Saturday, 26 December 2015

The Sky’s the Limit if You Make the Grade

A new life with new beginnings will satisfy all those who deserve this transition.  It is important to realise that not everybody can or does go forwards in the right and proper way.

It is only those who have made the transition to release themselves from the negativity of their existence that they can fully benefit and stride forwards in ways not thought possible before.

New, unexpected revelations will be on offer to allow for further openings of transitional worth.

This will allow for new opportunities not first thought of to transpire and the journey can begin in a far more robust way.

For life to move on, many decisions of soul searching must come in and where the individuals are ready to release the past in order to embrace the future.

Many will fall by the wayside, as they haven’t made full enough reparation of their transition to occur.

For those who have, the skies the limit and they will all advance at a very quick pace.  Nothing can or will stop their growth, their happiness and their security.

They all will have made the grade.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 26th December 2015

Friday, 27 November 2015

Violence In Any Form Is Unacceptable

The people of this world need to stand up and be counted.  Too many Governments are steering their people in the wrong way for their own self-interests and not for humanity and the moral code of conduct we all aspire to live by.

          It is up to the people of this world to protest in their own way to address these matters.  We are so blinkered by wrong media exposure that we come to realise that we don’t know the right way to act/perform any longer.

          Until violence is off our screens in a formidable way and also taken off from the way children play their games of extermination, then we breed violence in our society and think this is normal behaviour.

Children with their video games, blowing up creatures and undesirables, teach children that violence is the only answer to deal with these situations.  This then consumes their subconscious minds and violence is then enacted in the home, schools and other places.  It becomes accepted as everyday life.

Our television soaps, with the bad behaviour that comes into our living space, are a case where further damage is secreted in.

We, as a society, must start to recognise the violence that is out there with teenage killings on the rise daily.

In order to bring back society into thinking life is different and that not everybody is hostile or aggressive and where kindness, love and consideration for all is possible.

Aggression in every way breeds aggression and violence.  Our daily exposure to it by the media and the news erodes our own sensitivity and we become unfazed by the many horrors we see on our screens.

          What is this world turning into?  Have we, as humankind, lost all sense of decency and compassion for others?

We must self-censor and instruct our children and young people that violence in any form is unacceptable and that love is the only way forwards if we are to survive at all!

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th November 2015

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

How Positive Thinking Does Create Fulfilment

The power of the mind is so incredibly strong and powerful it decrees our wellbeing and our state of mind at any given time.

For good things to come in, it is always important to control our thoughts into positive energy vibrations.  This energy promotes what we need in our lives to sustain us in various ways.

We are uplifted by our own positive energies that allow for events around us to change when necessary for our own good.

To wish to dream about achieving great things, in whatever way, is the driving force by our minds to become what we believe truly is our destiny on this earth.

As Winston Churchill from a very young age always knew he would save Great Britain and so his mind was fixed in that mode to achieve his destiny.

As with all souls, we have our ups and downs.  This is what life throws at us to see how we react.  Will we rise above it or will we fail?  Our mission in life has always been to strive and to obtain personal fulfilment to ourselves and never to think we are incapable of anything.

It is our minds which are the driving force and smashes through barriers, so that we can obtain our many goals in our lifetime.

It is truly high time we left the sad old me behind thinking we are finished and unable to survive and to be successful.

By thinking positively we create for ourselves a different type of energy, which becomes far-reaching, more powerful and allows us all to breakdown those negative energies, which plague us all at different times in our lives.

We must all start to utilise this strong mind power, so that we are able to strive forwards in a more determined way.

The singer Liza Minnelli had a severe back condition.  Her physicians said she would never walk again, that she would be bedbound for the rest of her life.

Her reply to her physicians was, “I am not accepting your diagnosis.  I will not accept your verdict of events.”

It was her will alone that she created in her mind to start moving her body, her legs and, only by the power of her mind, was to recover and not only stand up again, but to walk and finally to return to the stage fully recovered to perform, dance and sing again.

We must all take heart and use the power of our own minds to determine our futures in ways we might never have thought possible before.

