Monday, 30 December 2013

Don’t Forget the Animals

The love of humanity is always there ingrained into our hearts and minds, but we must not overlook the animals that share this planet with us.  We would all be in a sorry state if we did not have them in our lives.
Our pets are so dear to us and many have actually saved our lives and are important factors in our survival and wellbeing.
The animals that graze in our fields and give us warmth in our clothing and furnishings also bring us nourishment in the food that they provide.
The fish in the sea are a staple diet for many people, who have been kept alive in the world around us.  For this we are truly grateful and none of us can afford to take them for granted.
We are as responsible for the upkeep of our animals, as they are in bringing us all that we need to keep us warm and satisfied.
Our feathered friends, whose songs we hear regularly, sustain us when we have nobody to speak to.  They respond with loving kindness if we feed them when winters are long and harsh.
We are so blessed in so many ways and we can never afford to take anything for granted, because when we do, that is when species so often die out or are threatened.
We all share this planet together and cohabit with these marvellous creatures.  We are a part of nature and all the wonderment that goes with it.
For many our pets are our greatest treasures, because they know us so well and they try to please us in ways no human could possibly do.  Dogs and cats have an innate sense that when we are ill they will not leave our side.
They wish to heal and protect us until we are better.  They sense illness in us long before any visible signs are detected and their loving kindness makes us feel better and they strengthen us to get well.
They have the wisdom of sensing their owners when they are about to return home from work or an outside activity.  They wait patiently for our return and are the ones first to greet us when we arrive back.
Their love for us is unconditional and always will be.  For many of us we would be truly lost without their companionship and their love.  Their only wish is to be accepted and treated correctly.  This at least we owe them as they are our faithful companions for life. 
We are all a part of this planet and we must ensure that it remains safe, not only for our children, but for all the animals and plant life who serve us as well.                 

Jenny Ayers
Monday, 30th December 2013

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Be at Peace and Be Happy

Everybody should be happy, yet we give ourselves so much grief when it is absolutely not necessary to do so.  We overstretch ourselves mentally and physically, which in turn affects our home life as well as our working life.  We become grumpy and stressed out. 

Our families then suffer with our irritability and we are constantly putting out negative energy, which is not only harmful to ourselves but is to others around us. 

When we see ourselves approaching this angst, then we should remove ourselves to a quiet place and either sleep it off or, when we are able to, listen to soft soothing music. 

Classical music of the soothing type is highly recommended and one will find it relaxes even the most tensed among us.  Pop music with its base beat stimulates the mind or reactivates it – rarely will it relax us, as it is not designed to do so. 

Meditation is another way of relaxing and it often guides us into doing other things of a creative nature, whereby one can lose oneself completely and the mind is then altered into a better place and situations no longer become tense and unsatisfactory. 

Creativity in the way of painting or making something with our hands is good.  Gardening is especially therapeutic, as you can always get satisfaction even from the smallest of garden beds or even with indoor plants. 

They will respond to our love and give us satisfaction.  What they give us always brings a smile to our faces.  They are things of beauty and will last for weeks.  Orchids are especially beautiful for very little cost.  They can give months of pleasure and all will come to love them. 

The office for many I appreciate is a hostile place with many colleagues already in an anxious state before they even arrive, which only continues to build up throughout the course of the day.  This is where the difficulty can arise for many, who find themselves trapped in this situation without any let up. 

Indoor plants or palms are especially good in offices to help dilute these hostile vibrations.  The green colour is pleasing and restful on the eyes and soothes the restless mind.  This has been scientifically proven to help ease tension. 

A protective bubble of light is necessary to protect us daily from the onslaught of negative people, who have no idea that their vibrational energies are being inflicted on the souls of so many. 

They actually grate on us and we feel the pain constantly.  We should put them in a mental bubble of light energy, which will help to diminish their hostile anxious ways.  It begins to dilute the effect they have on so many others, who have to work side by side with them. 

The escape has to be the lunchtime break, where a short walk is always beneficial, even if it is raining as the rain brings in a cleansing of negative vibrations and is a softening of all harsh vibrations. 

We can return back to the office having had that all important respite and where our own energies are replenished and so we are able to start again.  The afternoon session is never as harsh as the morning one and the day seems to go much faster. 

We should all try to lighten up.  I appreciate it is often difficult, but we do owe it to ourselves as much as we do to others. 

