Sunday, 29 March 2015

All Mankind Must Benefit and Not Just the Privileged Few

The main thing that this world needs is the right leadership and where love for one’s fellow man and the environment is at the heart of their agenda.

There are too many wars and too much testosterone in the environment that is making this planet sick to death, quite literally.

There are too many institutions that are ruled over and dictated to by those who hold the purse strings and command the way they are run by their rules alone.

This has caused many injustices in this world, with the UN failing miserably to assist in war torn countries.  The UN Security Council is also being dictated to by those whose interests are such that they will not see progress made, but only what they are commanded to do all the time.

Until there is leadership with qualities that abide by the law and not for personal gain all the time, we will continue as a society worldwide to fall dramatically.

Millions around the world, who are law abiding citizens, have lost their faith in Governments and institutions, who deal with their own agenda and not what is right for the people as a whole.

Too much greed and selfishness is the main answer to so many problems and where people who are innocent have no recourse when great conglomerates have all the power.

Until there is a rebalance in this world, we will continue to be dictated to by irresponsible Governments and politicians, who wish to feather their own nest over what is morally right.

Many souls have lost their way.  They see no point in doing things right and acting fairly, as they feel they have been given a raw deal and that society no longer wants them or even cares.

We must look for leadership from those who have had to experience hardship and suffering and through that suffering have become humble and contrite, whose wish is to promote harmony and the wellbeing in others.

It is these alone who know of the suffering of Mankind first hand and because of their experience can make a difference for Mankind as a whole.  For it is with that experience of pain and suffering that they can be a source of light and understanding and, with the right help and guidance, are able to change the course of history and make a difference to this world.

Those who have lived in the splendour of privilege have no understanding of the hardships of others and never can do.  Their approach to suffering will be different, as they cannot understand what is it like to go without, not even having food to eat to survive or to be so cold they could nearly die of hyperthermia.

All of us must stand together in God’s light and love and to begin to help each other for the Greater Good, while we pray for an enlightened one, who can make the necessary changes to Mankind and who has the guts to stand up and challenge those who are in authority and still do nothing.

It is the collective voice of the people of this world, who will make that difference.  It is they who brought down the Berlin Wall and it is those who now must rise up again and challenge authority to lead us and not allow others to just feed their own interests.

The power of the people globally is the strongest voice of all and together they can change Governments and policies, which are purely money driven and not goodness driven.

It is with this right moral intention that help is given from a Higher Source and situations, which were once in deadlock, begin to unravel and a greater cause is formed. 

This is where all of Mankind will benefit and not just the privileged few.

Jenny Ayers
Saturday, 28th March 2015