Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Learn to Believe in Your Strengths

As this year comes to its close, may things have already been achieved and decided upon.  The end of the old year brings in new expectations and new resolves to make life better for ourselves and for those whom we love.

We have already grown wiser from the many mishaps and challenges of this past year, where matters seemed harder than they actually were.  We seemed to get through it, in spite of sometimes intolerable odds and we all breathed a great sigh of relief that yet again we were all saved.

Most of us forget that even if we are in the mire, we still manage to come out of it, not always smelling of roses, but in a better place of understanding and reflection that we were saved, even if we weren’t always able to see it at the time.

Many of us are in fact in a better place and where we feel now that the future, although challenging still, is not so formidable and that we are able to ride the storms of discovery knowing all along that help and guidance is very much a part of our lives and how we proceed.

Look now not of what has already past, but to the New Year, which has already been decided and where we will be able to master situations all the time and be the happier for it.

All of us are indestructible, as we are all of the Spirit and so are mighty in our own way.  While on this earth we do not see ourselves as mighty, but as humans tied very much to the earthly conditions.  It is these conditions which make us feel weak and vulnerable, where we are often too timid to speak out for fear of reprisals.

We have to start seeing ourselves as mighty Spirit beings that can fight against the odds, where our inner strength takes us on to pastures new, not in trepidation, but with a welcoming heart that we are always saved and that peace and harmony will be restored to our lives as we would wish it.

By learning to change our mind-sets, we can afford to build ourselves into stronger more amiable beings and so can conquer all our fears and tread a path of revelations from now on. 

Life is an adventure.  It is not a chore to get through and to seek a higher level of existence to please ourselves is the nature of the day.

We all have to rise up in our own way.  Some will need help and guidance, while others have the foresight to be able to do it for themselves.  Whatever the way is open to you it is your journey and should be embraced for the enlightenment that it brings and to know that whatever happens we are always saved all the time.

Even those whose time it is to depart these earthly conditions are also saved, as Heavenly Beings help us to make the transition, where celestial beings light up the way, out of the darkness of pain and suffering and into the glorious light.

Our earthly journey of discovery having already been completed, we are then taken on to a new chapter and where discovery of a different kind is shown to us.

We are all on this journey together and to know that help is with us always gives us the inner strength to climb even further and where excitement and expectation is all there for us to enjoy.

Learn to believe in your strengths and not the weaknesses of the earthly conditions and you will see many happy and fulfilling things occurring around you each and every day and throughout the coming New Year.

Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 31st December 2014

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