’s eyes and you will see if you have done your job correctly or have you failed them?

“These special souls are gifts to us all and must be treasured.  Through them we will learn about ourselves, for they are all a true reflection of what we give or not!

“As a plant that has no water or nourishment or love dies, so a child who lacks these basic ingredients also dies within.  Love makes all things blossom.  Give love and see happiness in your children’s eyes – not only at Christmas but for always.
 Jenny Ayers

Understand the Peace in the Now 22 November 2011

“For those of us who take life for granted, thinking all is there all the time and they need never worry about tomorrow, can be a courageous thing, but of course many of you are not like that and you tend always to worry about tomorrow instead of just realising you only need to live today and survive that.

“To be in the ‘Now’ is quite frankly enough.  Start to see all that can be in that given moment and relish in the certainty that you are always looked after.

“There is no need to make plans unnecessarily for your futures as when that time comes circumstances will have changed and it might not be relevant at that time.  By living purely in the ‘Now’, or today, brings to those who think like that a peace not found to others who cannot.

“The peace extends all around you and through you.  It is an integral part of you and sustains your living life.  Know that all your needs are duly met in that time frame.  All you require is afforded to you.  You don’t go without.

“By living in the ‘Now’ you can truly live and fear is removed.  Do precisely what is needed and no more and start to believe that tomorrow will also be taken care of equally as well.

“All of us go through life at such a pace these days, wishing always for better things to happen tomorrow, next week, next month etc.  We are all in fact wishing our lives away, almost shortening them.

“We fail to see what we already have around us and we should all be grateful.  For those who have food on the table, shelter and warmth are in fact truly blessed.  Many in this World do not, yet survive, because they are brought the necessary things that they do need to make survival possible.

“It is these people who are grateful for what life can give them and rejoice in the meagre, but positive things they have.

“Gratitude of what you possess, whether in health, shelter, work or food is only appreciated when you have it no more.  These things usually are taken for granted.  They are expected as our right.

“Know that your needs are always met and that you can survive once you realise that what you have around you is all that you need at that time and as life comes to pass and more is required and you have truly earned it, so more is granted.

“So by living in the ‘Now’ brings contentment and a realisation that Man can actually have enough to sustain him and more can become more of a hassle than you realise.

“Live and survive within those needs and know peace will always be with you.

“You are always looked after anyway.  This revelation comes to those who have virtually nothing, but in fact have everything they need.
           Jenny Ayers

Do Your Bit for the Greater Good 18 November 2011

“People the entire World over are distressed and up in arms.  They see their rights to live abolished/overturned.  No one is listening to them and there is no clear indication that anything will ever change for them.

“It takes the courage of every man, woman and child in this World to make that difference.  All must take an active role and participate in that right for change.

“It is no good sitting back and letting the few operate for the masses as has happened in the past.  It must be the growing strength and conviction of the masses to turn matters around.

“We in this country have not experienced this hardship, real hardship, since the events of the Second World War.

“There our fathers and mothers fought for their survival against the hatred and suppression of one man.  One man’s vision of the World in the way that he saw fit – a mad man, a dictator.

“It was the bravery and determination of the masses to rise up and defeat this person, this ideology.  Now we enter a different phase where corruption and greed through the decades have largely gone unnoticed. 

“The people of this country are largely only concerned about their own little lives, their own streets.  They really don’t care as long as they and their family are alright, so the wayward effects throughout this country and the World have no real interest to them until they are affected.

“Now, as the global economic situation further gets out of hand, they become worried and an interest is formed.  It is now up to every individual to share in these changes and to stand up and be counted, to express a right for changes to occur on a humanitarian basis, so food, wellbeing and a shelter is a human right for all – not just a few.

“Everyone must now start to help their neighbour.  To reach out for the first time outside their immediate family and start a precedence, whereby all helps all at all times.  This way a healthy nation is formed.

“As in World War II where everyone had little, but all offered and helped where they could.  A collective strength and purpose arose and stranger met stranger and a crusade of help was distributed throughout the land.

“Children also did their bit.  They too were in service to one another.  No one rested until they knew their fellow man was secure, so from that time a new bond of friendship and respect was born.  All relied on each other for their survival and peace of mind.

