Monday, 31 December 2012

What Does 2013 Hold for You?

Mankind throughout the ages and even up to the present day believes he is right in so many ways – the full stubbornness, which propels Mankind headlong into situations, where he shouldn’t even be in the first place.

Advice from a Higher Intelligence was given when asked for and inspite of this many still think they know best and go headlong into situations, which they as individuals have been advised against.  Yet again they think they know best and carry on regardless on their own path of destruction.

As time goes by, they who are in the middle of it can begin to see the various circumstances they have put themselves in as not being right.  Yet again their egos tell them if they work hard enough or apply themselves more, all will come right for them in the long run.  Even with the help from friends and family members, it still will not go right for them.

Finally the time will come when circumstances around them come to breaking point.  Everything by this time has already broken down, inspite of their hard worked for efforts.

Relationships are strained to breaking point.  They have lost a great deal of money.  Their reputation is in tatters with low morale and lack of confidence hits them hard.  The individuals then start to question, “Why did it all go wrong?  I put everything I had into it and now I have nothing to show for it.” 

It is then that the reality finally hits home and then they begin to remember the advice that was given all that time ago.  “Do not venture down this road.  It will not work out.”

The full horror of their actions is finally revealed to them.  Excuses of all manner of things will be given to excuse them from it being their fault.  It can never be their fault, they have done everything humanly possible to make it work, but it hasn’t.

Mankind at last comes to his/her senses and screaming now in desperate mental and physical pain, they again ask for help.  The truth of their actions is plain for all to see.

Help then comes in.  It will of course take time for The Higher Intelligence to rectify the damage that that individual has put themselves in.  With time and much effort by The Higher Intelligence, the new way is given.   The new pathway is shown and then, and only then, is salvation realised.

Had Mankind listened and acted on the advice given in the first place, all hardships, despair and breakdown would have been avoided.  Mankind thinks he knows best and more often than not, he does not.

When advice is given and not taken, then Mankind must take on board the gross responsibilities for their actions no matter how much it hurts.  Then new advice from The Higher Intelligence is given to rectify situations and a new outcome of a different sort is given.

What will be interesting is, will Mankind have learnt from the experience or will they continue to go their own way, because they think they know best?

The Higher Intelligence knows the entire picture, is armed with the facts and therefore is able to give a clear indication and is therefore qualified to give the correct advice.

Mankind is not privy to all the facts, all the information years ahead and therefore only thinks they know and it is this dangerous assumption that leads Mankind into all sorts of problems.  In severe cases of misjudgement people’s lives are put at risk. Some even die.  That is how treacherous their own ego can be and land them in it.

It can be heart-breaking and very devastating.  They will in time have to come to terms with their own mistakes.  Before you enter into any situation, where you think you know the facts, but highly likely you do not, then consult with The Higher Intelligence and have peace of mind.

In the long run it will be worth it, unless of course your own intelligence is deemed higher than The Higher Intelligence and you go your own way.  Think before you act and then think again!

The New Year will bring many challenges to so many people.  Are you ready to know what it holds for you?

          Jenny Ayers
Monday, 31st December 2012

Friday, 30 November 2012

We Are Not the Only Ones Living in This World

The ground is breaking under the strain of negativity and despair.  So many things appear to be going wrong in our lives that we all feel battered and bruised, yet inspite of all this we have times when we are actually happy and can look around us and see just why we are so blessed in so many ways.
The severe climatic conditions have wreaked havoc in our lives and we still do not seem to understand that the planet is suffering under what we, Man has done to it. 

The world is out of balance and will take several generations to right itself and to allow new growth and understanding to develop in order that it may heal in time to allow for future generations to be able to live off its natural resources.

All water and natural resources are fast running out, yet we continue to live our lives oblivious of the consequences of our actions.  We are all living as if there is no tomorrow and totally disregard what will be so vitally important for our children’s livelihood in the years to come.

There is fast coming a time now when we will have to start growing our own food in a much bigger way, where gardens won’t just be for the flowers, but for vital food which we will need to sustain life.

