Sunday, 6 May 2018

The World and Its People Need to Focus on Unification, Not Destruction

“To allow oneself to grow and to act differently, we must all take personal responsibility.  We must also recognise that we are not perfect in thought, word or deed.  We must learn to be more cautious, mindful of our actions and reactions towards others.

“We tend to be too judgemental of people around the world, forgetting that we are all linked with everybody.  We were created as spiritual beings and given a physical body.  That spiritual being was created by God in the next dimension.

“We are all made of that same material, which connects us with God and mankind alike.  We all suffer the same fears and have the same aspirations for ourselves.  We all need food and drink to survive.

“Now is the time to realise our connections and to put aside what divides us, but create a strategy that unites us and put those fears away of indifference and intolerance.  The world and its people need to focus on unification, not destruction.

“We have to raise above the petty hates and squabbles, acting and behaving like spoilt petulant children.  We have to realise that fear is a killer.  It is instrumental in so much unrest around the world.

“Politicians and world leaders have to come together to bridge those gaps of intolerance.  To seek a better pathway of understanding and acceptance if we are to continue living in this disorganised world.

“It is high time that the people of this world spoke out and not to necessarily accept the words of our world leaders, especially where diplomacy has failed.  We must all start to take personal responsibility and to put hate aside and all its destructive consequences.

“World leaders have got so many things wrong.  It is time the people collectively spoke out to put an end to social injustices happening around the world.  We must not be afraid of the bullet, but stand firm and united, so that peace for all is our unequivocal right to have.

“We can no longer tolerate the bully, but again stand firm, united to bring down those who stand to put us down so that they may reign and have power over us.  By taking responsibility collectively, we all can bring an end to so much disruption around the world.

“If the will is there, then changes can be made and maintained.  It is the people who must speak and be heard.  This can only happen when the rule of law is in place and administered by the people for the people.

“One or two nations do not control power over others.  United we stand and divided we fall.  It is no longer the case when mankind says we cannot get involved.  We are already involved by our connection to each other.

“If one person suffers that has an effect on so many others.  The ripple effect is already here.  By standing together, world opinion starts to grow and gather momentum.  The seats of power are weak when the people are strong and united.  The French Revolution is a testament to that.

“The media needs to play their part and by being impartial can make a substantial difference to change.  Unfortunately, governments control the media and so the truth of situations rarely comes out.

“So again, it is the people themselves through social media and the Internet that can bring change in order for wold opinions to be changed and finally rectified.  We, as global citizens, need to act responsibly and wisely and through this act of faith a new generation of world leaders will be found.

“Then finally the world can be saved against corruption and dominance of a few on the masses.  It is the people themselves who in time will be heard and reflection on their actions will be noticed finally.

Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 6th May 2018

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