“The people rose to the occasion and a single pride to be in service was activated by all.  This now has to happen once again as we enter into in the unknown of global unrest.  In order to survive one must sacrifice the self and help all those around for a nation to survive.

“Your time has come and you will be noted – did you do it willingly or not at all?  For those whose concern is only to the self will themselves not be helped.  This is not about individuals, but about the collective whole.

“All must be a part of this union to bring about long-term survival.  Only then can a nation be saved.  The few can only do so much.  It must be the collective people to make a complete difference.

“Know your part in all this is duly noticed.  Do you come up to the mark or do you leave it to others to do the hard work.

“You cannot expect people to help you if you are not prepared to do your bit for the greater good and begin to make a collective difference in saving every man, woman and child.
          Jenny Ayers

There is No Place for the Selfish Anymore 26 October 2011

“The seriousness of the economic situation will get everybody worrying about, “What about me?”

My answer and advice must be that by Spiritual Law all those who have conducted their lives within the structure of that Law will be saved.  All those who do not, or have not come up to the mark, will suffer by the degree of which they were negligent within that lifespan.

All those who are good and honest people, who have sacrificed their lives in one way or another in order for others to gain, will never perishIt will be their time to be saved and all their needs will be supplied in the order that is most necessary for them to survive.

So food and drink, shelter and good health, will be there for them so that they can ride this storm of uncertainty and mayhem.  The rightful needs of each individual without exception will find that their needs are met so that complete survival is attained.

Those who have been selfish and who have not considered their fellow man in the way that they should have done and those people throughout the world know fully well who they are, will suffer great losses in their lives, the like that at this time is unimaginable to them.

They will feel the pain of not having, while throughout their lives they have enjoyed the luxury of much wealth, security and having, while at the same time doing nothing in the way of charity.

For those who enjoy great wealth and do give money to charity will be seen as mediocre, but it is those who have little to nothing who have given as much as they are able, at the risk that if they give more they too could go under, will be given the most back.

In fact it is those who will gain in every way, for it is their sacrifice over the years that has been their greatest gift to Mankind.  So if a rich man gives a penny towards charity it has no real effect to that person, when a person, who has very little and gives one penny, that ratio is far greater.  They have given all that they can afford, so their rightful gifts will be enormous.

“Throughout this world there are many who share their bread from their table, who gladly give shelter for those who really need it and ask for nothing in return.

“It is in the giving and not receiving back that culminates over a lifetime precious rewards that accrue and are held in abeyance for the appointed time, when it can all be gladly returned to that individual, but with interest.  They will not and cannot lose.

“So when this economic crisis hits hard, which it will do, all those people throughout this world who have given generously of their time, patience, love and money will get their just rewards and be the happier for it.

“It is these people who will have that necessary peace of mind, while the rest will not.  They did not comfort others, so they will not be comforted.
Spiritual Law is an exact science and everybody is held to account for their actions, no matter what religion that person may be or the colour of their skin.  It makes no difference. 

“Either you have given in love in your lifetime or you have not.  There is no place for the selfish anymore.  Their time has come and their price will be high indeed!

Jenny Ayers

Women Globally Are Now Hitting Back 11 October 2011

“Everywhere the world over, women’s voices are being heard more and more these days.  There is finally a struggle of women united in their common cause of suppression for suppression sake.

“Men, especially in the East, have been suppressing women for years using them as chattels for their own purpose, their own ends.

“Men are so afraid of losing their iron tight grip that they are prepared to go to any lengths to keep women in a servitude position.  Now the tide is finally turning and, due to the Internet and social networking, their voices are finally being heard.

“They will no longer stand for the brutality that has kept their mothers and grandmothers in slavery nor will they be put to death for looking at a man or even a speaking to him.

“Their voices, through the human rights vehicle, are highlighting the many barbaric offenses they have had to put up with over centuries with no way out.

“The awaking of the 50% of the world’s population towards the fragrant discriminations towards females is now at epidemic proportions.  Women are no longer afraid.  They are prepared to die to have the right to have their voices heard.

“We abolished so called slavery in the nineteenth century, but we still keep the shackles on women.  When will this world finally wake up and allow justice to finally be given to the gentler sex?

“The women globally are now hitting back.  They are finally beginning to exercise their rights to learn, to be able to vote, to have a career outside the home, to learn to drive a car and to be seen for whom they are – individuals in their own right.

