Wednesday, 27 May 2015

It Is In Our Hands to Change It

As we find ourselves in the world with so much unrest and uncertainty, take heart that there are situations all over the world, which are changing and where benefits are being delivered to those who seek them.

We are all connected to each other and if one person is suffering hardship or inner turmoil, others too are affected and brought down by those negative energies which surround them.

The power of these negative energies is so great, so severe, that it can render a person or people completely helpless and almost paralysed by the strength of it.  It is only when a person is actually living in that kind of an environment that one can see the harm and the debilitation that it can cause others to suffer.  They become physically and mentally ill.

It is only by taking personal responsibility for oneself to separate from this negative environment that will allow for a safe passage of strength to be given and where healing on a massive basis will be delivered.

It is then that joy and peace of mind can automatically come in.  It is as if one’s very soul is crying out for the breath of life and where sanity comes to the fore.  By taking personal responsibility for oneself, then a true life is returned and restored to us and then life starts to feel worth living once again.

We all owe it to ourselves to move on and out of an environment that is stress related and where we alone must make that decision to save ourselves and those around us, who are equally affected by the negative vibrations caused by a person or conditions.

The Spirit Guides and helpers, who are entrusted in helping us to have peace and tranquillity, will always assist us in taking the right course of action, for it is out of love for us that they wish us to remain whole, balanced and secure at all times.

It is out of love for us that they will administer to our needs, once we have acknowledged that we actually want ‘out’ of this pain and suffering.  Once we have moved on and out of the situation, then we are free to administer to our needs without being hampered by external forces that wish to undermine us and whose will imposes directly against our own.

Life need not be uncomfortable and painful.  We can rectify these situations by saying to ourselves that we are not prepared to put up with these conditions any longer and so the path to peace is shown to us and other opportunities for personal advancement is given and appreciated by all.

Know that none of us are alone and we are all helped if we chose to ask and where a better life out of the ashes of despair becomes possible and is born.

Happiness and peace of mind is our right to have and it is only in our hands to make that initial move forwards.  We can all remove ourselves from the clutches of negativity and into the positive environment, where situations flourish and grow.

Then we become optimistic and energised once again and where life can be fun and adventurous, as we are no longer held by the stranglehold of negativity.
Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 27th May 2015