“The corrupt and greedy people always appear to win and get away with things or so it seems.
“Now, as world opinion is changing in so many ways, the imbalance is now starting to tilt the other way.
“It is gathering momentum, so the hardliners, the ruthless aggressive people of this world, are now very frightened indeed. They are starting to see a collective mood change.
“People the entire world over are no longer putting up with the aggressive bullyboys of this world. Justice in so many ways is coming to the surface. Killers, who thought they got away with murder, are now being found out and prosecuted.
“Institutions, who sold bad banking advice, are now having to pay compensation to so many people.
“Everywhere, where there is gross negligence or wilful cheating of the people, they are now finding that the law is dealing with them. They are being brought to justice one by one.
“Yes, it has taken many years to put right those things, which should never have happened, but until we, as people, start to see that we have a voice and we can put an end to corruption and greed.
“It took the action of one vegetable seller in Tunisia to start up the Arab Spring.
“It took the sacrifice of Milly Dowler to bring down a newspaper and the further intensive investigation of a negligent police force and a global newspaper group to be under investigation.
“What has always gone on and enjoyed as a practice, nobody will notice or concern themselves with, are now being exposed one by one.
“Nothing, and I repeat nothing, can stay hidden for long. By Spiritual Law the truth always comes out.
“Those malevolent people and Governments will all have their day. No matter how long it takes, justice will always find them. They will be pulled down and exposed universally for who they are. There is no stone that cannot be turned.
“So ‘I’ ask you to be diligent in your lives. Stop sleepwalking through life and where there is injustice – speak out. Eventually you will be heard.
“Many people have gathered together to save projects, which they think are worthy of saving. They have also spoken out to bring justice to those who fall foul of the people and who bring long-term misery to so many.
“It is your voice, that single voice, which can always gather momentum to such a degree that it is finally heard and the right action is then preceded upon.
“Many Government officials, who have brought about atrocities in this world of ours, will also be subject to the Law, if not on this Earth, then to a Higher Power, which will enforce those proceedings. None can and will escape.
“That judgement is of a Higher Calling and the sentence is long indeed. Nothing will escape these people. They will see their own crimes and fully acknowledge them – their comeuppance grave indeed.
“So from the little man in the street to the higher Government official, none are safe anymore in oblivion. Their identities are being sought out. Their crimes they will be answerable to and that is a fact.
“The world is changing fast and we must all be a part of that change. None can afford to be left behind. We are all being called to speak out and be heard – then justice can be seen by all.
“This world can then become a better place for all of us to live in!”
Jenny Ayers
15th January 2012
15th January 2012
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