Friday, 31 August 2018

No Institution, No Matter How Big or How Powerful, Can Escape Justice

“As the Catholic Church reaches an all-time low, people from all walks of life within the Church and out of it, are asking for justice to be seen to be done.

“No longer will the common man in the street put up with platitudes where no action was being taken.  The people want justice for the victims, who are still suffering and whose lives have never been the same.

“This cover up can no longer continue and it is time now that all the people within the hierarchy of the Church, who have been calling for justice as well as those lay people who have been crying out, are met in full.

“No longer can this be swept underneath the carpet.  This situation over decades needs to be addressed now!  Start to see the impetus growing, where there will be public marches and public demands for resignations from the very top down.

“The Catholic Church’s foundations are indeed crumbling.  They no longer hold any esteem within their own congregations or out of them.

“People and priests are leaving this institution, as their consciences will not allow them to face the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church a moment longer.  The wake-up call is now.  It is the people themselves who will demand justice for those victims, who have gone silent long enough.

“As we had the Ban the Bomb marches to ban this kind of sick perverted people to ever enter into the establishment again, the will people demand that no longer will there be a cover up and it will be down to the very top of the establishment to take responsibility.

“Circumstances are so hot, so painful that nothing can quash this rage that is now roaring.  Young innocent lives have been ruined and now it must stop.

“The Church is divided in two and it will be the morally higher souls who will now take the lead and overcome the many blockages placed there to secure the Church’s future.  They are being torn down and a new wave of people will determine the outcome.

“The whole foundation will be torn down and rebuilt on a better understanding that this will never be allowed to happen again.  The Catholic Church will lose its numbers and its revue as compensation to the victims will be paid out in record amounts.

“The victims themselves will have their days in court and begin to see justice done on a mammoth scale.  It cannot give them back their lives, but it can go some way into saving other innocents from being maimed in this way.

“A national outcry is already being mounted and it will extend globally over a period of time.  No institution, no matter how big or how powerful, can escape justice and that time is now!”
Jenny Ayers
Friday, 31st August 2018

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Miracles Happen to Us Every Day

“We never know when we will need courage in our lives, but when it is needed we all rise to the occasion in whatever fashion is required.

“Most of us think we are whimps when faced with adversity.  The hairs on the back of our necks go up and fear comes in, stopping us in our tracks.  Yet somehow, we seem to pull ourselves together and perform the tasks laid out before us.

“We, with much courage and conviction, strive through the ordeal and come out the other side, much to our amazement.

“During these times, we are always guided by a team of Spirit Guides and Archangels, who steer us through these adverse conditions.  Most of us are unaware of these invisible guiding hands that assist us along the way.

“It is only when we finally get through the ordeal that we remark at how well it went and that it was a miracle we actually got through it.  This is, of course, totally true as miracles happen to us every day, even though we are not aware of it.

“For those of us who are mediumistic, we can see ‘God’s Hand’ in every circumstance and how the outcome is so beautifully orchestrated.  We couldn’t have delivered it more perfectly if we had tried.

“All of us are guided daily.  None of us are ever alone and it is high time we all opened up to the invisible intelligence that is around us and saving us at every turn.

“The Church has no place in God as they are a business founded on their own criteria, which is to make them not only solvent, but thriving.  This way they can invest in their own longevity.  The congregation is their means to this end and so they cherish and guard their position ruthlessly to maintain their status quo.

“On the surface, they appear to be doing a service, but this is secondary to their own dominant role of self-survival.  Without the church, people would need to start thinking for themselves and become closer to God, as there would not be any interference or bias propaganda to fill their heads with nonsensical ideas.

“Many centuries ago before the church and religion existed, Mankind lived with their senses and the Spirit Guides were at one with Mankind, helping them to survive, showing them where to obtain food, water and shelter.  All those things we take for granted these days.

“So, we have lost the art of survival in our modern-day jungle of chaos.  It can be even harder to find the courage to go through ordeals, not knowing who there is around us to help us through it.

“Have we progressed with our senses to survive or have we lost that precious instinct, because we have become lazy and dull in those vital life-enforcing senses?

“Mankind must wake up and again become in tune with what is around us, so that survival and courage will no longer be a problem to us all!  We owe it to ourselves for a more problematically free life and where we can access the right help to guide us along the way.”

