Friday, 27 February 2015

There Has To Be a Stop to This Injustice

The rights of people to live in dignity in this day and age is not possible in places like India, where a class system that was devised by the British in the 1800’s, still exists today.

For those who are upper class or caste, as the terminology states, they are well off and can obtain better positions and a way of life to dream for.

Those who are at the other end of the scale, the Daltis or low caste people, are continually held in their place, which is the gutter.

Work that comprises of manual scavenging is the cleaning of human waste by communities considered low castes.

Although it is illegal in India, the caste systems still operates today, so nothing has changed for over three hundred years.

The villages that are of the low caste order devise the manual work that needs to be done.

That work consists of cleaning the gutters, cleaning excrement from the roads and toilets, cleaning the village and removing any rubbish.  It is the caste system that will not allow then to obtain anything better to do.  These people are denied their dignity.

If the men of the village do not send out their women to clean the toilets, the village council workers will beat them up.  They would even beat up the men if they stop the women doing this work.  They will not let them live in peace.

A woman, who studied commerce and banking and was well educated, was looking for work and could not find any.  The village council hired her to clean toilets, because she was from their community.

The manual carrying of human faeces is not a form of employment, but an injustice akin to slavery.  This is one of the most prominent forms of discrimination against Daltis and is central to the violation of their human rights.

Until we, as a human being, do not see the injustice of this then what is the point of it all?  We must begin to stand up and announce to the world that this kind of behaviour is no longer acceptable towards Mankind.

There has to be a stop to this injustice, as it was with slavery from Africa to North America and Gt Britain at that time.

We are all human and are all equal in the eyes of God, but sadly still not by Mankind.

We are all part of this world and all have a right to live with dignity.  We need to act and protect those whose voices can never be heard and where abject misery continues, because we have learnt to ignore it.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th February 2015

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