Thursday, 29 December 2016

Break Down the Barriers of Ignorance

It is now that people should start looking to their futures and to see how best to change them for the better.  Too many of us have been complacent, leaving it to others to do all the hard work for us. 

The wakeup call is now/today, not tomorrow or the day after.

We must all make a concerted effort to become positive and proactive in our lives.  This way the positive energy fields are raised up allowing special, but necessary, good circumstances to occur out of the old.

We are all progressive human beings, our minds evolving at a natural pace, where we can see progress all around us.

          Nature does not stop.  It repairs itself while in a dormant position, only to burst out with renewed life in the spring and summer.

          Nature is constant, always repairing, always thriving in one way or another – the sequel of events necessary to establish itself.

          We, as humans, must do the same.  Forge ahead, replenish ourselves and grow.  We owe it to ourselves not to stagnate.  When stagnation occurs, things go rotten and can die off.

          Our human minds are the engines to our bodies, without the driver the vehicle cannot go anywhere.  It remains stationary.

          We are educating and evolving our minds all the time.  With knowledge all things become possible and in some instances even barriers are broken down and greater achievements are made.

          The human mind cannot stop evolving.  It is programmed that way to constantly receive and deliver messages.

          As we progress down our spiritual paths, new learning is required and where we all can have a greater insight as to what is possible in our lives to come.

          We break down the barriers of ignorance and fashion a new broader philosophy, where change to our earthly beings must happen and where positive thoughts bring about positive actions and so progression can become lasting and productive in all our lives together!
Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 29th December 2016

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Christmas Is a Very Special Time

The people around the world share a special event.  The event is Christmas, which for many is a reunion of family members.  Today’s families are spread all over the world with many not being able to meet up with each other as they used to.

          They have lost the interaction of family life and a togetherness they had, which was special.  With the latest technology of social media and Skype communication, it allows for personal interaction to happen again.

          Many are able to relive precious moments, especially around the Christmas period.  Love is bountiful at this time and where loneliness need not be feared by some as it once was.

          With the interaction of social media, loved ones can reach out to each other, though they may be millions of miles apart.  Love and warm reassuring words are especially necessary at this time of year, when single people find themselves alone.

          Families are truly blessed to have each other and to support each other throughout the year.  This Christmas will be a very special time for those of all ages and where rifts have occurred, so new bridges can be built.

          A time for loving and forgiving is now very necessary and where people of all ages need never feel lonely again.  Reach out to a loved one and make sure they realise they are truly loved.

          Everyone is truly special in their own way.  We have a duty to point this out, so that they feel loved and a part of this very big family again.

          We, the people, are all joined together.  Humanity is one big family, who interconnects with each other every day.  None of us are ever really alone.  We are all looked after and at times even come to realise it, where before we did not.

          Let this time of the year bring people together with love and good intentions and to forward that connection throughout the year.

      Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 27th November 2016

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Are We All at the Crossroads?

Man is coming to a crossroads in their lives now where they must decide whether to continue to take the road of materialism or to take the spiritual path of enlightenment.

Riches can be bestowed to all if they abide by the Spiritual Laws, which are to help ones fellow man unconditionally and after that one is rewarded in ways not always thought of before.

Everything we do, good or bad, is recorded and totted up.  From that evaluation, as we all need help from time to time, so it is given by the Law.

By doing good deeds voluntarily and with no expectation of payment, so our good deeds are returned to us in other ways when we are in need most of all, so it is the more we give of ourselves, the more we receive.

With regards to charities, if we give towards charitable works so again our coffers are always replenished, so that we can give again more freely.  It becomes a continuous cycle of supply and demand.

The spiritual life is all about love of ourselves and love of our fellow man, to treat all things with respect and compassion.  By that thinking we, as spiritual beings, are further helped and enlightened.  This makes our pathway less strenuous and we are more at peace on a daily basis.

All our energies begin enhanced and we are all able to achieve far more in a given time than we first did.
To be constantly in the materialist theme that that is the only thing that is right for us, nothing lasting ever happens and so we tend to want more.

There is no satisfaction in material wealth.  It accrues and the enjoyment is no longer lasting.  It loses its feel-good factor very quickly.

By giving to others, that pleasure and contentment is long lasting and that feel-good factor remains with us as a memory for life.  It is always untarnished.  It is pure and holy and remains in our lives forever.

We actually glow/resonate with goodness and love.  We feel great and empowered, that WOW feeling.  Try it and see.  It costs us nothing!

Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 27th October 2016

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Love in the End Transcends All Pain and Suffering

We all make mistakes.  It is knowing when to quit and start again that is important.  We all have the opportunity of a second chance and to make good on past mistakes.