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 1st June 2018

Friday, 1 June 2018

Royal Wedding of Meghan and Harry

“The look of love between Meghan and Harry on their Wedding Day was unmistakable.  Both radiate a kind of love that sparkles with an energy field that has not been witnessed openly in such a manner for a very long time.

“There is an excited electricity, which will hold its power for all time.  Their light can never be diminished!  It is the light of unconditional love and it is rare to find it so strong and so giving to one another.

“This couple will be able to achieve through their love a mountain of tasks, which, to many, will seem impossible.  They are driven with a God-given mission to help change society for the better in whatever avenue is open to them.  They will succeed.

“Their high-profile status gives them an acute advantage over so many do-gooders.  They are not politically motivated.  They are socially driven and, more importantly, they are structured in their ideas and performance.

“All doors will miraculously open for them.  The world will soon come to see their achievements and they will be hailed as great in their own lifetime.  Like the Queen, they were born to do this work of service.

“Together their achievements will be high reaching and make positive differences across the world.  They will be recognised and acknowledged.

“Meghan and Harry are special because their God-given gifts are to heal humanity and to bring a light into the souls of others, where their light has dimmed.  Both have suffered loss and hardship in their own way and yet it is due to their service to others that has pulled them through.

“Both are admired as exceptional people in their own right.  Meghan worked in a soup kitchen when she was very young and she knew the first names of those who came, always giving comfort and support, going that extra mile to address the needs of others whatever that took.

“Meghan and Harry are spiritually led and will become shining examples for many others to take up the gauntlet and run with it.  As more individuals help others, so the world becomes a better place for all of us.

“The energy and help are given to us if we wish to strive to help others.  Nothing will be denied for us to accomplish our mission.

“It is in the helping of others that we also are helped when it is our time for that to occur.  All is reciprocated at the right time and nothing is left to chance.”
Jenny Ayers
Friday, 1st June 2018

Sunday, 6 May 2018

The World and Its People Need to Focus on Unification, Not Destruction

“To allow oneself to grow and to act differently, we must all take personal responsibility.  We must also recognise that we are not perfect in thought, word or deed.  We must learn to be more cautious, mindful of our actions and reactions towards others.

“We tend to be too judgemental of people around the world, forgetting that we are all linked with everybody.  We were created as spiritual beings and given a physical body.  That spiritual being was created by God in the next dimension.

“We are all made of that same material, which connects us with God and mankind alike.  We all suffer the same fears and have the same aspirations for ourselves.  We all need food and drink to survive.

“Now is the time to realise our connections and to put aside what divides us, but create a strategy that unites us and put those fears away of indifference and intolerance.  The world and its people need to focus on unification, not destruction.

“We have to raise above the petty hates and squabbles, acting and behaving like spoilt petulant children.  We have to realise that fear is a killer.  It is instrumental in so much unrest around the world.

“Politicians and world leaders have to come together to bridge those gaps of intolerance.  To seek a better pathway of understanding and acceptance if we are to continue living in this disorganised world.

“It is high time that the people of this world spoke out and not to necessarily accept the words of our world leaders, especially where diplomacy has failed.  We must all start to take personal responsibility and to put hate aside and all its destructive consequences.

“World leaders have got so many things wrong.  It is time the people collectively spoke out to put an end to social injustices happening around the world.  We must not be afraid of the bullet, but stand firm and united, so that peace for all is our unequivocal right to have.

“We can no longer tolerate the bully, but again stand firm, united to bring down those who stand to put us down so that they may reign and have power over us.  By taking responsibility collectively, we all can bring an end to so much disruption around the world.

“If the will is there, then changes can be made and maintained.  It is the people who must speak and be heard.  This can only happen when the rule of law is in place and administered by the people for the people.

“One or two nations do not control power over others.  United we stand and divided we fall.  It is no longer the case when mankind says we cannot get involved.  We are already involved by our connection to each other.

“If one person suffers that has an effect on so many others.  The ripple effect is already here.  By standing together, world opinion starts to grow and gather momentum.  The seats of power are weak when the people are strong and united.  The French Revolution is a testament to that.

“The media needs to play their part and by being impartial can make a substantial difference to change.  Unfortunately, governments control the media and so the truth of situations rarely comes out.

“So again, it is the people themselves through social media and the Internet that can bring change in order for wold opinions to be changed and finally rectified.  We, as global citizens, need to act responsibly and wisely and through this act of faith a new generation of world leaders will be found.