“In some countries, they are treated worse than cattle, even put to death because they were born a female or sold into slavery or even prosecution.

“There is an uprising that is unstoppable and women, the entire world over, are now standing up for their rights to live as people and no longer as third and fourth citizens.

“See it done peacefully, but see it done right.

Jenny Ayers

Make Sure They Are the Right Changes for You 19 September 2011

“To make a magnificent difference to your lives is to trust in the Universal Energies to perform the necessary experiences, which are all around you to give maximum help and guidance at the appropriate time. 

“All must be alerted to this help, so that one can learn to appreciate the amazing changes that always occur.

“We live in an ever-changing world and no two days are ever the same.  We all must learn to adapt and see the very positive aspects that come in almost on a daily basis.

“Believe that you are indeed mighty in your own right and have the power within you to begin anew if that is the course open to you.

“No one needs to stay in a dead end job or a dead end life.  All can take advantage of the help that governs your destiny.  Against all the odds many have succeeded.  It is only that to let go and to trust in the Higher Energies that will so carefully guide you on. 

“All those who have made life changing decisions are all thankful for that opportunity, which forced and yet guided them to take that step into the unknown.  They all trusted on some level that was the way to go.

“Their own doubts never really stopped them from going forwards, so now as they enter the realms of the unknown, they see automatically how everything comes together and peace of mind is always there.

“Open up your hearts to the various opportunities which are always there and begin to trust at the appointed time to take that step into the unknown and swim with the tide of change and benefit from it.

“All can make a significant difference to your lives if you seek change and want to emerge out of the stagnation of life.

“Remember, nothing stays the same anyway and all must learn to move with those changes when they occur.  Make sure they are the right changes for you, so that the impact to your lives is satisfactory and not hit and miss.

“Guidance is always there if you are ready to acknowledge it and our minds are truly open.

 Jenny Ayers

Peace and Love and Goodwill are Easily Restored 12 September 2011

“As we all now pass through the new energies, a more positive outlook is given. 

“Situations that were struck, or not bearing any fruit, now see the lifting of all restrictions to bring about positive new beginnings and happenings.

“The energies create situations for personal and professional output.  New starts in life not before envisaged are open and receptive to your career.

“It brings about a total turnabout of events from a negative perspective to a positive outcome, changes that forced us all to see within and to move on from what was a dysfunctional time.

“These had to be, so that new passages of time where the lighter, more productive energies, can bring about the results we all now need to start afresh.

“This really is a time for rejoicing and to stretch ourselves mentally and emotionally for what is to come.

“We have all felt frail and out of sorts for some time, so as we have all shed the situations from the past and are baggage free, we can enter into the new state of being where everything is open to us.

“New opportunities for personal and professional advancement are directed towards us.  We have opportunities to experience a whole new life and lifestyle.

“By leaving the past behind, we feel finally a freedom not known before.  We are able to make plans.  The sacrifices of the past are no longer needed and are no longer relevant to our new position.

“Start to see all things being made easier as the strangleholds of the past are laid to rest.  New birth, new beginnings are being generated on a daily basis.  All are now uplifted in ways not thought possible before.

“Exercise your mind.  Remember those dark clouds, which are no longer there.  They pulled you down and put your lives in despair and pain.

“See the freedom to exercise new thoughts, new plans.  Inspiration comes freely to you where before all was a muzzy haze of uncertainty and pain.  The positive vibrational energies restore life in both body and mind and will be there for a very long time.

“Start to rebuild your lives in ways not thought possible before.  All will be instructed in how to manage that new way of thinking and believing that will be right for them.

“Everybody’s needs and inspirations are different.  That is what makes us unique, but all will go forwards in a harmonious and productive way – the shackles of the past finally being laid to rest for good.

“All are free to be at peace and love and goodwill are easily restored.

Jenny Ayers.

Take Courage & Experience that Right to be Happy 12 September 2011

“To believe in oneself to crush the situation of oppression one must first find it within oneself to emerge out of that stench and entrapment.

“No individual person can do it for you.  The fight and the action must come from within.

“Once you are able to rise above it and to feel worthy of a better life then miraculously help is offered to you and a better understanding of your own position is realised.