We are all spiritual people and our minds are inexorable with the power that we all have.  Never doubt in it!  It is by using it for the good that allows us to strive forwards and to change events and circumstances that hold us back in our lives.

It is by our own belief in ourselves that we create the conditions we find ourselves in.

Please think positively to allow for a positive outcome to occur and to become a winner and a more fulfilled person once again.

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 28th October 2015

Monday, 28 September 2015

By Our Actions We Are Known and Remembered

As we go into the early stages of autumn, we start to see that this year, as with others, has gone very quickly indeed.

What have we done with our lives to make the necessary impact, not only for ourselves, but to others around us?

By us all doing our bit to support family and friends, we are assured we have done all that we were able to do in making their lives better in the years to come.

We all must in our own way put down solid foundations of love and support, so that we become stronger and more forward thinking in our own progress in this life on earth.

To find the Holy Spirit is not to go to the many services that the Churches provide, but to be in the still private space, where we allow ourselves to be.

It is in these special places, where quietness allows our minds to become receptive to the words of God and the Holy Spirit.

It allows us to hear in our own minds what it is we need to do and how we will always benefit from this Holy advice.

We, as human beings, are so loved and so cared for, that it is time we started to acknowledge that love is all around us, encouraging us to do the right things.

By our actions we are known and remembered.

Words of kindness are often appreciated at the time, but it is those demonstrations of kindness, especially in times of need that will remain with us for all our lives.

By doing great acts of kindness, when it is our turn in need, so a complete stranger or someone you hardly know, will act to support you.

What you have given in the past is returned to you in your hours of need.

Love transcends all things and is the very essence that keeps us alive and well.  So we need to make sure we not only learn to love ourselves, but those around us, who are always greatly in need!

Jenny Ayers
Monday, 28th September 2015

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Brighten up Someone’s Day

As the world keeps on turning around and no progress appears to be happening, there are actually striking changes happening in the world that affect us all.

We are beginning to see situations now changing, where Mankind is seeing his own mistakes in so many ways.  Mankind is trying in his own feeble way to rectify the damage they have all imposed on others.

Diseases are being rectified by countries and pharmaceuticals companies are beginning to work together and pull resources to combat diseases which affect us all.

They are no longer looking as costs, but on how they are able to join together with their own products to bring about drugs, which can eliminate diseases that affect the poor.

The common good is what this is all about and it is when problems arise that we all need to pull together to help to ease suffering amid devastation.

None of us are alone and it is this combined effort that raises those who have reached rock bottom to find a better life for themselves and then they are able to put back into society.

If nothing is ever done, the weak only get weaker and will eventually pull down the strong.  The strong will have nowhere to run and succeed on their own, as they need the rest of humanity to keep them up and running.

Without the infrastructure of manpower, none can survive alone and will eventually drop down and die.  We are all interdependent upon each other in so many ways to be able to survive these days.

It is in our food, which farmers toil long hours each day, so that we may have food to eat.  It is in our water supply.  None of us can live without fresh water, which many of us take for granted by getting it out of our taps.

Our roads and methods of transport, all are needed to work efficiently to give us the means to travel in our daily lives.  Again we all take these for granted.

Our medical profession work hard to keep us healthy and strong and to deal with the many illnesses we get from stresses in the modern world.

Until we all start to realise that without each other doing our bit for humanity, nobody can survive for long.

We must pull together in whatever way we can to bring about a better society, a better world, where we can trust in our freedoms, but where we must learn to understand another’s point of view.

None of us anymore can afford to make mistakes, as they have far-reaching consequences, which means that making matters right for all of us takes more time and effort and is needed to make a difference.

Every action that is good counts and all who make small efforts are needed, otherwise nothing will change.

It is all about how you treat other people and not how many people you have power over.

Spreading some kindness can go a long way in making this world a better place.  Think about the time when someone did something unexpected for you to brighten up your day.

When we all receive kindness and support, we are sending out a special kind of message and this will always brighten up someone’s day.