“Then finally the world can be saved against corruption and dominance of a few on the masses.  It is the people themselves who in time will be heard and reflection on their actions will be noticed finally.

Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 6th May 2018

Saturday, 31 March 2018

We Must Do Our Bit to Save This Planet from Plastic Pollution

“Every year 250 tonnes of mainly plastic waste is pulled out of the River Thames.  The Port of London Authority says this issue is getting worse year on year and is now having an impact on marine life.

“Plastic particles are found in nearly all major brands of manufactured bottled water.  This is showing that it is everywhere.

“Plastic has become such a pervasive material in our society.  Plastic particles have been found in seafood, beer, sea salt and even in the air.

“The latest work comes in amid growing international attention on plastic, which has been fuelled by David Attenborough’s Blue Planet 2 series on the dangers of plastic in our world.

“The screening for plastic involves using a dye called Nile Red to each bottle of water.  This technique was developed recently by British Scientists.  The dye sticks to free floating pieces of plastic making them fluoresce under light.

“Doing away with buying milk in plastic bottles and returning to the old ways of glass bottles would be a start in helping healthy bodies.

“Glass bottles can be sterilised and used again.  When the bottle’s life has come to an end after approximately thirty-five uses, then the glass bottle is recycled and a brand new one is made.

“We, as an international community, need to put pressure on our manufacturers to stop using plastics and go back to natural products like glass, paper & cardboard.  All of which can be recycled naturally and do not risk pollution to the environment.

“Packaging by order of Parliament needs to be addressed now and not to wait for another ten years, when worldwide figures run out of control.

“Nations have to come together to resolve these problems as we are all killing ourselves with pollution!

“We can, and all must, do our bit to save this planet for ourselves and for future generations to come!”

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 31st March 2018

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

We Are All Blessed and None of Us Must Forget This

“We are all one mind, all one experience, all joined together in everlasting love.  We are all true to ourselves in one way or another.

“Our Heavenly Creator gives us life and hope that we may excel in our chosen lives, where we learn who we are and with our strengths triumph in many different ways.

“All of us have our own missions to perform.  None of us have it easy and, in our own way, we are able to give ourselves an understanding of what it is to achieve and also fail.

“By failing we are picked up to start again, to see our own courage and triumph against the odds.  We are all survivors and accomplish what has already been set out for us to understand and to grow.

“Take this important time to reflect on the many achievements you have all made and where some of us have chosen a harder path over others who have not.  We are all loved for what we do and who we are without exception.

“We are in God’s light and protected to see what is important and what now needs to be discarded, so that we can follow our spiritual journey in which new challenges are brought to us.

“The more we grow and understand, so situations become right for us and we become uplifted in our sacred lives.  We are all blessed and none of us must forget this.”

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 28th February 2018

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

You are More Powerful than You Think

“There are times when you think that life is passing you by and appears to be difficult.  You feel as if you don’t have any power over what is happening to you.

“Any time and in any place, you can be the master/mistress of your own time.  You just need to take a conscience decision to do it each day.

“Become aware of your true priorities.  Your life does not choose you, but you choose your life.

“You have the time to reflect on what it is you want to focus on and prioritise that fact.  Make the necessary time for yourselves.  Be patient as to how you want to go about it.

“Leave adequate rest time to build up a reservoir of energy, which will allow you to do more in your already busy lives.

“Where necessary step off that treadmill of grind and go out into the garden or into nature, where natural elements re-charge your flagging bodies and minds.

          “Nature, which is all around you, restores balance into your hearts and minds.  It opens up the heart vessels and you feel re-charged and more able to do things, which before you could not.

          “Take a gentle walk and relieve yourself of the household burdens – they will always be there, you don’t need to make yourself a slave to them.

          “See what suits you.  This is a new year.  You are able to start afresh, anew.  You can all do it.  Be kind to you and learn to put yourself first instead of last all the time.

          “Breathe in confidence and know that you alone can change your life, if the will is there to do it.

          “You are more powerful than you think.  Set that time aside for you, as you deserve it now!”
Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 30th January 2018

Sunday, 31 December 2017

Flourish in Divine Love

“The message to all souls around the world is to be yourselves and be happy for what you already have achieved this year.

“2018 will bring in many new and inspiring surprises and these can only bring confidence to yourselves, as you see how well you all grow.

“To believe in you, is what is so important and to cherish who you all are – gifts from God, all unique, but powerful in your existence.

