Thursday, 25 July 2013

Spread a Little Joy and Nurturing

As we collectively band together and enjoy the fruits of these summer months, remember that nature thrives and where there is a constant stream of love and no negativity, then abundance becomes the rightful fruit for all to share and enjoy.

Life is a fascination of exciting challenges and where with every step we grow to enhance and enrich our own lives, we must learn in the right way to grow, not only for ourselves, but for those who are around us.

We all live in a very diversified society and adjusting to our conditions is never easy.  Where we have compassion in our hearts, adjustments are more able to take place and harmony becomes evidential.

Many feel alone and isolated and it is particularly true in the summer months, where we are able to approach those people with generosity of giving that is perhaps not always possible in the winter months, where we tend to shut ourselves in against the harsher elements.

Man was created to help each other and to bring in a support system where all can benefit, where love and help is the main objective and the purpose of our creation.

We all are in need of nurturing and as nature is able to do this naturally, we as humans sometimes need to be taught or shown the way.

Resistance to this can cause failure in our societies, so it is necessary to learn from our elders and those who have wisdom to show us the way.

A contented life is where individuals are at peace mentally and physically, requiring only sufficient for their needs.  When greed comes in then dissatisfaction occurs and so does an imbalance.

As with nature, if a fruit tree produces too much fruit, in order for the tree to feed properly, then the surplus of its produce is dropped, allowing the tree to produce better fruit and where there is enough to sustain life and a balance.

If we have too much in our lives, we are not able to meet the demands of the excess and so, quite rightly, they are discarded.  Therefore it is wise to have enough, so that we can manage it without having too much where it becomes a problem.

By learning from nature, we can also learn and adjust our lives to what we need, but where over indulgence causes problems, we could well do without.

Over indulgence of food intake creates obesity, but also blockages within our body’s system.  It cannot function in the right and proper way and a strain occurs and we become ill.

Eating enough to sustain life in the right and proper way allows us to help ourselves and be happy and contented people.

When we are happy we are more likely to again help others.  Our minds are relaxed and compliant.  Our happiness will then be able to spill over onto others in ways of help, assistance or just a smile which can light up a person’s day.

They begin to feel loved and special in some way and that right vibration will continue to spread to others and so the cycle of love and nurturing remains content and beautiful.

Remember we are all joined together and for the circle of life to be better, we must all learn to spread a little joy and nurturing along the way.

Jenny Ayers
Thursday, 25th July 2013