“Individuals have to come to their own conclusion and to know that suffering need not continue any further.  It is only by their own consent that suffering continues.

“All men must start to realise that they can move away from their own imprisonment.  The destruction to themselves need not occur.

“By being brave and moving away emotionally, things begin to change and help is always on hand.  A chain reaction occurs and then the escape plan emerges and one is finally free of the confinement.

“Children equally suffer because parents will now allow them the freedom of expression.  Often they suffer in silence and have to put up with the inadequacies of the parents, which are strongly brought to bear on them.

“The children will in time find their own courage and will move away – their suffering no more.  Freedom will at last be given and they can be their own person.

“Everybody has a right to be happy and to live in emotional peace.

“Take courage and experience that right and become yourself again.  The entrapment finally removed.
 Jenny Ayers

Learn and Become Activated! 06 September 2011

“For justice to be maintained in these lands, it first must be administered in the home.  Too often conflict arises where children and parents are out of sync with each other, where parity of conscious does not exist.

“Both bait each other to get the upper hand, but in the end both fail to find the necessary solutions to their mounting problems.  Hurt on both sides is administered.

“To be right and to implement justice is to become wise and impartial, to see the situation as it is and deal with it in the most humane way, so that love and harmony are allowed to enter in.

“Family breakdown usually is caused by the selfishness of one or more individuals, whose curt way of dealing with matters is destructive to the other members. 

“Feelings of those hurt largely go unnoticed and so a download spiral of discontent and anger is born.

“The solution is to stand up for ones rights, to hold the moral high ground, so that balance and harmony can be achieved.

“So often this is not able to be achieved as the selfish person will not change their ways, so the ultimate decision has to be made, either the selfish person is ejected from the household or the other hurt members will need to leave.

“Justice for the individual must be met and so it becomes the responsibility of that hurt individual to exercise that right and to move on.

“To carry on regardless where anger and hurt remains constant benefits no one at all.  It serves no purpose only to drive the hurt deeper, where lives have already been wrecked by the selfish goings-on of these people.

“At some point a line must be drawn, so that sanity can prevail.  To live in a situation where long term psychological warfare is present will invoke a breakdown of the human spirit and is further followed on by the breakdown of the human body.

“Illness will come about and it is at this stage that something concrete is activated and justice towards the injured comes in.  Individual responsibility for justice of the self is sparked up and the full realisation towards salvation at last can come about.

“The cycle has finally been broken and all can move on, repair and heal, and suffering for those injured is no more.  This takes courage and when the time is right that courage comes in and the individual can finally act with clarity of mind and their soul is at last saved.

“No one needs to have to suffer continuously.  They chose to suffer by actively participating with those who are selfish and will in the end determine their downfall. 

“Don’t wait until it is too late.  Wake up and start to see the way out.  Once you are prepared to take that step of non cooperation towards the selfish, then the way out is always shown to you and liberation becomes the justice of the day!

“Learn and become activated!”
 Jenny Ayers

This Is a Wake Up Call for the Entire World! 29 August 2011

“This is for the attention of all those who are in the banking and stockbroking business.

“The wake up call is all around you.  Before you fall deeper into the pits of despair and uncertainty look to your own banking regulators, who have allowed fiscal dominance to go out of control.

“You have all systematically abused the system for your own ends only.

“The local man in the street has never had a chance to bring in an honest loan from your corporations.  The heavy, almost extortionate, interest rates have gone on long enough.

“The out of control speculative trading will begin to cease/phase out completely and there will be further falls in the markets until all are eventually on their knees.

“The notion that markets can and will recover is a pipedream.  All will systematically spiral out of control and a future flat line will be imposed.  You will all have to sit up finally and take notice.

“The Credit Crunch, which affected us all due to your sharp practice, has not swayed your demise.  You all continue to practice as if you are the only vehicles on this planet that has any right to do what you like with people’s hard earned money.

“No more,” came the loud reply.  “No more!”

“Start to see and believe now in a Universal Intelligence that will sort out matters in a more trustworthy and reliable way, where all must come to your knees before anything is ever taken seriously.

“The first bringing down of your institutions was not enough.  The Lever Brothers episode did not heed your methods.  You just continued thinking a recovery and a monetary boom was just around the corner.

“Well, when you are all on your knees and are at your wits end then, and only then, will we get your attention!