What so often happens is that many don’t see it as their responsibility to put right the harm they have so often incurred on others.

When full acknowledgement of a misdeed has been realised and then put right, the perpetrator and the victim are automatically released from any pain or suffering.

They become liberated and then a form of love, forgiveness and healing on both sides becomes possible.

          We must all try to forgive one another in the long term, otherwise the pain and suffering continues to grow and an illness of despair is manufactured.  Our mental and physical states become compromised and resentment begins to take over.

Those who inflict harm on another will never walk free.  They too will suffer, as the same deed will be given to them until they learn that mistakes can and do cut deep.  So putting right one’s actions quickly saves both parties pain and suffering.

We are all connected and every day we pick up on the world’s suffering.  Collectively the people of this world can change a negative situation into a positive one and repair and healing can finally take place universally.

          Love in the end transcends all pain and suffering.  It must be done by the perpetrators, who cause that suffering in the first place.

      Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 27th September 2016

Sunday, 28 August 2016

We All Know In Our Hearts When We Have Done Well!

The Rio Olympics caused everybody who watched it to consider their own lives. The efforts and sacrifices all our Olympians made over many years to achieve their goals were staggering.

It is in the hardship, the striving forwards and the dedication that each athlete took to achieve, which should be the hallmark for all of us.  All those people, who are great in their level of expertise, have all dedicated their lives.  It is a lifetime’s service and should never be underestimated.

In our society everything is expected to be instant and given with ease.  That never works and is never lasting and will never endure the longevity of time.  It is only through hard work and sacrifice that the true goals are met, whether you are an opera singer, a painter or a high class professional in academia.

Everything that is worth achieving never comes easily and there are always setbacks along the way.  This then begins to build our characters and gives us the determination to strive ever more towards achieving greatness.

It is through the sacrifice to achieve our goals that we are humbled and egos play no part in this journey.  Everybody can achieve greatness if the mind-set is determined enough to go for it.

We don’t have to get a gold medal.  We all know how well we have done in getting to the top of our chosen goal.  People, who serve humanity and have done so their entire lives, are hailed as great by their contemporaries and their colleagues. 

It is the general public, who voice their opinions openly to those who have done well on their behalves.  We are all touched by these amazing people and it gives us the impetus to strive ourselves.

No matter who you are or what you do, everybody in the world is good/talented at something.  They just need encouragement and a helping hand to show them the way and to realise their talent for themselves.

The gold medal is not necessary.  We all know in our hearts when we have done well!

Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 28th August 2016

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Otherwise Chaos and Destruction Is Born

The tide of human feeling is gathering momentum and the time for rational thinking is now upon us.  The people are shouting about the many deceits and disruption that continues to plague this planet by the few, who wish to destroy what is social justice and a reasonable way of living and thinking.

We are all in the middle of a massive changeover of feelings that are being swept up with horror and outrage.  It is now assumed that nobody on this earth is safe anymore and that there are those who wish to destroy society as we know it.

The people are now asking pertinent questions, “What is safety and do we have it?  Who are those among us who wish to harm and maim us, nobody is safe anymore?”

It will be the people who will demand these answers and who will demand from their Governments that more must be done to curb this continuous violence on our streets in every city anywhere in the world.

It will be the people who will determine a different life, where law and order can be seen by all.

Those who are disturbed in their minds now need to be helped.  No longer can we ignore the angry and the disenfranchised and hope they will go away or that their lives don’t mean anything to anybody and that they can be just swept under the carpet as if they do not exist.

All of society in every country, in every corner of this earth, must now work together to introduce a better standard of living and where those who live in hovels will be given homes to live in.  Those who feel that they are outsiders must be helped to integrate into society and feel that they are a part of a collective family, who all look out for each other.

We, the people, have continued to ignore those who have nothing, who are not able to fit into society and are cast out as misfits.  It is our duty to embrace them and to learn what it is that ails them from our societies and then try to fix it.

In this world we have the greatest intellectual and scientific minds.  We are able to send people to the moon and to dive to the depths of our oceans, yet we fail to help those who feel isolated and ignored.

Societies around the world are now reaping the neglect that has been under their noses all these years and now are paying with their lives on the streets of Paris, Nice, Germany and the many cities in the United States.

It is the social inequality and the high rates of youth unemployment, poor and uneven governance and the limited rule of the law that affects these problematical people.

We must grant help in the way of therapy together with support groups, which can bring about an integration into society.

It is those who feel left out that need to be nurtured and loved, so when they cannot cope they will be continuously supported and protected.