Every single thing that we do makes a difference and automatically we become that better person and are able to help others.

Collectively, as we all work together, things on a massive global aspect does actually change and things for the common good can be achieved.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 29th August 2015

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

As We Help Others, So In Our Turn Are We Helped

There is a need to think one’s life through and to re-examine where we have gone wrong.  We need to try and make amends for our peace with others, however long it takes.

Our behaviour, good or bad, is recorded by the Spirit Realms, daily even hourly and, as we behave, so our transgressions are viewed at from every angle.  We must see that how we act affects others, either in a positive or a negative way.

For most of us, who have our fellow man at heart and where love is behind all our actions, then many will benefit and be thankful that they have us in their lives.

We would bring in support and happiness and, for many, a source of inspiration where wellbeing is at the very heart of what we do and say.

For those who operate in this way, much is given back to them by Spiritual Law.  If they are kind and considerate to others, so kindness and consideration is returned to them, not necessarily from the same person, but from other sources, so what we give out is returned to us when it is needed at the appointed time.

Many in the world are suffering great hardships, both here at home and abroad, yet in the midst of misery there is always a helping hand, which comes in to guide and protect us.  We are held up by Spiritual Forces that are sent in to aid us in our hours of need.

Miracles and strange happenings occur, where assistance is given from apparent strangers for no charge.  It is just because they have their fellow man’s wellbeing at the very heart of what they do.

We all have been helped by complete strangers in one way or another, who just happen to appear at a disastrous moment in our lives and they become our saving grace at that time.

To those many souls, we say a mighty thank you for saving us.  With that in mind, there will come a time in our lives when we will be called upon to assist in a mission of mercy and, as we were helped, so it is our opportunity to guide and help complete strangers, who we see are in trouble and will need a helping hand at that time.

So life goes on in a constant cycle of receiving and giving and so we are observed daily.  Did we come up to the mark when we were needed or did we walk away on the other side and ignore our collective human responsibilities?

We are all on this earth to serve others, as ‘The Lord and Master Jesus’ serves us daily.  It is by ‘His’ example that we must follow suit and it is the right way to live after all!

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th July 2015

Monday, 29 June 2015

Female Revolution Is Happening Right Across the World

As the world appears to be crumbling all around us, there are pockets of growth and productivity.

Women in particular are now fighting back and they are refusing to give in to the aggression of men.  They have found a will to live and it must be on their terms or not at all.

No more will women remain subjected to an aggressive force.  Women’s ways have become subtle but forthright and they remain in control once they have mastered their own inhabitations and lack of self-worth.

A new confidence, a united front of sisterhood in all aspects brings the women of today in a much better position to create changes for themselves and for the children that they bear.

No longer are they putting up with the narrow stagnation of life that their mothers and grandmothers had to put up with.  Women are becoming liberated in an unprecedented way.

They are voicing their opinions and are able to rectify so much damage, which was caused by the old ways that their mothers had during that time.

This then changes the dynamics and it introduces new concepts in relationships between husband and wife.  Women are becoming more outspoken, more objective in their thinking and in how they bring up their children.

The mistakes by past female generations have no place in the modern world.  The Internet with its information allows education for the masses and makes women take control of their minds as well as their bodies.

The entire world over the voices of women is changing the family dynamics and where education of women becomes the major turning point to their lives and to their salvation.  No longer do they need to be subservient to men.

No longer is marriage the only way out for women, as at last they are able to stand on their own two feet and fight for their right to live as they see fit.

The female revolution is happening right across the world and, even in the Eastern countries, the liberated women are fighting for their rights.

No longer are they silent.  All are being heard in one way or another and it is high time they see themselves as equal contributors to this life, as has always been their birth right.

Countries around the world, who belittle women and use them as chattels, will find that policies are now changing.

Mutual respect by all genders for all genders must be achieved, so that peace can come to society and where so many bloodbaths around the world will diminish.

The more women that there are in power the less wars will erupt, as women have a different way of reasoning power and are more forgiving and compassionate.  They are able to see the bigger picture and the consequences that male aggression brings.