“The World will have to revise all its monetary operations and a New World Banking Corporation, which will incorporate all countries to invest money to bring about a Universal stability, where trading in the proper way can and will be monitored.

“Where interest rates will be reserved to those who are able to pay and at a rate that does not incorporate extortion.

“Other countries, who wish to be excluded, will not have the privileges of the various safeguards on these monetary policies.  They will be left out in the cold.

“The ideology of the New World Banking Corporation will see that currency stability comes into practice, where all will come to invest and the running of this bank will be run by the selected heads, who are honest and transparent.

“There will have to be strict new banking laws, which will be imposed.  Never again will there be reckless trading.

“Safeguards will be put in place, so that stability of the various currencies can operate in a freer market, where confidence that these various currencies are stable, because the right investments will already have been made.

“The sharp practices of these financial institutions will fall.  No more will you have other countries controlling other countries debts.  All countries must become accountable for their own debt and to start to put their own house in order first.

“See the decline now of so many financial institutions until reason is met and an understanding of new laws, which will be implemented to put these wayward practices out of work.

“This is not only a wake up call for country after country.  This is a wake up call for the entire world!
Jenny Ayers

Restore this Damaged Nation 13 August 2011

“All now must look to their own lives and in order to make peace and reparation for what is to come.  We now as a country, a Nation, can no longer afford to sleepwalk through life anymore.

“We all have been sleepwalking for far too long and so the corrupt, the greedy and the power crazy have brought disruption into our lives and into the very heart of our homes.

“We together must stand firm and outwit these parasites of humanity, who see it as their right to divide and rule against what is the right and true way of living in decency and honour.

“We must learn to oust out the corrupt and protect the weak from falling and to put together a united front of activity, whereby justice is brought back into our daily lives.

“It starts in the home, where law and order must be performed, where each and everyone must know their place in the hierarchy of that home.

“Where respect for the parents is given and where parents rule with a fairness and just hold.  It is by their example alone that breeds the next generation of either informed educated people or delinquents and the lazy that are the parasites of this state and Nation.

“We start in the home to bring about justice and where an acute understanding of how one must behave is instilled at a very early age.

“Before the child is two years old it already knows instinctively what is right and what is wrong.  Make no mistake, their minds are sufficiently adjusted to this concept.

“From this early age careful nurturing is needed to bring that child through their teenage years and then into adulthood.  If the job has been done well, then a good citizen is then born.

“If not, then you are aware of the consequences that one individual can muster to breathe fear and anarchy into this Nation and into this World.

“Those people who seek power and to destroy their fellow man have no regard for Mankind.  The seeds of goodness were never fashioned in childhood.  They were/became defective from an early age.

“Where goodness lies in the hearts and minds of an individual, it is because that individual has been taught that way.

“By demonstration, where goodness lies, it breeds goodness into others, into their souls and can be passed on through their example throughout the generations.

“We, as a people, must be educated ourselves, so that we can produce children who themselves can continue the goodness line.  So often we have taken our eye off our own responsibilities and now we all pay a bitter price for these mistakes.

“There are people out there who have so much hatred, so much anger, that they lash out at everything that is good and worthwhile , not because they necessarily want it, but to demonstrate their own position, which is one which is not healthy, which is damaged and is in need of repair.

“We, as a Nation, are now reaping with a vengeance all those whom we have harmed and injured over decades and now we have a breeding ground of people, who are contemptible towards their own kind.

“The Nation must start to learn to heal and sort out at the very roots, where we as parents and institutions have gone wrong, where politicians equally have taken their eye off the ball and where too much emphasis has been placed on unhealthy practices and where the people have suffered needlessly at the wrongful decisions placed upon them by respective Governments of the day.

“The wake up call for all of us is now.  It is NOW that Man must stand up and be counted, where every parent must look deep within and say, with hand on their heart, they have not only failed their children, but society also.

“Remember the corrupt, the greedy and the misaligned were all children once and where they were not handled in the proper way, where instruction was not forth coming, so the fruits of their irresponsibility were born.

“If you have supplied proper citizens in this land, then your job was well done – if you have not, then do not turn to the authorities to blame.

“Blame must start and end with yourselves and, from that tender age of two years old, where the forming of that character was born.