This is not a myth, but will become a reality.  As the world stands now there is not enough food on this planet to sustain the many mouths we still have to feed.

Yet because our supermarkets are full does not mean there is enough food, when millions the world over are suffering with nothing in their mouths for days and weeks.  We too often turn a blind eye to their suffering, as it does not apply to us in the affluent West.

Now begins the slow adjusting time to change our habits.  We cannot live as we once did; we must start now to repair and to bring back food processing to this planet as the destruction to the world further threatens our livestock and our crops.

There has to be a balance in all things.  We can no longer continue to rape this planet and not suffer from those consequences.  Two-thirds of the world’s resources are now used up and that means, oil, gas, coal and wood together with other natural elements which took hundreds of years to evolve. Those shortages cannot be replaced overnight.

There will come a time when world Governments will have to speak out and to bring in a form of rationing to allow for resources to come back to life.

So never mind about the financial situation, which seems to be plaguing our daily lives, think now to our other worries.  Money means nothing when there is literally nothing to eat.

We all can lend a hand and, by doing our own little bit, we can preserve so much for our children, so that they can have a life and enjoy it as we have done.

As the sun shines, so growth for harvest can come about.  In the meantime let’s do our bit for saving the ecology of this world.  We are not the only ones living on it!

Jenny Ayers
Friday, 30th November 2012

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Are We as Parents the Best People to Bring up our Children?

          The situation of our children, with the abuse scandals that are all around and coupled with the teenage gang culture, which is plaguing our cities, everything appears out of control.

          Young people today are having to go outside the family to organisations for help in their times of severe trouble and unrest.

          Schools are offering counselling much of which is dire, as these so called counsellors are not doing their job effectively enough, because they do not have the experience to give those who are in turmoil in ever increasing numbers, some kind of a direction to ease their suffering.

          Much of the suffering is on the home front, where parents who have their own problems and their own agendas inflict these on the children whose lives they are meant to protect.

          Many parents are psychologically damaged from their own parents and so learnt behaviour is often passed on.  Their children then begin to suffer at the hands of these parents and so the cycle continues until therapy finally sorts one or all of them out and harmony in the family home begins to stabilise.

          An alcoholic parent will often teach the child unwittingly that severe drinking is acceptable, coupled with the behavioural problems that go with it.  The child begins to grow up in an environment of unrest and severe upheaval, not knowing who to turn to and who can help them to be released from this daily abusive situation.

          A parent sometimes has behavioural problems and is dictatorial and changeable to the extent that the child does not know from one minute to the next what is normal about that parent and what is not.  In the confusion of a topsy-turvy home life, the child’s confusion exacerbates until they do not know how to behave as they are unsettled in an unsettled atmosphere. 

This then forms a situation where the child to secure a kind of sanity becomes withdrawn and quiet, the parents never realising there is anything wrong with the child, as they have their own sets of problems to deal with, which they often fail to recognise in themselves and therefore are not able to recognise them in their own children.  

Abuse, whether it is sexual or emotional in families, is rife.  The sexual act is usually caused by the father onto the daughter or the grandfather onto the granddaughter.  The child is instructed that the adult loves them and this is their little secret and nothing must be said.  The child has to suffer the abuse until it is of an age that they feel they can start to fight back.  All that time suffering in silence, their world shattered for all time.

Often it is known, but overlooked and this is the irresponsibility of parents within the family home, where the home is supposed to be a safe haven.  In many cases it is a constant battle ground.

Love and understanding within the family home is in very short supply these days, as the parents have to work primarily to keep a roof over their heads and of their children also.

Parents don’t have the time or in many cases the inclination to love their children, so this is where the children go out of the home seeking love and affection, another kind of family.  This is where the various gang cultures stem from, where loyalty to the surrogate family takes them in and cares for them, but for a price.

The children of the gangs have a unity, which was not there in the family home and where they are listened to and help within that support group is often given.