We have to rescue those broken societies, where there is a higher likelihood of political, criminal and ideological motivation for the violence to erupt.

It is the responsibility of all of us, which includes Governments, businesses and civil groups to make sure that our citizens are included and that we all work together to restore a more cohesive society, especially when there is a breakdown of family groups.

We must all pull together for the greater good.  We owe it to ourselves, each and every one of us, otherwise chaos and destruction is born.

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 26h July 2016

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

No Longer!

With everybody so worried about the Brexit situation and not knowing how we will ever survive this top heavy bureaucratic state once we leave, is to say that the British people cannot manage!

Great Britain has always taken the lead in the world in so many situations.  We are a world leader in commerce, finance, trade, law and, above all, democracy.

We, the British people, have been outraged by the fat cats determining our futures on this island for long enough!  It is high time we take back our power and prove to the rest of the world that we, the British people, will no longer be dictated to by those who think they are better over us.

Through Winston Churchill and his fighting spirit, we overcame great hardship and opposition.  We stood our ground and found other allies to assist us.

Great Britain does not stand alone in its many discontentments regarding the gravy train at Brussels and how they operate their laws.

Many businesses have already been lost, where they were hard-earned and now have dwindled to nothing.  Our once thriving fishing industry is practically finished.  Our farmers crippled with red tape and quotas.  Our steel industry is on the point of collapse.

Now, as we take back control, which is our right to do over this tiny, but magical island, we will see the new dawn of progress starting.

We will protect the lives of our children with growth to commerce and to industry.  Our young children have not seen anything yet.

The men and women of this island have a backbone of resistance second to none.  Great Britain is best when we are in fighting and advancing mode.

See a different kind of resurrection, where we will negotiate new trade deals and new tariffs.  We will outshine our European nations, simply because we have the will and the knowhow to do it!

Never underestimate the strength, power and determination of the British public to do what is right for their citizens.  The British public, in voting as they did, have not sold this country down the river.  They have saved it from European implosion.

The Euro is collapsing.  So many European countries are heavily in debt and they can’t find a way out.  Mismanagement by their respective Governments has brought this about.

France, Italy, Spain and Greece, to name but a few, are all sinking under enormous debt of which the hardworking British public have been propping them up with millions of tax payers’ money every day.

We owe it to our people and our children to stop funding these lame duck Governments.  To stop filling the coffers of a heavy bureaucratic system in Brussels, who do not have our interests at heart but their own.

It is time now to cut lose, to bring about a new salvation to these shores.  The people of Great Britain are amazing.  They are resilient and with many new policies being made as we speak, we will rise from the ashes of intransigence of a European Market that has lost its way.

The European Market knows that they are in trouble, that they cannot manage a corrupt system any longer.  That is why Britain’s hard-earned money was so needed every day to help keep it afloat.

No Longer!  We are being saved and the right leader will come forth, having the backing of the people to go forward and be recognised for who we are – the people of Great Britain once more!

          Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th June 2016

Sunday, 22 May 2016

We Are All Joined Together as Creatures of the Light

We are all one being in the eyes of The Almighty, irrespective of colour, creed or religion.

Our purposes on this earth are to help one another, a mission that is often neglected by our fellow man, whose thinking is primarily of the ‘I’ or ‘self’ in most cases.

We are all reliant on one another, whether it is for food, shelter, fuel or governance.  None of us are alone in this world, so it is necessary that a constant support system between us all helps us to survive on this earth.

          The Heavenly Father, who watches over us, sees the many difficulties we all get ourselves into, the many dishonours that are given and where good people are ruined by a few.

          Until we start to learn that we are all on this earth as a mutual support system, which includes the animals, birds and vegetation, we cannot survive.

          Our roles are to provide for one another and to realise that our part plays an ongoing necessity for many, so that survival becomes possible and hardship is no more.

Love destroys bitterness, pain and suffering.  It conquers all that is wrong in this world.

Understanding of another’s needs is the first step in their salvation and also in our own wellbeing.

          With each act of kindness, new barriers of fear are broken down and a new form of understanding becomes possible.

          We must appreciate our roles in this life are to perpetuate Mankind to a higher understanding and recognition of the tasks ahead.

          We all need each other and without the right support Mankind falls and recovery takes a very long time indeed.

          Know that we are all joined together as creatures of the light, which is where we were born and created and, when our tasks are done, we will be reunited with the true Love Force that sustains us each and every day.

      Jenny Ayers
Sunday, 22nd May 2016

Friday, 29 April 2016

Live In Love and No Longer In Fear

          The world, now imploding in on itself due to mistrust and mismanagement, will emerge cleansed of its imperfections and start to realise that life is too precious to be abused.