If we need to relax from stress, then other ways like running or even a deep massage or relaxation hypnosis works wonders to de-stress us, so that we are energised and able to carry on. 

Healing also relaxes us and empowers us in so many ways, making us more resilient to hostile situations. 

Our lifestyle makes it often difficult, because of the fast pace of life and, if we live in a metropolis, then the negative vibrational energies tend to build up to such a pitch one is almost at screaming point. 

When we are young, we tend to be more resilient and therefore we are not aware of the distress to our minds and bodies.  As we become older we feel it more and also, as we become more sensitive through spiritual progression, again we would feel it far more than those who have not aspired to that evolvement. 

Going back to nature whenever it is possible or to have a glasshouse of plants where again one can escape and contemplate where peace is maintained and we will all find happiness in one way or another. 

Sitting in our favourite chair and listening to pleasant music is absolute bliss.  We all deserve it and it is for us to try and find ways to cultivate peace, because with peace we are always happy. 

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 29th October 2013

Friday, 27 September 2013

What Price for Peace of Mind?

 It has been both refreshing and enlightening to talk to two people recently, who have found the Higher Intelligence in their lives, where they are now changed people, who value the peace of mind and direction that they get from the Higher Intelligence.

They are able to see that difference and because they have changed, they are now mindful of their responsibilities towards others.  No longer do they treat people in the same way.

Now they are mindful of how they address them, knowing that their remarks could injure or upset that person, so it is with a wisdom not before realised, that moves them on.

They feel different from the human race that they see as drifting aimlessly in a world of their own, often frightened and confused.   

With this new way of being and living, they are both protected and loved knowing that whatever happens to them, they will always be looked after.  They are leading full spiritual lives and because they are at peace they see others, who are not.

They understand why they can’t be, because people have not found that unconditional love yet and are not ready to recognise it even if they saw it.

For these amazing people, their lives are changed forever and happiness now surrounds them.  They have found that love from the Higher Intelligence gives them all that they desire.  They are fulfilled in so many ways.

As I had that opportunity of talking with these two enlightened souls, I was also mindful of so many others who float aimlessly around trying to find peace, but each time it escapes them.

They have no concept of the spiritual and do not accept the Higher Intelligence to help them.  They feel that they know better and so are not in need of spiritual enlightenment or guidance.

For these people their lives are often broken and upset.  They lead chaotic lives and never understand what it is like to be in the peace and to live without fear.

It is sad and upsetting, as one watches them struggle from one crisis to the next and where so many mistakes have been made and they do not know why or how?

For them life is hard and complicated, but they continue to go forwards stumbling from one event to the next.  Sadly, they have no real idea of what their actions create or how they are perceived.

They feel that the world is against them and that they must remain in the fight to keep ahead of the rest.  Their battles are exhausting and their bodies and minds are worn out.

For them peace is a luxury that comes to others, but seems to elude them.  They are not able to live in love, but exist in mayhem.

There is little one can do until those souls are ready to accept the guidance of the Higher Intelligence and to learn, step by step, that they are not in charge – that the Higher Intelligence is and works for the Greater Good bringing in wellbeing and peace to their chaotic lives.

What price must they pay to receive these instructions?  Well, it means handing over to the power of love and becoming enlightened.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th September 2013

Friday, 30 August 2013

Will Peace Ever Be Restored in the Hearts of Men?

As the forces for war seem ever approaching and the situation in the Middle East beckons further chaos, is there ever going to be a light at the end of the tunnel?

Will peace ever be restored in the hearts of men?

We all have to answer to a higher calling regarding our misdeeds upon this earth.  What is apparently obvious at this time is to see a way out of our own internal dilemmas, where hope seems for many an impossible dream.

It is only when we truly believe and begin to see the unravelling of situations which are so grave, so twisted and knotted in front of us that we know something outside our realms of understanding is actually in command.

We are merely bystanders in this whole operation of events.  We are in fact pawns in the game of life and must act it out to see where it takes us and what can we learn from this act or play of life.

The negative forces that surround us all daily bring chaos and destruction to our lives if we allow it.  It is our right to safeguard ourselves from these negative destructive forces and to arm ourselves with what we truly believe is the right and just way to live.

When we are able to maintain focus on that strategy, then we can survive this hostile world of ours.  We are able to obtain the high ground and stay there.  We cannot afford to lose faith and allow ourselves to be literally sucked in to a cause that is so alien to our own minds that we become subjected to its whims.  That way we lose and they win.