“Know that achievements bring much peace of mind and an inner strength that is yours for all time.

“To know that you are so special and so loved is important, because it allows us all to grow and flourish in divine love.

“Bless you all.”
Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 31st December 2017

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

It Is All Happening on Our Watch

“As the world is finding out about the daily atrocities of the Rohingya people, it is our role as citizens to keep the pressure up to expose this ethnic cleansing by Myanmar’s military junta.

“Ms Suu Kyi, who is still new in office, does not control the army.  Whatever her flaws, she is still seen as Myanmar’s best hope at the present.  Ms Suu Kyi is under pressure from abroad to set up a commission to investigate the abuses by the army on the Rohingya people.  This report is headed by a former general and is widely expected to be a whitewash.

“Pope Francis has delivered a keynote speech in Myanmar demanding respect for each ethnic group, but without referring specifically to its Muslim Rohingya community.  He has been criticised by the Catholic Church in Myanmar, who told him it could cause difficulties for the Catholics there.

“Myanmar has been accused of ethnic cleansing.  Some 620,000 Rohingya people fleeing to Bangladesh, who do not want them. The plight of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people is said to be the world’s faster growing refugee crisis.

“The UN has described the military offensive in Rakhine, province in Myanmar, as a text book example of ethnic cleansing.  The Rohingya people have their own language and culture.  They are descended from Arab traders.  They have been in the region for generations.

“The Government of Myanmar, a predominantly Buddhist country, denies Rohingya citizenship and have excluded them from the 2014 census.  They are not recognised as a people.

“Constant proof is coming out by whatever means of this ethnic cleansing.  It is time the world took action and supported these people.

“It is the constant traits of dictatorships around the world, that feel they have the right to kill, maim and abuse people they do not recognise as being one of them.  We citizens of the world must stand together and not accept these atrocities.  We call on global Governments to do their bit to save people.

“We simply cannot walk across the road and turn a blind eye to what is happening on a daily basis.  Are we human or just shellfish regarding our own comforts and because it is not happening on our doorstep?

“It is however happening on our watch!”
Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th November 2017

Sunday, 29 October 2017

There Are Always Angels About

“This world is not all bad and doom and gloom.  It is when we least expect it and when we are not looking for it that unexpected help is there and offered.

“A prominent man was looking for a way out of this life.  He had been suffering from depression over a long period of time.

“He felt no one understood him and even though he was getting professional help, it wasn’t enough or in fact wasn’t the right sort of help for his problems.

“He went missing from his home for quite a long time.  A national search was alerted and they couldn’t find him.

“While he was sitting on a beach contemplating how to do away with himself, a man came up to him, recognised his face and sat with him.

“The passing stranger, we will call an angel, urged this man to contact his family, who were desperately worried about him.  He had purposely left his mobile phone at home.

“This angel just sat and talked to this man and said he would not leave his side until the right help was given to him.  He would stay with him for as long as it took.

“The angel told him his best friend had committed suicide just two days previously and then he placed his hand on this man’s shoulder and cried.

“Shortly help came in the way of paramedics and where the National Health Crisis Action Team kicked in.  A new psychiatric appraisal was given and the new treatment plan found and administered.

“It is often in our darkest hours that unexpected help from nowhere comes in.  This man is well on the way to recovery and another soul is saved.

“Lessons always need to be learnt and people need to be heard.  The signs of depression are not always easy to recognise.  We must be vigilant in today’s stressed driven society.

“Fortunately, there are always angels about!”
Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 29th October 2017

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Make Your Lives Simpler and Restore Your Balance

“Always allow time for yourself.

“Time is always in short supply in our busy lives and stress is a main factor for fatigue and physical problems.

“We all owe it to ourselves to devote precious time, so that we can unwind and begin to feel normal again.

“We all try to cram in far too much in our lives instead of leaving matters for another day.  Miraculously, all situations work out in a designated timeframe, if we bother to allow for it.

“Taking time out to have a massage or having your hair done is a form of pampering, where we are completely distracted for a time and where our balance again becomes possible.

“A gentle walk in a park or to sit by water has miraculously healing properties.  That is why so many people head out to the seaside and are rejuvenated by the sea air, which clears our heads and thinking minds.

“Try to leave computers and mobile phones alone for a few hours – nothing that drastic will happen in a short time.  Life was so much easier without having a mobile phone always in attendance.

“We become slaves to technology and all those vibrations that they give off.  Release yourselves and feel better for it.