          We are coming out of the realms of continued destruction and concentrating more on rebuilding lasting relationships around the world.

          Dictators are now losing their power and world conferences are taking over, where diplomacy and wars have lost their way.

          Start to see new re-enactments of old laws, where Mankind had the upper hand and where the military are now losing their powers of persuasion.

          The arms race is failing to produce peace and stability and will be totally obliterated in the next century, where civilisation considers wars not only illegal, but an infringement of personal liberty.

          Man will have conquered its fears and where trade partners will be established in a greater way.

Religion right across the world will lose its impetus and where a greater understanding of a higher intelligence will take over formal religious groups.

People now want independence and a right to choose how they communicate with God without the formal indoctrination of an organised religion and its practices.

See the world population start to break away from all forms of religious indoctrination and follow a path of humanitarian service.  This will allow Mankind to follow a greater intelligence and become closer to God than at any other time in modern history.

The spell of the recognised church having been broken, will leave many church institutions bankrupt and with no more means of supporting itself.

          Their days are now numbered and the fear of this realisation for them is already mounting.

          Man will seek its own justice from the stranglehold of organised religions across the world and will finally be free to practice as they chose and how God intended them to do so anyway, which is to live in love and no longer in fear!

          Jenny Ayers
Friday, 29th April 2016

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Learn To Live In the Present

Now is the time to advance forward and bring peace to our hearts and minds.

Too many of us are so frightened in case we are let down and let go of.  We breed our own insecurities and these demons make us ill and upset.

It is high time we all engaged in our own Higher Intelligence and begin to understand the way of power and resistance.

We must learn to face our fears and resolve in tackling them head on.  Nothing can be resolved while we remain in fear.  We have to learn to let go and trust.  From that a better way comes in and peace is then automatically restored.

By learning to trust in a higher intelligence, we will be able to see that another way takes us forward and there is a new structure to our lives, where peace and happiness are maintained.

We must learn not to cut ourselves off from the font of all knowledge and all love.  We must begin to realise that with guidance, peace of mind is restored and stability and safeguards are maintained.

Learn to live in the present.  Know that all things are meant for a reason, where our own sustained growth becomes possible and we are triumphant in our lives, because we have the power to see it all through.

No one owns another.  All must be released in time.  We must understand to hold with an iron tight grip only ends in pain and suffering.

We must all learn to walk with God by our sides and to trust in His higher judgement.  Then the impossible becomes possible and peace and sanity is restored.

Love is the way that we must all live in and so we are saved for all time.

          Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 29th March 2016

Sunday, 28 February 2016

What Brings Us the Necessary Peace We All Aspire To?

We must all learn to live in the present as to continuingly be living in the future keeps us wanting more and more.

We are all humans, rarely satisfied with what we have and, for many of us, we find we need to constantly want more.

Until we start to learn to live in the present with all that we already have, we will never find peace on Earth.

The future will always accommodate our needs no matter what they are.

We, as souls who guide Mankind along his/her quest in life, are always given exactly what the individual needs at any given time.

It is by being in different circumstances in our lives that we are able to be thankful for what we have now.

We are all in a place we are meant to be at and enjoy and to understand that we must appreciate whatever we have, be it health, well-being, love or security.

If we ever take any of these things for granted then we will find we will in fact lose them.

It is necessary to understand the process of living in the moment where we have well-being, that the Universal Love surrounds us constantly and that our security is at the very heart of what we enjoy at every moment of that day.

Look now at what you already have and how well in fact is your life.

Mankind cannot have everything at once otherwise there will never be any appreciation when it finally comes in.

We are all moving at a very fast pace and what is applicable today may not be tomorrow.

We must trust that in our ever-changing world, we are always looked after.  Our needs are all duly met and that we are always saved, no matter what the crises are around us.

It is the Universal Love that sustains all our needs at every given moment and is the fount of knowledge, which brings us the necessary peace we all aspire to.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Love Does Conquer All

Life can only get easier and better if we let it be so.

We tend to think we are all alone in this world and trying to swim against the tide of perception as we see it.  Each and every day we are being helped by a Higher Intelligence than our own.

We are constantly being loved and provided for and when we can spend the time to look back on our lives, we can actually see a pattern emerging that all was for a reason and we have all grown substantially through the experiences we have all gone through.

Realise that our lives are there to be created by us in a way that we not only deserve, but that we can grow from.

Nothing in our lives is without a reason and we are the stronger and more fulfilled by it.

In the end love conquers all and that is a fact.  We have all triumphed in our own way and peace is the lasting legacy we finally leave ourselves.