Saturday, 18 February 2012

Harmony through Change is Always in Balance

See how beautiful the world is.  All that nature brings with its never-ending cycles and the subtle way it changes.  All is movement and works in harmony to bring in the desired effect for regrowth and restructure.

It is sometimes violent, sometimes slow, but always effective, so as nature always has the desired effect, as if run by an intelligence that governs all the seasons, all the oceans and all that keeps the Earth to function in a way that is necessary for its existence.

Nature can repair itself.  It can take time, especially when the destruction has been devastating.  The repair comes in ways not always expected, but often perfect in its own way.

We as humans, who are but balls of energy like the world cycles, so we also go through our various cycles for rebirth and reinstatement and we have to in order to keep going and to move ever forwards in our own destiny.

As nature never stops, so we as a human race also never stop.  We grow both physically and mentally.  Our perceptions of things ten years ago are no longer the same for us today.

We too have evolved and have changed, many of us for the better.  Our understanding of life has produced a wisdom not thought possible before.  We all can encounter circumstances in our lives that had great destruction imposed upon us, always coming out of that chaos a better understanding of who we are is always born.

Nobody stays the same.  We are all constantly evolving, growing with a greater wisdom, which can only be born through experience.  It shapes our character as nature’s cycle shapes our landscape.

We all are a part of each other, dependant on all that is around us.  Through our own evolvement we can appreciate both the good times and the devastating times.  We all will survive and nothing is by chance.

The creative force, the life’s intelligence, brings us all to the point where we are all meant to be in our lives.  No one is ahead or behind the other. All are in the right place of understanding for all our evolution.

Give praise to yourselves for how far you have come and begin to see a future that is always within your grasp, should you wish it enough.  Never be complacent or take anything for granted, because like nature it can vanish in an instant.

All that is neglected will be taken away until full appreciation returns and then a better grounding can materialise.  When nature is neglected or ignored, it also will wither and die – its use is no more.

To bring it back to life, so love has to be given to it and a healthy outcome always transpires.  We as humans must learn to love ourselves and others, so relationships can form and grow.

A healthy way is a loving way and all can be produced in all its magnificence for all the world to see.  The world, nature and people are all remarkable when love transcends through them and harmony through change is always in balance.

See yourselves grow in your own magnificent way.  You owe it to yourself to be that spark of light, that instrument of love, so all can benefit and life begins to be worth living.

          Jenny Ayers
Friday, 17th February 2012