          “Embrace nature and its healing properties and restore your equilibrium – you know you deserve it.

          “Make your lives simpler and you will be able to restore your mental and physical balance once again.”

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 30th September 2017

Saturday, 26 August 2017

All in Time Achieve Their Destiny

“As everybody begins their journey into the unknown of life, now is the time to reflect on their past achievements and see just how far they have come.

“Every day brings more and more achievements to individuals.  They might not see it at first, but everybody is growing in mind and spirit.

“Even dull unexciting days are achieving days, where one deals with obstacles and wins through no matter how small or insignificant they appear to be to the individual.

“Nobody on this earth fails.  All get there in the end and all have to learn the lessons of life they were born to learn.

“Those who have had a hard life and have gone through what they feel is hell and back, all emerge the stronger for it.  This allows all to continue living, but in a more peaceful and contented way.

“They know they have achieved through hardship, pain and suffering and have come out the other side victorious. Peace of mind and body is restored and a greater awakening to the Divine Concept that drives them through.

“Everybody experiences times of great hardship and foreboding.  From that experience, they will then achieve great highs and see peace and tranquillity and success as being a part of their lives from then on.

“We all have to experience the good and the bad times.  It is only through going through these events that we can see just what we have achieved and what we have come through.

“The one thing we all know is that we will survive these ordeals and nothing is by chance.  Every day be thankful for what you have and what you have achieved.

“When you are ready and strong enough, so more experiences are given and where you then can see yourselves as great.

“All in time achieve their destiny.  It will never be too late and then you can rejoice in God’s plan for you.  It never fails and lasting contentment always comes in.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 26th August 2017

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Can We See the Higher Intelligence Working for Us?

“As we go about our daily lives, most of us are oblivious to the higher forces at work all around us.  We see that nothing much changes, so because we don’t see the little things happening all the time, we never pick up on a higher intelligence working daily for us.

“That convenient parking place that we needed, that dinner table at the restaurant just coming available for us.  A doctor’s cancellation, the dental appointment, which can see us on the day we need it.  Bills not being as expensive as we once feared.

“Several things on a daily basis to keep us going and with no hardship to you.  Daily, even hourly, we are looked after.  It is at times like these that we should thank our Creator for his unconditional love and where we are so protected on so many issues all the time.

“Of course, there are those who actively go looking for trouble and they will find it.  It is all up to us to listen to those guided words, where we can avoid trouble and live a risk-free life. 

“We all owe it to ourselves to think, listen and acknowledge and to do that rightful thing.  Then we are always looked after!”

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 25th July 2017

Thursday, 29 June 2017

We Owe It Ourselves to Start Today

There needs to be more integration in our society.  Long have local councils banded together, so that we get communities of one culture all together.

          For a nation to be more in sympathy and understanding of each other, we must integrate far more.  Fear comes in when we don’t understand each other and the various cultures that we have all over the country.

          English, the language of this country, must be spoken by everybody.  Foreign people take refuge in the United Kingdom, should all go for English lessons and this should be mandatory.

          In this country in the 21st Century, there are still many citizens who do not speak the language of English, yet have lived here for decades.  This stalemate situation needs to be changed in order for greater communications to evolve.

          Fear and anger are brought about because integration does not exist in many parts of the United Kingdom.  In many parts of the UK, integration of the cultures has taken place and this has shown to be successful.

          In other areas this has not happened and it has fostered a bad anger, fear and violence.  It is the responsibility of Government and local councils to bring about this transition.  This way fear and anger can be removed.

          It takes the responsibility of all UK citizens to band together and to assist in this matter.  It is no longer a question of them and us.

          We are all citizens of this once great nation and we need to come together in love and understanding and to embrace each other.

          Communication and understanding is at the very heart of getting to know one another and where we can all live in safety together.  We owe it ourselves to start today.

Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 29th June 2017

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

We Must Be Kind to Ourselves

The most important lesson for us all is to be kind to ourselves.

All too often we consider others above ourselves, leaving us feeling either left out or resentful that we don’t have the time or the inclination.

Sometimes we need a gentle push to set us on our way.

Time and space on ourselves is an essential ingredient to happiness and wellbeing.

So when time allows, and we must all make that necessary time, then we must see what is important.

In giving to ourselves, we are not being selfish, but good natured for all the hard work that we have already done to achieve matters for all.