“Look now to rectify these situations, so that the right way of living in society is something to be cherished to be upheld, so that peace can finally be restored to this damaged Nation.
          Jenny Ayers

See a Structure Emerge and a Nation is Reborn 10 August 2011

“The wake up call has fully arrived for each and every one of us and that is to get our own house in order first before we judge the actions of others.

“It is our example and our example alone that are the lessons for our young ones to learn from – what is right and what is wrong and how to behave.

“Until respect is brought back throughout society on every level, then we are ultimately doomed from this day.

“We must start to understand the needs and the aspirations of the people and to learn the many lessons from the past, where respect for law and order was a natural thing.

“Where respect for teachers, doctors, the pillars of society were taken as the norm.

“Unfortunately we have collectively allowed a society to build up where common good manners for all are seen as odd or even weak.  It all stems from education, doing it in the right way and for the right reasons.

“Discipline starts in the home and must be adhered to.  The education of our children becomes the bedrock of society.  If it is left to its own devices, then children undisciplined run amuck.

“We are all in one way or another responsible if we put up with and allow bad behaviour to occur.

“The World now is in so much disarray that it needs an internal revolution to stop Man in his tracks before anything concrete and formidable can be accomplished.

“We all have a voice and it is with this voice that we must stand up and be counted.  The rights of the people must be heard, so that new laws and power is given back to the people to implement a more fulfilling society.

“Until we sort out this culture of ‘have to-day and pay for it tomorrow’ and it is addressed then nothing can change.  Until we as people stand up together and protect our teachers from harm and abuse by today’s society nothing will ever get sorted.

“Respect for the people must start in the home and that is where parents must act and bring about a new format of civilisation.  Television and the media should be censored in the violence and flagrant disrespect for the people.  They too must take much of the blame.

“American television curbed violence on their screens by the power of parliament as crime and violence was getting out of hand.  This had a profound effect on the viewing public and crime and violence decreased as a positive result of these measures.

“We also in this country allow our children to view the many ‘soaps’ and films where blatant disrespect is shown, so brainwashing our youth from a very early age.

“So much so they are immune to the shockability of it.  It has no impact anymore on their psyche.  They simply take it as the norm when in fact it shouldn’t be.

“We must be responsible as to what our children are exposed to and where necessary switch these televisions off.  Protection against the media sometimes is necessary.

“Authority in the home and respect shown as to what is right and what is wrong is the ultimate education that we all must adhere to in order for society to start again.

“We will as a nation turn this around.  We have to.  It has been too long now, decades in fact where we have systematically allowed situations to get out of hand by our own lackadaisical attitude, so we now reap what we have sown.

“The pendulum of not bothering, the ‘I don’t care attitude’, will now change and it will start to swing the other way.

“A harder, but fairer approach will be implemented, whereby all of society will need to think very carefully as to how to approach this new order of things.

“Everybody will be affected and everybody without exception will have to play their part.

“A simple thing like throwing litter on the ground instead of either taking it home and disposing of it or putting it into litter bins – again education is necessary.

“Now the tide of thinking, a further deep cleansing of society, will reach out and a more positive outcome will emerge.  The voice of the people will be heard and help for each other in the form of comradeship will develop.

“We can no longer fight as an individual and not be heard.  We have to fight collectively and be heard.

“Respect throughout society from the highest in the land must be seen to be squeaky clean, so that they are able to set the benchmark for us all.

“By their example and the law to act, so everyone will feel and see a structure emerge and so a Nation is reborn.
 Jenny Ayers

Do Not Part With Your Money Needlessly 09 August 2011

“It is now that everybody must look to their purse strings and adopt a more frugal approach to life.

“There has been too much spending on material things, where it has all too often not really been needed.

“We don’t need extra television sets and extra clothes and ornamental bits and pieces for our homes.

“The North American Indians used to have all that they needed and most was carried on their backs, on horses and sledges.  They never went without.  All their needs were met throughout their lives on this earth.

“It is in the knowing and the full realisation that we all actually do have enough that does surprise some people, who have an insatiable appetite to always want more.

“They will never truly appreciate what is really important in their lives until it is all lost to them and then the rebuilding starts again.

“Look to see what you need on the one side and then put the rest, the overflow, on the other.  You will see what you need is far smaller than what we have.