The world is changing and women are now emerging more in the top positions, where fairness takes the centre ground and where reasoning powers are introduced when situations appear stagnant.

More women believe in their own power and, as this happens, they can begin to play significant roles in the unrest of this world.  Their help is badly needed and long overdue!

Jenny Ayers
Monday, 29th June 2015

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

It Is In Our Hands to Change It

As we find ourselves in the world with so much unrest and uncertainty, take heart that there are situations all over the world, which are changing and where benefits are being delivered to those who seek them.

We are all connected to each other and if one person is suffering hardship or inner turmoil, others too are affected and brought down by those negative energies which surround them.

The power of these negative energies is so great, so severe, that it can render a person or people completely helpless and almost paralysed by the strength of it.  It is only when a person is actually living in that kind of an environment that one can see the harm and the debilitation that it can cause others to suffer.  They become physically and mentally ill.

It is only by taking personal responsibility for oneself to separate from this negative environment that will allow for a safe passage of strength to be given and where healing on a massive basis will be delivered.

It is then that joy and peace of mind can automatically come in.  It is as if one’s very soul is crying out for the breath of life and where sanity comes to the fore.  By taking personal responsibility for oneself, then a true life is returned and restored to us and then life starts to feel worth living once again.

We all owe it to ourselves to move on and out of an environment that is stress related and where we alone must make that decision to save ourselves and those around us, who are equally affected by the negative vibrations caused by a person or conditions.

The Spirit Guides and helpers, who are entrusted in helping us to have peace and tranquillity, will always assist us in taking the right course of action, for it is out of love for us that they wish us to remain whole, balanced and secure at all times.

It is out of love for us that they will administer to our needs, once we have acknowledged that we actually want ‘out’ of this pain and suffering.  Once we have moved on and out of the situation, then we are free to administer to our needs without being hampered by external forces that wish to undermine us and whose will imposes directly against our own.

Life need not be uncomfortable and painful.  We can rectify these situations by saying to ourselves that we are not prepared to put up with these conditions any longer and so the path to peace is shown to us and other opportunities for personal advancement is given and appreciated by all.

Know that none of us are alone and we are all helped if we chose to ask and where a better life out of the ashes of despair becomes possible and is born.

Happiness and peace of mind is our right to have and it is only in our hands to make that initial move forwards.  We can all remove ourselves from the clutches of negativity and into the positive environment, where situations flourish and grow.

Then we become optimistic and energised once again and where life can be fun and adventurous, as we are no longer held by the stranglehold of negativity.
Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 27th May 2015

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Compassion and Understanding for All

The message today is to look after the young in this world.  So many are homeless, abused and demoralised by adults, who cause a destructive life and where these young souls see no way out for themselves or for those whom they care deeply about.  They see the destruction of life in their midst and feel powerless to act or even to escape these horrendous situations.

As adults, we are responsible for their safety and wellbeing, their education and their very survival to make sure they are loved and nurtured and to respect them as human beings and not just as our slaves or chattels when we chose to used them as such.

In war torn countries, many of the young are cut off from schooling and a support system and what we would consider to be a normal life.  Something they can only dream about, but is not normal to them anymore.

Collectively there needs to be more done to save them as tortured and tormented young souls, who become damaged young adults with all the hatred and anger that goes with it.  As we sow, so shall we reap and all Governments have a responsibility to their young people if they wish to have a strong and robust next generation to fill their shoes when they pass on.

We must be mindful as to what we are teaching our young ones.  Is it to love or is it to hate?  All over the world, in every environment and in every class structure, we are destroying our young people with our thoughtless ways and their sufferings show up with the upheaval and violence on our streets and in our homes.  Teenagers in gangs feel more love from their peers than from their own families, who do not understand their pain and suffering.

We, as adults, can no longer walk blindfolded in this fog of chaos and uncertainty.  We have to come together and, with the right instruction and love, reduce the bitterness and harm that adults have already inflicted.