Being kind to ourselves we are in turn uplifted and can give to others at a later date.

All needs to be in balance for us to benefit by the harmony of our combined energies.

Start to see that when we feel good, that goodness vibration seeps out to others, so as we gain, so others do as well!

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 30th May 2017

Friday, 28 April 2017

Think Before You Speak

The message to all of us must be, “Do not comment on another person’s life until you have walked in their shoes for at least a year.”

I often hear these days that one should do this or they should do that and then things/situations will turn for them.

When a person’s life goes so horribly wrong, often it is not that individual’s fault, but a series of lifelong circumstances against that individual bringing them close to even, at times, taking their own life.

It is only by being born into a life of problematic events that causes a soul from an early age to do what it needs to in order just to survive.  Never mind enjoying themselves, where for them that seems like an impossibility.

Many souls are struck down by debilitating illnesses or viruses where sheer utter exhaustion, both mentally and physically overcomes them.  They remain bedridden for years trying, each and every day, to just get out of bed and to wash and dress themselves, which takes all their strength and mental agility and there is nothing more left.  They become a spent force.

What actually is known is that we are always changing and situation/events never stay the same unless you are medically completely impaired.  It is in those changing times that miracles do happen and what is considered the status quo for the rest of their lives, new light is shone.

Health and medical emotional changes do happen and where souls finally see a light at the end of their tunnel.  Through the power of the Spirit and only at that right time, breakthroughs, which were not there before, become apparent.

          The individual can see their lives emerging out of a deadlock situation and they find themselves slowly being healed and life for them begins to change.

          It is that time alone that the individual is able to rise out of the ashes of despair and emerge into a more stable place of being.  This comes automatically to that individual soul and not because someone has thrown away a careless line that that soul should take themselves off for a twenty minute walk.

          When an individual is so broken by circumstances beyond their control and does not have the energy to even get out of bed, never mind do anything else.  Not because of laziness, but because of the debilitating circumstances, they don’t need to hear a twenty minute walk will do them the world of good.

          Clearly that individual has no concept of the suffering that sick person has gone through.  We are all guilty of making careless futile comments, but it is these comments that can have a profound bearing on individual suffering souls and put them in a greater/deeper situation of suffering and anxiety.

          It is five years since a careless Australian hoax call was made to a London hospital, where the Duchess of Cambridge was admitted.  The call pretended to be the Queen wanting to speak to her daughter-in-law.

          The nurse realised too late that she had made a mistake in putting the call through.  Such was her guilt and anxiety that she felt she had done wrong that she couldn’t live with herself and later she took her own life.

          The message is, “Think before you speak”, because circumstances can get out of control very quickly and distressed souls, physically, mentally, emotionally do suffer far more than the individual commentator realises.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 28th April 2017

Thursday, 30 March 2017

With Change Comes Renewed Energy and Optimism

We are all in the midst of massive universal changes and where life is now not as we know it any longer.  We are all seeing changes in the world and in our day to day lives, which are constant and in some cases can be a little unnerving.

Consider this, as we go through these changes we are in fact leaving the past behind and those old ways.  We are all embracing the now and the future coming tomorrow.  This is not a time for dread, but a time for upliftment and restoration.

No longer will the past life suit us.  We have all outgrown it and like this snail we must give up our shell and move on.

These life transformations can appear difficult during the time we are going through them, but when we finally come out the other side we are all grateful that we did that journey for we are restored in a better way.

          The shredding away of old habits, old thoughts and situations, is a step by step procedure.  We are all entering these phrases together, but at different stages of development.  Understand that we are not going through these changes alone.  We are always helped and guided along the way.

          Our Spirit Guides and helpers are walking this new path with us and they are fully aware of the fears and pains we are suffering.  They are the ones who tell us to take it easy, not to put too much pressure on ourselves to succeed quickly.

          After all, if a job is worth doing it is worth doing well and at a pace we can all comfortably manage.  Many of us get spiritual messages in our dreams or advice comes to us in a thought form and we are always steered in the right direction.

          Our lives are precious.  They are a God-given gift and we must appreciate all that is given to us.  Even those hard tasks to do we can collectively benefit all the time.  As we become stronger again, having gone through our transformations, life appears good again and not so much hard work.

