Tuesday, 30 April 2013

What You Give Out So You Receive Back Again

“Look now to the deeds you do every day and reflect where you can on their impact regarding those who you interact with.

“Are your deeds ones of love or ones of hurt?

“Realise that all you do will be thrown back at you as either good will or as harm.

“All of us must begin to see that what we give out will in some way come back to us as in the Law of Spirit.

“The world now is in a very serious state of affairs and it is all due to Mankind behaving badly that allows for the growth of negative energy, which encompasses the world as a cloud and where there are only a few cracks of positive energy now showing through.

“Mankind must turn away from these negative emotions and deeds, which can pollute every household throughout the world.

“Seek now to destroy these vibrations and to restore balance to the world by bringing in love and forgiveness and where the building of bridges from one country to the next becomes possible, one neighbour to another.

“There are always ways, always solutions, if the individuals and the Government wish to find a way.

“Mankind is in need of being saved, a tiny difference in our mind-sets brings in lasting change and recovery on all fronts throughout the world.

“It takes but a little thing and that is for love to enter in instead of hostility.  People and the world are all in need of this fact.  Can we really deny them this bare essential?”

Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 30th April 2013