There is a saying on a packet of cigarettes, which comes with a Government Health Warning, ‘cigarettes can damage your health’.  So the same should be said of parents, who also damage many children from a very young age and continue to inflict this damage right through to adulthood, as if they have a right to do so.

The world and the life is no longer a happy place with so much suffering being inflicted on a daily basis.  Situations need to change and we all collectively need to take our responsibilities more seriously to avoid the destruction of these precious souls and to help them attain a more stabilised environment with heart and love at the very basis of life itself.

Special unified Spiritual Forces are in place to bring an end to suffering and where situations appear to be in a stalemate situation, barriers are being forced down and then dialogue is being administrated where before there was none.

Whole countries are in denial of the atrocities that they inflict on their subjects and especially the young, who oppose their ideas.  This now is being turned and where the truth of atrocities has irrefutable proof; there can no longer be the convenient denial.

Situations need to change.  It can no longer be swept under the carpet and ignored.  We all must stand up for what is right and to rebuild humankind in a better, more freer way with compassion and understanding for all as is their right!

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th April 2015

Sunday, 29 March 2015

All Mankind Must Benefit and Not Just the Privileged Few

The main thing that this world needs is the right leadership and where love for one’s fellow man and the environment is at the heart of their agenda.

There are too many wars and too much testosterone in the environment that is making this planet sick to death, quite literally.

There are too many institutions that are ruled over and dictated to by those who hold the purse strings and command the way they are run by their rules alone.

This has caused many injustices in this world, with the UN failing miserably to assist in war torn countries.  The UN Security Council is also being dictated to by those whose interests are such that they will not see progress made, but only what they are commanded to do all the time.

Until there is leadership with qualities that abide by the law and not for personal gain all the time, we will continue as a society worldwide to fall dramatically.

Millions around the world, who are law abiding citizens, have lost their faith in Governments and institutions, who deal with their own agenda and not what is right for the people as a whole.

Too much greed and selfishness is the main answer to so many problems and where people who are innocent have no recourse when great conglomerates have all the power.

Until there is a rebalance in this world, we will continue to be dictated to by irresponsible Governments and politicians, who wish to feather their own nest over what is morally right.

Many souls have lost their way.  They see no point in doing things right and acting fairly, as they feel they have been given a raw deal and that society no longer wants them or even cares.

We must look for leadership from those who have had to experience hardship and suffering and through that suffering have become humble and contrite, whose wish is to promote harmony and the wellbeing in others.

It is these alone who know of the suffering of Mankind first hand and because of their experience can make a difference for Mankind as a whole.  For it is with that experience of pain and suffering that they can be a source of light and understanding and, with the right help and guidance, are able to change the course of history and make a difference to this world.

Those who have lived in the splendour of privilege have no understanding of the hardships of others and never can do.  Their approach to suffering will be different, as they cannot understand what is it like to go without, not even having food to eat to survive or to be so cold they could nearly die of hyperthermia.

All of us must stand together in God’s light and love and to begin to help each other for the Greater Good, while we pray for an enlightened one, who can make the necessary changes to Mankind and who has the guts to stand up and challenge those who are in authority and still do nothing.

It is the collective voice of the people of this world, who will make that difference.  It is they who brought down the Berlin Wall and it is those who now must rise up again and challenge authority to lead us and not allow others to just feed their own interests.

The power of the people globally is the strongest voice of all and together they can change Governments and policies, which are purely money driven and not goodness driven.

It is with this right moral intention that help is given from a Higher Source and situations, which were once in deadlock, begin to unravel and a greater cause is formed. 

This is where all of Mankind will benefit and not just the privileged few.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 28th March 2015

Friday, 27 February 2015

Provide What Is Right and Decent For Our Children

 The task that we are entrusted in, is the welfare and security of our children.  They are gifts from God and if we abuse that trust we will have let them down and the Almighty in whom we have been given that trust.

We all must do our best to provide what is right and decent for our children and, by example we must lead them on to find their own paths, having instructed them in right living and thinking.

