Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Abusers Can No Longer Believe They Can Get Away With It

 The balance of power is now shifting away from those who hold high office and back into the hands of the common man and it is high time too.

For those who are in powerful positions today, many are seen to abuse their positions and have little or no regard towards their fellow man, whom they feel are now beneath them.  There is such a stance now of complete arrogance, as if they should not be bothered with petty trivia that do not interest them.

These people, who are in authority, see it as their right to behave and say as they like as if the natural laws of decency do not need to apply to them.  The Church is rotten with this behaviour over many centuries.  Government bodies are endemic with it.  Large institutions pass it down from one to the other, almost swearing blind they knew nothing was going on.

Mankind now, having obtained massive courage, are speaking out and reports are coming to the surface of intolerable behavioural abuse.  Respect is no longer there for anybody and this is failing our nations and others throughout the world.

There is abuse of power, by those who should know better and refuse to do anything about it, but carry on regardless as it is only in their self-interest that they are concerned about.

Many Governments will fall as will institutions, some of which have already fallen, as in the case of banks.

For those who have suffered abuse at the hands of those who are in power, those who have the power to hire, fire and in some cases exterminate their lives for good, the roles are now changing and it is finally the power of the people collectively, who are able to stand up and fight for their rights that will allow something finally to change.

We all live in this world together and we all have a right to expect respect within the home and out of it by our fellow human beings.  It is our job singularly and collectively to administer our rights to have a fair life and not to feel threatened by those who simply do not care and wish to harm another.

The influence of the media also has been greatly responsible showing extreme behaviour as entertainment, as being the normal way to act and perform.  Being ridiculed outright by television is acceptable and reality TV is glorified and so the seeds of bad behaviour are fostered on those who are innocent and naïve.  Then, by example, they too behave badly and they can quite rightly point the finger as to where they learnt it from directly and thought it was right to do so.

We are in danger of losing our own self-respect and in the end we will be like the slaves in olden times, demoralised and without character, because we did not speak out but allowed this bad behaviour to continue.  As a people, something inside of us will slowly die and in the end sheer disgust within ourselves is all that we will live with.

This cannot be allowed to happen.  The people must stand up and be heard that their voices must mean something and where there is abuse within the home or in the work place or by Governments who govern them, these abusers can no longer believe they can get away with it.

Decency and respect must be taught in the home and be demonstrated, so that children are given the correct way to behave.  Schools then must follow suit and so, also in the work place, respect for all is given.

The power of the people will be heard and their rights to decency and peace is everyone’s right to have and not just to those who are in a position of power and who abuse that right.

Those in authority, who exercise their position to abuse, will be sorely dealt with and their positions will be rendered untenable until they learn that Mankind are sacred individuals and must be respected.  The people now have a voice!

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 26th February 2013

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