With everybody so worried about the Brexit
situation and not knowing how we will ever survive this top heavy bureaucratic
state once we leave, is to say that the British people cannot manage!
Great Britain has always taken the lead in
the world in so many situations. We are
a world leader in commerce, finance, trade, law and, above all, democracy.
We, the British people, have been outraged
by the fat cats determining our futures on this island for long enough! It is high time we take back our power and
prove to the rest of the world that we, the British people, will no longer be
dictated to by those who think they are better over us.
Through Winston Churchill and his fighting
spirit, we overcame great hardship and opposition. We stood our ground and found other allies to
assist us.
Great Britain does not stand alone in its
many discontentments regarding the gravy train at Brussels and how they operate
their laws.
Many businesses have already been lost,
where they were hard-earned and now have dwindled to nothing. Our once thriving fishing industry is
practically finished. Our farmers
crippled with red tape and quotas. Our
steel industry is on the point of collapse.
Now, as we take back control, which is our
right to do over this tiny, but magical island, we will see the new dawn of
progress starting.
We will protect the lives of our children
with growth to commerce and to industry.
Our young children have not seen anything yet.
The men and women of this island have a
backbone of resistance second to none.
Great Britain is best when we are in fighting and advancing mode.
See a different kind of resurrection, where
we will negotiate new trade deals and new tariffs. We will outshine our European nations, simply
because we have the will and the knowhow to do it!
Never underestimate the strength, power and
determination of the British public to do what is right for their
citizens. The British public, in voting
as they did, have not sold this country down the river. They have saved it from European implosion.
The Euro is collapsing. So many European countries are heavily in
debt and they can’t find a way out. Mismanagement
by their respective Governments has brought this about.
France, Italy, Spain and Greece, to name
but a few, are all sinking under enormous debt of which the hardworking British
public have been propping them up with millions of tax payers’ money every day.
We owe it to our people and our children to
stop funding these lame duck Governments.
To stop filling the coffers of a heavy bureaucratic system in Brussels,
who do not have our interests at heart but their own.
It is time now to cut lose, to bring about
a new salvation to these shores. The
people of Great Britain are amazing.
They are resilient and with many new policies being made as we speak, we
will rise from the ashes of intransigence of a European Market that has lost
its way.
The European Market knows that they are in
trouble, that they cannot manage a corrupt system any longer. That is why Britain’s hard-earned money was
so needed every day to help keep it afloat.
No Longer!
We are being saved and the right leader will come forth, having the
backing of the people to go forward and be recognised for who we are – the
people of Great Britain once more!
Wednesday, 29th June 2016