We have to be always strong and always diligent, so that we can arm ourselves from what may sway us to another way of thinking and being.

We all know deep in our hearts and minds the right way to behave.  We are all spiritual beings and have been taught to behave in the right and proper way.

However there are those among us who are weak but also ruthless, who wish to turn us to another way of being against our own better judgement and it is this that we must arm ourselves against.

We must maintain our path of doing the right thing and to keep to that course of action.  By doing so, so situations against impossible odds can be turned and we are then saved in a special way.

Everybody’s situations are different, but the principle fact is to maintain a course of right thinking and right living and by maintaining that course, so we are instructed and are able to mount those impossible odds.

Circumstances beyond our control begin to change for us and that elusive light at the end of that tunnel starts to appear.  First, as a small chink of light and secondly, it becomes bigger and the whole task becomes open to us and we are able to see clearly our direction.

It is by trusting in that Higher Power to look after us that these hostile situations can and do change.  For those who do not feel or believe in this concept, they continue to live in darkness, battling away their lives and having no direction, because they believe in nothing but themselves.

For them, life is always a struggle and they can never obtain peace in their hearts.  They do not know how to let go and to allow true love of a higher dimension to come in and save them every time.

When Mankind begins to bring back love in their hearts and minds and begins to live in the right way with respect for one another, then there will be no more wars, because there will not be any occasion to warrant it.

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 30th August 2013

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Spread a Little Joy and Nurturing

As we collectively band together and enjoy the fruits of these summer months, remember that nature thrives and where there is a constant stream of love and no negativity, then abundance becomes the rightful fruit for all to share and enjoy.

Life is a fascination of exciting challenges and where with every step we grow to enhance and enrich our own lives, we must learn in the right way to grow, not only for ourselves, but for those who are around us.

We all live in a very diversified society and adjusting to our conditions is never easy.  Where we have compassion in our hearts, adjustments are more able to take place and harmony becomes evidential.

Many feel alone and isolated and it is particularly true in the summer months, where we are able to approach those people with generosity of giving that is perhaps not always possible in the winter months, where we tend to shut ourselves in against the harsher elements.

Man was created to help each other and to bring in a support system where all can benefit, where love and help is the main objective and the purpose of our creation.

We all are in need of nurturing and as nature is able to do this naturally, we as humans sometimes need to be taught or shown the way.

Resistance to this can cause failure in our societies, so it is necessary to learn from our elders and those who have wisdom to show us the way.

A contented life is where individuals are at peace mentally and physically, requiring only sufficient for their needs.  When greed comes in then dissatisfaction occurs and so does an imbalance.

As with nature, if a fruit tree produces too much fruit, in order for the tree to feed properly, then the surplus of its produce is dropped, allowing the tree to produce better fruit and where there is enough to sustain life and a balance.

If we have too much in our lives, we are not able to meet the demands of the excess and so, quite rightly, they are discarded.  Therefore it is wise to have enough, so that we can manage it without having too much where it becomes a problem.

By learning from nature, we can also learn and adjust our lives to what we need, but where over indulgence causes problems, we could well do without.

Over indulgence of food intake creates obesity, but also blockages within our body’s system.  It cannot function in the right and proper way and a strain occurs and we become ill.

Eating enough to sustain life in the right and proper way allows us to help ourselves and be happy and contented people.

When we are happy we are more likely to again help others.  Our minds are relaxed and compliant.  Our happiness will then be able to spill over onto others in ways of help, assistance or just a smile which can light up a person’s day.

They begin to feel loved and special in some way and that right vibration will continue to spread to others and so the cycle of love and nurturing remains content and beautiful.

Remember we are all joined together and for the circle of life to be better, we must all learn to spread a little joy and nurturing along the way.

Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 25th July 2013

Saturday, 29 June 2013

The Lull Before the Storm

As storm clouds rise up around the Middle East keeping everybody on tenterhooks all over the world, it gives us all a time to reflect about what is going on in our own lives and how our own storms sometimes mirror what is happening around the globe.

We are all in a transitional stage and there appears a lot of insanity and much mayhem.   It is right that we all go through this motion to cleanse ourselves of what has happened to us in the past and to finally offload once and for all something which should never have happened.

No longer can Mankind carry the problems and misdeeds of the past.  It is high time we all offloaded these burdens, learnt from them and begin again, clean and wholesome.