“The surplus is no longer required and can be given away if necessary.

“What is important here is to truly value what we have and to respect those things that have lasted throughout the many years of our lives – almost like faithful servants coming out of the closet when we need them.

“There is a constant deluge of adverts trying to make us think we need this, that and the other when in fact we don’t.

“It is always about buying the latest that pushes us psychologically to buy.  The advertising agents play on our weaknesses, so that we are expected to be like everybody else.

“Who actually needs this year’s latest model car when a two or three years old if not older can suffice fairly well?  Cars are made to last.  They are much more robust these days and reliable also.

“If you have a product that services you well, albeit television, car fridges and other machines, then be happy and hold onto them.  Do not feel pressurised into parting with your money needlessly.

“The supermarkets tease you into buying two for the price of one – more often than not it is food produce which is coming to the end of its sell by date and if you don’t eat it quickly it is casually thrown away, but you have parted with your money yet again.

“So do not feel pressurised and think before you buy, do you really need it?  If not your money will grow and be there for when you really are in need.

“The world now is going through a massive upheaval on so many fronts and we all need to check that what we have we truly cherish.

“Even our jobs must be looked at in a way that we who are employed are grateful.  We are needed and we serve a purpose.

“Learn to be happy with enough and try through these turbulent times to appreciate even those small reliable things.  All can become precious to us when we no longer have them.
 Jenny Ayers

How do we Evolve from Who we are to Being even Greater? 01 August 2011

“All of us learn to listen to our hearts and our instincts.  We all have dreams and aspirations.  Not all of us think we are able to achieve them, but it is through the daily trying that pathways are open to us, which before were not.

“If we are really serious about our dreams and aspirations for ourselves, then an energy of expectation starts to grow within us and around us making the necessary in roads to occur.

“We will be introduced to the right people and the right teachers, where it seemed almost impossible at one time, the impossible begins to happen.

“The more good things we manage to see about ourselves the more our destiny is revealed and a purpose, a drive to achieve, is made clear and functioning.

“Everything that is right will open up for us and to our surprise we are on our way.  It is a step by step process that can take any number of years for full achievement to be realised.

“Our job is not to give up on that journey of enlightenment towards our objective dream.

“Once all the knowledge and know-how has been put into place and when we are totally ready, the dream is then presented to us and the awakening along the way makes the reality happen.

“All of us can achieve.  All will obtain to a certain degree our dreams.  It is just in the process and how much we actually want it, then the impossible is able to manifest itself over time.

“The dream is our starting block to getting us on that road, which is so often our own destiny.  To be half-hearted will only produce a half-hearted measure.

“So be secure in the knowledge that full achievement for everybody, no matter who you are, is possible.

“People all over the world have managed enormous feats through many obstacles and much hardship.  They have all been steadfast in obtaining that dream and so they have achieved.  They always knew they would.

“Whatever the degree of achievement, be it total or small, is an achievement in ones own right.  By pursuing that dream it has ignited in us a spark to begin to notice who we are and what we can become.

“All of us have that power to do so.  Never doubt your own capabilities.  You will find you will astonish yourself and be the better for it.
           Jenny Ayers

The New Beginnings are All in Sight 26 July 2011

“It is now that Mankind must hold on as all the physical Earth’s turmoil descends on us, to throw away literally the old ways of the past and to become reborn into ‘God’s’ vibrant energies.

“For many it will be a very difficult/testing time indeed, whereby they must now throw away the shackles of the past and begin anew.

“For so many, these vibrations have been building up since the end of last year.  A few have already made it and are out in the sunshine of renewed strength and vigour – for the vast majority it is still to come. 

“So if you are thinking of quitting as the going gets tough, then think again.  It is a part of your path that each and every one of us must go through at some time or another.

“As the building up of these Earthly vibrations come to their crescendo, so many good things will at last be put into place and the better outcome for all of us is exposed and we are finally able to see our true pathway.

“So do not feel bereft or unloved.  Know that you are all taken tenderly through this process and begin to understand why all this had to happen now and not at any other time.

“The full force is now upon us and we all will be feeling shaken and a little out of sorts.

“Believe in the solid transition, as more evidence of renewed strength and determination to make a difference to your lives as never before becomes apparent.

