Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Compassion and Understanding for All

The message today is to look after the young in this world.  So many are homeless, abused and demoralised by adults, who cause a destructive life and where these young souls see no way out for themselves or for those whom they care deeply about.  They see the destruction of life in their midst and feel powerless to act or even to escape these horrendous situations.

As adults, we are responsible for their safety and wellbeing, their education and their very survival to make sure they are loved and nurtured and to respect them as human beings and not just as our slaves or chattels when we chose to used them as such.

In war torn countries, many of the young are cut off from schooling and a support system and what we would consider to be a normal life.  Something they can only dream about, but is not normal to them anymore.

Collectively there needs to be more done to save them as tortured and tormented young souls, who become damaged young adults with all the hatred and anger that goes with it.  As we sow, so shall we reap and all Governments have a responsibility to their young people if they wish to have a strong and robust next generation to fill their shoes when they pass on.

We must be mindful as to what we are teaching our young ones.  Is it to love or is it to hate?  All over the world, in every environment and in every class structure, we are destroying our young people with our thoughtless ways and their sufferings show up with the upheaval and violence on our streets and in our homes.  Teenagers in gangs feel more love from their peers than from their own families, who do not understand their pain and suffering.

We, as adults, can no longer walk blindfolded in this fog of chaos and uncertainty.  We have to come together and, with the right instruction and love, reduce the bitterness and harm that adults have already inflicted.

There is a saying on a packet of cigarettes, which comes with a Government Health Warning, ‘cigarettes can damage your health’.  So the same should be said of parents, who also damage many children from a very young age and continue to inflict this damage right through to adulthood, as if they have a right to do so.

The world and the life is no longer a happy place with so much suffering being inflicted on a daily basis.  Situations need to change and we all collectively need to take our responsibilities more seriously to avoid the destruction of these precious souls and to help them attain a more stabilised environment with heart and love at the very basis of life itself.

Special unified Spiritual Forces are in place to bring an end to suffering and where situations appear to be in a stalemate situation, barriers are being forced down and then dialogue is being administrated where before there was none.

Whole countries are in denial of the atrocities that they inflict on their subjects and especially the young, who oppose their ideas.  This now is being turned and where the truth of atrocities has irrefutable proof; there can no longer be the convenient denial.

Situations need to change.  It can no longer be swept under the carpet and ignored.  We all must stand up for what is right and to rebuild humankind in a better, more freer way with compassion and understanding for all as is their right!

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th April 2015

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