The past can no longer be allow to infiltrate and tarnish both the present and the future and destroy so much that has been built up, which is true and honest.

Start to see much clearing out both physically and mentally, whereby we can start again on a better footing, where the paths remain clear and where constructive advice and guidance which at last comes to our ears and where we can recognise it as the truth and can utilise it fully.  

This transition will become the most effective and efficient ever.  It is necessary for the entire planet to go through this transition and learn from it.  This way the past mistakes can be rectified and a new pathway is open to us all, where through this sound advice we are able to steer away from harm and mistrust and where we can now recognise a better way of living.

Too many of us have suffered at the hands of the few and it is now time for a new energy to come forwards, where its force can begin to wipe clean the ills of the past and start to renew matters to become constructive and no longer destructive.

We owe it to ourselves to ride this storm of self-cleansing and start to see that our lives are worth saving.  It is no longer our mission to leave it to others to do our bidding for us, but for us to take up the reins of the challenge and start to rebuild our lives in a better more fruitful way.

We all can now put the past behind us and walk free and see that our spirit has not been broken under the weight of the trauma, but that we have become stronger because of it.

We have all survived and lived to tell the tale.  Now with renewed energy, we are able to forge ahead and rebuild our lives in keeping with both sanity and harmony after all this time.

Start to see over the next few months rapid changes and growth, where the impossible becomes the possible and where the new start is shown to us plain and clear.

This time we cannot allow any mistakes, we take up the mantle for freedom and that is our freedom from the persecution of the past.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

To Become Free Again In Our Own Mind Is To Be Truly Uplifted

As we begin to look more into ourselves and see over our lives, we all ask the question, “Could I have done more or could I have done it better?”

Many of us live in fearful situation, fear for our livelihoods, fear of not having enough money to feed or clothe ourselves, fear for our children and their security and our own.

Fear is the greatest headache that we all face and is the greatest deterrent of what we must do and look at.  It is because of fear that we become ill, we become stationary in our lives, not able to make the right decisions when we know fully well we need to.         
When we seek the correct advice and it is given to us and we begin to analyse it, then fear is removed and it allows us again to continue with our lives in a happy and organised way.

It is only in the seeking of the right advice and then fully implementing it, can we be finally saved.  It takes personal responsibility to allow for this step to occur.  Not all of us are always prepared to take that advice and therefore the suffering to that individual continues until they are finally prepared to take that next step.

Help is always out there and there will always come a time when we must learn to trust it and to then be finally released from the imprisonment of fear itself.

When an individual asks for help and there is a genuine need for it, it is always supplied.  Not always in the way that you would wish it, but nevertheless supplied.  The help is usually more substantial and longer lasting taking in all considerations for all matters surrounding the problems incurred.

The relief is amazing and the dark clouds that used to haunt us are no longer there.  It is as if a miracle had occurred and what we once faced is no more.  We become liberated and free again to get on with our lives and have a smile on our faces, knowing that we all are looked after and in a better way than what we thought possible.

Our lives are back on track again and we can proceed unhindered by that dreadful doom that haunted our very being.

At last there is that sunshine at the end of the tunnel and we can understand it was always there anyway, we just didn’t know it existed, because we were not able to find out.

Peace of mind is now there for many of us.  The vast Universal changes are there to force us to make those relevant decisions in our lives, to put fear aside and to follow the right path that we are now being instructed to take and to become free again in our own mind is to be truly uplifted.

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 28th May2013

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

What You Give Out So You Receive Back Again

“Look now to the deeds you do every day and reflect where you can on their impact regarding those who you interact with.

“Are your deeds ones of love or ones of hurt?

“Realise that all you do will be thrown back at you as either good will or as harm.

“All of us must begin to see that what we give out will in some way come back to us as in the Law of Spirit.

“The world now is in a very serious state of affairs and it is all due to Mankind behaving badly that allows for the growth of negative energy, which encompasses the world as a cloud and where there are only a few cracks of positive energy now showing through.

“Mankind must turn away from these negative emotions and deeds, which can pollute every household throughout the world.

“Seek now to destroy these vibrations and to restore balance to the world by bringing in love and forgiveness and where the building of bridges from one country to the next becomes possible, one neighbour to another.

“There are always ways, always solutions, if the individuals and the Government wish to find a way.