“All of you will survive this transition and come out a more relaxed and invigorated person.  You will begin to finally see what is important in your lives and what is still relevant.

“For many, the removing of past hurts and failures will now be left behind, as they have no place any more in this new beginning.

“Shed absolutely everything that has been a burden to you and start to see a better way of living and learning.  We all have to adapt in one way or another and adapt we will. 

“The necessary help is always at hand to guide us through these transitions and for all of us to know it was necessary in order for us to become who we are truly meant to be and no longer a slave to the past.

“Be of good cheer.  The new beginnings are all in sight.  The experience is well worth it for all of us to survive.
           Jenny Ayers

When will We do Something about It? 18July 2011

“Whatever has happened to our decent society?  We have laws both spiritual and mans, yet so many are broken for the sheer hell of it.  Respect is no longer there.  Where has this all gone to?

“Selfishness is the order of the day and through the media, especially television, we are constantly being bombarded by people’s acts of selfishness and violent abusive behaviour.

“We constantly see on our screens that this behaviour is acceptable.  We are being brainwashed to such a degree that we almost become immune to it.

“Our senses are dull.  It is no longer shocking to us.  Why have we lost our way?  How far must we go until the full realisation finally hits us that disrespectful behaviour and abuse can no longer be acceptable in today’s society?

“We have all grown up with this media culture and hardly anything has been done to stop it.  We have the regulators, but even they have turned a blind eye to this saying, “This is the norm and people expect people to act in this way.”

“No,” is the short answer.  Until the people of this country and the world start to stand up for law and order and Mankind to fall back into line, where respect not abuse is finally back in our lives, we will continue to fall and all decent people will continue to suffer because of it.

“The society we have at present is as a direct consequence of what we have tolerated for so long – until more and more people stand up and object to this nothing of any use can ever be changed.

“The television soaps encourage bad behaviour night after night.  It is on our screens.  We allow this bombardment of disrespect and abuse to enter our homes daily instead of saying, “No” and switching it off.

          “We expose our children to it, so it becomes acceptable to them as a way of life.  Until we as a nation stand up and say, “This is unacceptable” absolutely nothing will ever change and this behaviour continues to spiral out of control in every element of our society.

“It is the many decent people of this nation and the world, who must have a voice and start to bring in respectful standards once again back into our lives.

“How far down the slippery slope of degradation must Mankind go to before something finally is done?

“Our society is plagued in so many ways.  The people must eventually stand up and ask themselves the question, “When will we do something about it?”

“The media themselves must help to take this lead and bring back decency into society and not allow it to be a case for sensationalism.

“They must accept their part in being responsible and to do the right and honest thing before it is too late.

“Our children deserve a better, more respectful way of life.  If we cannot see that then we are truly damaged and hope for us all is slim indeed.

“We now acknowledge the lead and by example voice our objections, so a gradual but effective turn around can finally be achieved and we can bring about a better society.

          Jenny Ayers

What We Owe Ourselves and the World at Large 12July 2011

“Recognise yourselves as powerful Universal energy forces and now begin to realise how you feel.

“Where there is a prosperity for love and wellbeing, then all who exude it will feel the benefit of it coming right back, so health, laughter, peace of mind all are in balance and life is truly beautiful.

“Where the powerful energy forces emit from yourselves, which are of a negative vibration of anger, pain, frustration, then the people will feel depressed, anxious and fearful.

“So the more the world’s population give out their outcome of anger and pain, the severer the outcome is felt by the population, who in turn also suffer.

“What we need is to remove these powerful heavy negative forces and replace them with the power of love and wellbeing, so that more and more feel at peace and pain is lightened and hopefully removed.

“None of us truly understands just how powerful we really are.  It is that invisible, but still tangible force that when en masse can easily upset our day either emotionally, physically or materially.

“Every aspect of our lives is affected, so in order to help us live in a safe and happy more stabilised way, we must start to change our mindsets and become more at peace, more balanced.

“This way we can neutralise the hostile vibrations being sent out by people whose state/condition will affect us if we let them.

“So every kind word, every cheery thought and word, will automatically transmit your power in a positive, but equally healing and harmonising way.

“So this will collectively grow and the entire world can begin to change and life will then take on a lighter hue.

“You not only owe this to yourself, but to the world at large.  Wellbeing must start with you!
          Jenny Ayers