Friday, 27 November 2015

Violence In Any Form Is Unacceptable

The people of this world need to stand up and be counted.  Too many Governments are steering their people in the wrong way for their own self-interests and not for humanity and the moral code of conduct we all aspire to live by.

          It is up to the people of this world to protest in their own way to address these matters.  We are so blinkered by wrong media exposure that we come to realise that we don’t know the right way to act/perform any longer.

          Until violence is off our screens in a formidable way and also taken off from the way children play their games of extermination, then we breed violence in our society and think this is normal behaviour.

Children with their video games, blowing up creatures and undesirables, teach children that violence is the only answer to deal with these situations.  This then consumes their subconscious minds and violence is then enacted in the home, schools and other places.  It becomes accepted as everyday life.

Our television soaps, with the bad behaviour that comes into our living space, are a case where further damage is secreted in.

We, as a society, must start to recognise the violence that is out there with teenage killings on the rise daily.

In order to bring back society into thinking life is different and that not everybody is hostile or aggressive and where kindness, love and consideration for all is possible.

Aggression in every way breeds aggression and violence.  Our daily exposure to it by the media and the news erodes our own sensitivity and we become unfazed by the many horrors we see on our screens.

          What is this world turning into?  Have we, as humankind, lost all sense of decency and compassion for others?

We must self-censor and instruct our children and young people that violence in any form is unacceptable and that love is the only way forwards if we are to survive at all!

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 27th November 2015