“Mankind is in need of being saved, a tiny difference in our mind-sets brings in lasting change and recovery on all fronts throughout the world.

“It takes but a little thing and that is for love to enter in instead of hostility.  People and the world are all in need of this fact.  Can we really deny them this bare essential?”

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 30th April 2013

Monday, 25 March 2013

New Important Energies Globally Are Now Present

The start of Easter brings in many happy and new things in our lives that we must all cherish.  It is also the beginning of a new insight into what is important in our lives and what is no longer required or has become irrelevant.

Let us focus on ourselves for the moment and where we are in the world today, which is ever-changing and our roles into making life on this earth a happier and healthier place for all.

By all of us doing our little bit, life can become better for so many.  All we need to do is to put our lives aside for a few minutes and send up our thoughts to the Higher Intelligence to help all those who are suffering and in need.

Our thoughts are like waves of good will, a powerful force of good energy, which is beamed around the world.  Many people pray and it is by that means that their thoughts are heard and those powerful requests are answered, not necessarily in the way that we would wish it, but usually in a better way.

When a person becomes ill, a member of the family who is dearly loved, prayers are often said for that person to recover and little by little that person gets better.  Those prayers are a form of healing vibration, which is powerful in its own right and delivers a series of spiritual vibrational energies that helps to change the person’s negative, diseased affliction into a positive calming and healing change.

Their disease changes from being aggressive to quiescent, therefore changing the molecular structure and diminishing the disease and the patient becomes better in whatever form the healing will take.

These prayers can make a significant change in the lives of countries and nations, where disease, famine and war are all taking their toll on those environments.  The fact that individuals give up their time to send up good thoughts of wellbeing will have a profound positive effect on a people, who are suffering.

There will be noticeable effects on those people’s lives, food in the way of humanitarian aid will be supplied and come in quicker than was first realised and shelter for the poor and suffering, makeshift hospitals for those who are in medical need and where agencies give of their time freely to accommodate the needs of their fellow man.

The supply of fresh water, an essential need for those whose barren drought lands have no surface water supplies, water comes to these people from resources not discovered before.

They will see a way to find water and where they can all benefit.  Prayers, or thoughts to specify for a good thing to happen, will always be answered and all will benefit, because that person has simply asked for it for another and not for themselves.

When Mother Teresa was administering to the sick and dying in her clinic in Calcutta and there was no food for her patients and for her nuns, she asked all the nuns to stop what they were doing and to pray for food to come into her nursing home to feed all the patients and all those nuns who were serving the people.

Within half an hour, from nowhere, food and supplies came into her establishment, so that all were fed.  The power of prayer can make miracles happen and when it is done in the right way with the right intentions of serving humanity, then the call is heard and the prayer is answered.

This Easter is a time for giving and also for sharing, as new important energies globally are now present.

Think of good things for this planet, give up a few precious minutes to devote to the greater good and know that you will make a difference in some way.  With the Universal mind-set and where many people recognise that prayer is a powerful resource that can eliminate wars and famine when the right thoughts are sent up, new important ways are found.  What seems the impossible becomes the possible and know it to be true.
Jenny Ayers
Monday, 25th March 2013

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Abusers Can No Longer Believe They Can Get Away With It

 The balance of power is now shifting away from those who hold high office and back into the hands of the common man and it is high time too.

For those who are in powerful positions today, many are seen to abuse their positions and have little or no regard towards their fellow man, whom they feel are now beneath them.  There is such a stance now of complete arrogance, as if they should not be bothered with petty trivia that do not interest them.

These people, who are in authority, see it as their right to behave and say as they like as if the natural laws of decency do not need to apply to them.  The Church is rotten with this behaviour over many centuries.  Government bodies are endemic with it.  Large institutions pass it down from one to the other, almost swearing blind they knew nothing was going on.

Mankind now, having obtained massive courage, are speaking out and reports are coming to the surface of intolerable behavioural abuse.  Respect is no longer there for anybody and this is failing our nations and others throughout the world.

There is abuse of power, by those who should know better and refuse to do anything about it, but carry on regardless as it is only in their self-interest that they are concerned about.

Many Governments will fall as will institutions, some of which have already fallen, as in the case of banks.

For those who have suffered abuse at the hands of those who are in power, those who have the power to hire, fire and in some cases exterminate their lives for good, the roles are now changing and it is finally the power of the people collectively, who are able to stand up and fight for their rights that will allow something finally to change.

