As we go into the early stages of autumn,
we start to see that this year, as with others, has gone very quickly indeed.
What have we done with our lives to make
the necessary impact, not only for ourselves, but to others around us?
By us all doing our bit to support family
and friends, we are assured we have done all that we were able to do in making
their lives better in the years to come.
We all must in our own way put down solid
foundations of love and support, so that we become stronger and more forward
thinking in our own progress in this life on earth.
To find the Holy Spirit is not to go to the
many services that the Churches provide, but to be in the still private space,
where we allow ourselves to be.
It is in these special places, where
quietness allows our minds to become receptive to the words of God and the Holy
It allows us to hear in our own minds what
it is we need to do and how we will always benefit from this Holy advice.
We, as human beings, are so loved and so
cared for, that it is time we started to acknowledge that love is all around
us, encouraging us to do the right things.
By our actions we are known and remembered.
Words of kindness are often appreciated at
the time, but it is those demonstrations of kindness, especially in times of
need that will remain with us for all our lives.
By doing great acts of kindness, when it is
our turn in need, so a complete stranger or someone you hardly know, will act
to support you.
What you have given in the past is returned
to you in your hours of need.
Love transcends all things and is the very
essence that keeps us alive and well. So
we need to make sure we not only learn to love ourselves, but those around us,
who are always greatly in need!
Jenny Ayers
Monday, 28th September 2015