          We are in a position to think more clearly and where we can start making decisions for our futures, which before seemed impossible.  With change comes renewed energy and optimism.  There is life after letting the past go and restored balance is finally there once again.
Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 30th March 2017

Monday, 27 February 2017

Release Yourselves from the Burdens of Hardship

Never doubt in the Spirit to help you on so many fronts, be it on health issues, financial or emotional.  Help is always there if you seek it or ask for it.

What is important here is seeing it for yourselves, where what was originally thought of as coincidences are in fact Spirit/God at work.

All of us have had paranormal experiences.  We all recognise it was not in our minds, but acts of God in so many ways.  We are always saved!

None of us know until we pass what actually awaits us.  Many believe there is nothing at all and this earth is all that really is.

          It is those people, who have encountered out of body or near death experiences, that talk about different worlds where that is the real being and earth is the illusion.

          The worlds beyond this one, where love is so powerful and where we are held in that Divine Love, changes our perspective once we return to this world again.

          We start to see things in a different way and our thinking and acting in this world is completely changed.

          For those souls, who have witnessed this phenomenon, all begin to help society in so many ways.

          They start to encourage people to think and act differently and to help them understand that we are never alone.

          All of us on this earth plane are watched and helped on a daily basis, where love is the healing agent, so that we are able to continue our lives here in this heavy atmosphere.

          We all have to endure hardship and deprivation at some time in our lives, so that when we are finally rescued by the Divine, we can understand the turnabout.

          So many people isolate themselves from the great Creator and feel enormous sadness and hopelessness in their lives.

          It is only by finally asking that the Hand of God comes in and the rescue package is given.

          Until we actually open up our hearts and start to believe in a Higher Intelligence to help us, so we will continue to flounder in our lives.

          Release yourselves from the burdens of hardship and embrace the Light of Understanding and wellbeing will then be a part of your daily lives.

You will be saved for all time!
Jenny Ayers
Monday, 27th February 2017

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Our Heavy Hearts of Despair are No Longer There

Many wonderful things are already starting to happen for all of us.  We are becoming stronger in the knowing that we are all being looked after. 

Our daily grinds are suddenly released and we are finding we are more in charge in how we perform than at any time before.

By learning to let go completely of the past, we allow space and energy to fill that void with better things.

          Emotionally we become more settled/stable and we are able to see situations in a clearer light.

          We are all in charge right now.  Nothing stays the same anymore.  Our emotional/mental strength is enhanced to see the bigger picture and what our new roles in life now are.

          We are all making the necessary decisions to move on and to bring about a new way of life, which we are all ready now to embrace.

          The old life is being replaced with new ones and where we are all striving forwards to accomplish our dreams.

This year is geared up with its new vibrational energies to bring about these changes, where we can all start again and release those impossible dreams.

With the right mental application and the right vibrant energies coming in, there will be massive differences to our lives.

We are all collectively going forwards, where success overcomes hardship and where a lighter, but more robust, outcome now comes in.

Our heavy hearts of despair are no longer there, as we are carried on to pastures new, which are productive for us all!
Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 31st January 2017

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Break Down the Barriers of Ignorance

It is now that people should start looking to their futures and to see how best to change them for the better.  Too many of us have been complacent, leaving it to others to do all the hard work for us. 

The wakeup call is now/today, not tomorrow or the day after.

We must all make a concerted effort to become positive and proactive in our lives.  This way the positive energy fields are raised up allowing special, but necessary, good circumstances to occur out of the old.

We are all progressive human beings, our minds evolving at a natural pace, where we can see progress all around us.

          Nature does not stop.  It repairs itself while in a dormant position, only to burst out with renewed life in the spring and summer.

          Nature is constant, always repairing, always thriving in one way or another – the sequel of events necessary to establish itself.

          We, as humans, must do the same.  Forge ahead, replenish ourselves and grow.  We owe it to ourselves not to stagnate.  When stagnation occurs, things go rotten and can die off.

          Our human minds are the engines to our bodies, without the driver the vehicle cannot go anywhere.  It remains stationary.

          We are educating and evolving our minds all the time.  With knowledge all things become possible and in some instances even barriers are broken down and greater achievements are made.

          The human mind cannot stop evolving.  It is programmed that way to constantly receive and deliver messages.

          As we progress down our spiritual paths, new learning is required and where we all can have a greater insight as to what is possible in our lives to come.

          We break down the barriers of ignorance and fashion a new broader philosophy, where change to our earthly beings must happen and where positive thoughts bring about positive actions and so progression can become lasting and productive in all our lives together!
Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 29th December 2016