We all live in this world together and we all have a right to expect respect within the home and out of it by our fellow human beings.  It is our job singularly and collectively to administer our rights to have a fair life and not to feel threatened by those who simply do not care and wish to harm another.

The influence of the media also has been greatly responsible showing extreme behaviour as entertainment, as being the normal way to act and perform.  Being ridiculed outright by television is acceptable and reality TV is glorified and so the seeds of bad behaviour are fostered on those who are innocent and naïve.  Then, by example, they too behave badly and they can quite rightly point the finger as to where they learnt it from directly and thought it was right to do so.

We are in danger of losing our own self-respect and in the end we will be like the slaves in olden times, demoralised and without character, because we did not speak out but allowed this bad behaviour to continue.  As a people, something inside of us will slowly die and in the end sheer disgust within ourselves is all that we will live with.

This cannot be allowed to happen.  The people must stand up and be heard that their voices must mean something and where there is abuse within the home or in the work place or by Governments who govern them, these abusers can no longer believe they can get away with it.

Decency and respect must be taught in the home and be demonstrated, so that children are given the correct way to behave.  Schools then must follow suit and so, also in the work place, respect for all is given.

The power of the people will be heard and their rights to decency and peace is everyone’s right to have and not just to those who are in a position of power and who abuse that right.

Those in authority, who exercise their position to abuse, will be sorely dealt with and their positions will be rendered untenable until they learn that Mankind are sacred individuals and must be respected.  The people now have a voice!

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 26th February 2013

Friday, 1 February 2013

Can you acknowledge the Existence of the Higher Intelligence?

The time has come for individuals to realise they are not alone and that the Universal Intelligence is there to guide and protect them always.

For so long now so many of us seem to battle through life alone.  We see no end to our hardships and feel forgotten and isolated.  The situation now for many of us is already changing, as the mind-sets of men and women are seeing life in a different way and are able to trust for the first time in a Higher Power.

They are able to feel the loving energies guiding and protecting them.  They are beginning to see help in so many ways, which are there to sort out their problems that before were alien to them.

Because of this transformation of thought, Mankind is able to start anew and forge ahead with projects not thought possible before.  They are able to see the support and the love, as situations start to open up for them, which they never saw before.

Now for the first time in their lives, they are awakened from a deep sleep of not knowing and they cannot understand why they were never able to realise this help before.

The simple answer to this is they were not ready or they just did not want to see.  As the mind-set starts to change for them, miraculously many things in their lives become better.  Their health is restored, work is there in abundance and a feeling of wellbeing not before envisaged is there for all time.

To many, this revelation seems a bit weird and they begin to question it.  Can they trust in it and will it ever go away or diminish in some way?  The answer is no!  As proof of this Intelligence never leaves them and they gradually begin to trust in its presence, they become stronger more determined to succeed than ever before.

A light of understanding allows the individuals to communicate with this Intelligence and words through the power of thought are relayed back to them.  This next revelation is awe inspiring and takes some while to get used to it.  It is right and proper that what is given to them is tested and reaffirmed, which of course it always is. 

The individuals begin to realise that they are in the presence of something mighty and holy and they cannot fail to acknowledge its method of guidance in their day to day lives.  They begin to feel empowered as never before and peace comes over them, which for them is something most special and tangible in their lives.

Life for the first time is never the same, as they enter a feeling of security never thought possible in their lives before.  Everything for them is no longer hard work, as they become free of the constraints of fear and uncertainty in their lives.

Gradually these feelings keep strengthening and their purpose for living is bountiful and fruitful and all thoughts of living in the past with past issues no longer apply.  They sense a freedom, which is lasting and evidential.

The recognition of this Higher Intelligence, with all the happiness that goes with it, is for those who wish to change and who are truly ready to acknowledge its existence.  It is only for those willing to accept that a Higher Intelligence is there with all its wisdom and will never let us down.  Then the true help is given without fail.

For those souls who think they know better must plough on regardless with their lives, for they will never fully be able to experience this love that is so enlightening to so many.

For them, they are devoid of the true love as their arrogance sees fit to only depend on themselves as the mightier of the two.  Their lives will remain barren and unhappy, as they cannot justify handing over to a Higher Intelligence over and above their own.

Life for them can never bring the same experience and it is only when they see fit to change will they then be enlightened and feel shame that they never were able to acknowledge its existence before.

          Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 31st January 2013