Thursday, 29 December 2016

Break Down the Barriers of Ignorance

It is now that people should start looking to their futures and to see how best to change them for the better.  Too many of us have been complacent, leaving it to others to do all the hard work for us. 

The wakeup call is now/today, not tomorrow or the day after.

We must all make a concerted effort to become positive and proactive in our lives.  This way the positive energy fields are raised up allowing special, but necessary, good circumstances to occur out of the old.

We are all progressive human beings, our minds evolving at a natural pace, where we can see progress all around us.

          Nature does not stop.  It repairs itself while in a dormant position, only to burst out with renewed life in the spring and summer.

          Nature is constant, always repairing, always thriving in one way or another – the sequel of events necessary to establish itself.

          We, as humans, must do the same.  Forge ahead, replenish ourselves and grow.  We owe it to ourselves not to stagnate.  When stagnation occurs, things go rotten and can die off.

          Our human minds are the engines to our bodies, without the driver the vehicle cannot go anywhere.  It remains stationary.

          We are educating and evolving our minds all the time.  With knowledge all things become possible and in some instances even barriers are broken down and greater achievements are made.

          The human mind cannot stop evolving.  It is programmed that way to constantly receive and deliver messages.

          As we progress down our spiritual paths, new learning is required and where we all can have a greater insight as to what is possible in our lives to come.

          We break down the barriers of ignorance and fashion a new broader philosophy, where change to our earthly beings must happen and where positive thoughts bring about positive actions and so progression can become lasting and productive in all our lives together!
Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 29th December 2016