Today in this modern world, where the Internet plays such a large part of our lives, our children are more vulnerable than ever, even in our own homes.  Their online chat lines expose them to predators that are waiting to engage with them and to expose them to many things, which can remove their innocence in no time at all.

It is up to us to interact with them and to allow them to see the ways in which abuse does present itself.  No one, who has an account, is completely safe and, where children thought they had friends on their sites, they found this was not always the case.  Their own friends can and do abuse them with on-site bullying and harassment.

The predators and cyber bullying is more prevalent then we realise and so we must all be vigilant in our protection of those we love and who are vulnerable.

Children, who are bullied, often become withdrawn and angry, flying off the handle for no apparent reason. 

Cyberbullying is worse than physical bullying, because they cannot see their attackers.  It becomes a faceless crime and therefore easier to get away with it.

It is up to us, as parents and responsible adults, to protect our children and by going to the schools and colleges, even the police, situations can turn around for the better.

Help is out there and with our support and love we can return joy to our children once again and assist them in restoring their self-esteem and confidence.

We owe it to them to do our bit and protection is very much needed in this day and age, but in a different way than when we were young, but still required!

Love always finds the way!
Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th February 2015

There Has To Be a Stop to This Injustice

The rights of people to live in dignity in this day and age is not possible in places like India, where a class system that was devised by the British in the 1800’s, still exists today.

For those who are upper class or caste, as the terminology states, they are well off and can obtain better positions and a way of life to dream for.

Those who are at the other end of the scale, the Daltis or low caste people, are continually held in their place, which is the gutter.

Work that comprises of manual scavenging is the cleaning of human waste by communities considered low castes.

Although it is illegal in India, the caste systems still operates today, so nothing has changed for over three hundred years.

The villages that are of the low caste order devise the manual work that needs to be done.

That work consists of cleaning the gutters, cleaning excrement from the roads and toilets, cleaning the village and removing any rubbish.  It is the caste system that will not allow then to obtain anything better to do.  These people are denied their dignity.

If the men of the village do not send out their women to clean the toilets, the village council workers will beat them up.  They would even beat up the men if they stop the women doing this work.  They will not let them live in peace.

A woman, who studied commerce and banking and was well educated, was looking for work and could not find any.  The village council hired her to clean toilets, because she was from their community.

The manual carrying of human faeces is not a form of employment, but an injustice akin to slavery.  This is one of the most prominent forms of discrimination against Daltis and is central to the violation of their human rights.

Until we, as a human being, do not see the injustice of this then what is the point of it all?  We must begin to stand up and announce to the world that this kind of behaviour is no longer acceptable towards Mankind.

There has to be a stop to this injustice, as it was with slavery from Africa to North America and Gt Britain at that time.

We are all human and are all equal in the eyes of God, but sadly still not by Mankind.

We are all part of this world and all have a right to live with dignity.  We need to act and protect those whose voices can never be heard and where abject misery continues, because we have learnt to ignore it.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th February 2015

Friday, 30 January 2015

It Is Our Time Now To Thrive

As new fruits begin to arrive on our doorstep and into our lives we will be so pleased and so happy that we did not desert our post or our hope in life.

Out of the ashes new life is born and out of many hopeless situations new avenues seem to spring out of nowhere.  It is these new paths that we all need to take and to bring in a different structure to our lives in order for us to go forwards and to thrive.

Never has there been a time where positive situations now start to turn our way and bring in results we never thought possible to see in our life time.

Many have had to make drastic cut backs and economise on their life styles.  Now, with vibrational influences coming in to rescue us all, these economising aspects need no longer apply.

Start to see the turnaround of events and begin to see the necessary changes happening all around us especially for our benefit.

There is a time to rejoice and being able to do things, which before were out of our control and now can be resolved in so many different ways.

Life is all about love and hope, where we can begin to laugh and find fun in our lives, where before that seemed like an impossible dream.

We will all be given the strength and upliftment to take on these amazing challenges, which were not there before, but are now there for us to enjoy at long last.

Remember, we are all blessed and it is our time now to thrive and to see God’s helping hand in so many different ways for our futures.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 30th January 2015