Sunday, 28 August 2016

We All Know In Our Hearts When We Have Done Well!

The Rio Olympics caused everybody who watched it to consider their own lives. The efforts and sacrifices all our Olympians made over many years to achieve their goals were staggering.

It is in the hardship, the striving forwards and the dedication that each athlete took to achieve, which should be the hallmark for all of us.  All those people, who are great in their level of expertise, have all dedicated their lives.  It is a lifetime’s service and should never be underestimated.

In our society everything is expected to be instant and given with ease.  That never works and is never lasting and will never endure the longevity of time.  It is only through hard work and sacrifice that the true goals are met, whether you are an opera singer, a painter or a high class professional in academia.

Everything that is worth achieving never comes easily and there are always setbacks along the way.  This then begins to build our characters and gives us the determination to strive ever more towards achieving greatness.

It is through the sacrifice to achieve our goals that we are humbled and egos play no part in this journey.  Everybody can achieve greatness if the mind-set is determined enough to go for it.

We don’t have to get a gold medal.  We all know how well we have done in getting to the top of our chosen goal.  People, who serve humanity and have done so their entire lives, are hailed as great by their contemporaries and their colleagues. 

It is the general public, who voice their opinions openly to those who have done well on their behalves.  We are all touched by these amazing people and it gives us the impetus to strive ourselves.

No matter who you are or what you do, everybody in the world is good/talented at something.  They just need encouragement and a helping hand to show them the way and to realise their talent for themselves.

The gold medal is not necessary.  We all know in our hearts when we have done well!

Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 28th August 2016