Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Be at Peace and Be Happy

Everybody should be happy, yet we give ourselves so much grief when it is absolutely not necessary to do so.  We overstretch ourselves mentally and physically, which in turn affects our home life as well as our working life.  We become grumpy and stressed out. 

Our families then suffer with our irritability and we are constantly putting out negative energy, which is not only harmful to ourselves but is to others around us. 

When we see ourselves approaching this angst, then we should remove ourselves to a quiet place and either sleep it off or, when we are able to, listen to soft soothing music. 

Classical music of the soothing type is highly recommended and one will find it relaxes even the most tensed among us.  Pop music with its base beat stimulates the mind or reactivates it – rarely will it relax us, as it is not designed to do so. 

Meditation is another way of relaxing and it often guides us into doing other things of a creative nature, whereby one can lose oneself completely and the mind is then altered into a better place and situations no longer become tense and unsatisfactory. 

Creativity in the way of painting or making something with our hands is good.  Gardening is especially therapeutic, as you can always get satisfaction even from the smallest of garden beds or even with indoor plants. 

They will respond to our love and give us satisfaction.  What they give us always brings a smile to our faces.  They are things of beauty and will last for weeks.  Orchids are especially beautiful for very little cost.  They can give months of pleasure and all will come to love them. 

The office for many I appreciate is a hostile place with many colleagues already in an anxious state before they even arrive, which only continues to build up throughout the course of the day.  This is where the difficulty can arise for many, who find themselves trapped in this situation without any let up. 

Indoor plants or palms are especially good in offices to help dilute these hostile vibrations.  The green colour is pleasing and restful on the eyes and soothes the restless mind.  This has been scientifically proven to help ease tension. 

A protective bubble of light is necessary to protect us daily from the onslaught of negative people, who have no idea that their vibrational energies are being inflicted on the souls of so many. 

They actually grate on us and we feel the pain constantly.  We should put them in a mental bubble of light energy, which will help to diminish their hostile anxious ways.  It begins to dilute the effect they have on so many others, who have to work side by side with them. 

The escape has to be the lunchtime break, where a short walk is always beneficial, even if it is raining as the rain brings in a cleansing of negative vibrations and is a softening of all harsh vibrations. 

We can return back to the office having had that all important respite and where our own energies are replenished and so we are able to start again.  The afternoon session is never as harsh as the morning one and the day seems to go much faster. 

We should all try to lighten up.  I appreciate it is often difficult, but we do owe it to ourselves as much as we do to others. 

If we need to relax from stress, then other ways like running or even a deep massage or relaxation hypnosis works wonders to de-stress us, so that we are energised and able to carry on. 

Healing also relaxes us and empowers us in so many ways, making us more resilient to hostile situations. 

Our lifestyle makes it often difficult, because of the fast pace of life and, if we live in a metropolis, then the negative vibrational energies tend to build up to such a pitch one is almost at screaming point. 

When we are young, we tend to be more resilient and therefore we are not aware of the distress to our minds and bodies.  As we become older we feel it more and also, as we become more sensitive through spiritual progression, again we would feel it far more than those who have not aspired to that evolvement. 

Going back to nature whenever it is possible or to have a glasshouse of plants where again one can escape and contemplate where peace is maintained and we will all find happiness in one way or another. 

Sitting in our favourite chair and listening to pleasant music is absolute bliss.  We all deserve it and it is for us to try and find ways to cultivate peace, because with peace we are always happy. 

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 29th October 2013