Home life now is not what it used to be and parents now have to see the kind of society they indirectly have bred and have brought upon themselves, where we have failed our children in so many ways.

We must start to repair the damage and to instruct on what is right and wrong.  Old fashion principles and laws within the family unit will need to go back to basics, where all start to talk to one another and where grievances are expressed and put right, so we are able to teach our children that love exists in the home and that the boundaries are there for all, not only the children to live and work by.

If we as parents cannot demonstrate by our own actions, we cannot expect our children to do the same.  They must learn by these examples that to behave well is acceptable and to behave badly simply is not.

We have all been complacent by allowing our children to watch the soaps on television, where the characters exploit one another with serious bad language and behaviour.  We have accepted this as being alright and, as a result, bad behaviour is all around us.  We, as a nation, have lost respect for one another and we now reap this lackadaisical attitude every day.

Our children are being abused right, left and centre and we, the parents, sit back and think somebody else should do our work for us.  It is our responsibility to act as responsible loving parents or we reap what we sow.

Look at the world today with the amount of paedophiles, sexual predators and psychologically damaged people that are out there and nobody has been there to save them.  Isn’t it time we did?

          Jenny Ayers
Tuesday, 30th October 2012

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Life Is For Living, Not For Existing

          There is a mood going around that feels unsettling to most people and for them they feel unbalanced, out of sorts.

          For those who are experiencing this feeling, it is to understand that the powerful Universal Energies are changing to such an extent that their lives are also in change and influx.

          Many important decisions will need to be addressed.  It really is the throwing away of the old and entering into a new cycle of prosperity.

          It is for those people alone, as they have mastered their lives according to the Universal Spiritual Laws and so they can now benefit as never before.

          As one door closes, another door opens and so it must be.  Like the snakes relieve themselves of the old skin and put on the new mantle of growth, so the individual must also do the same.

          We all change over time.  How we were ten years ago is not the same as we are now.  Our minds and experiences have moved us on and a new chapter in our lives is opening up.

          We start to see and feel things differently.  No longer are we prepared to put up with petty nuisances.  We are all maturing and making a better use of our lives.

          Our caring ways come to the fore and we are much more appreciative of life than we were before.  We are actually standing still taking note of our surroundings and can at last see the beauty in all things.

          Our minds and perceptions are increasing and we are able to judge better what is right and what is wrong for us.  We are now in a position to help others, where before the struggle was too great.

          We can now bring Mankind on with our own dialogue to understand the purpose of life, our existence upon this earth plane.

As we move on and are taught better things through our own experiences, so we become more seeing and understanding of a pattern of life, where through our own efforts, as we achieve, so we can bring on others to see and also to understand.

          Life is for living, not for existing and every moment is precious in order to learn ‘The Almighty’s’ lessons for us.  We are now all stepping into the unknown chaotic world.

          For us, who have lived a spiritual life, that transition for us will not be difficult, but relatively smooth running.  For those who have chosen to ignore their own birth right of spiritual development, so their lives will remain in chaos and upheaval – their misery plain to see by so many.

          To enter into a spiritual more developed life, one needs to put self aside and to think of others first.  Then a greater understanding of those outside the family, well beyond, becomes noticed to us and then our mission to help and to guide becomes extended.

          We will show you the best way to live and to learn, and through those experiences you are informed to teach and train others, so that they too can benefit throughout their lives.

          Jenny Ayers
Wednesday, 29th August 2012

Monday, 16 July 2012

We Are All Able To Escape the Stresses of Life

To give up on life when it has so much to offer you is a sadness that surrounds so many people.  The pressures on us to succeed and to perform at the highest level is stretching people beyond endurance.

Not many are able to switch off or to relax and the constant turmoil that we find ourselves in is absolutely exhausting.  It is no wonder that physical and mental breakdowns are a common occurrence.

To break off from the rat race for two weeks holiday is not enough in this day and age, where there is little time to switch off and truly relax.  We find that we become agitated and headaches arise, as we become more stressed out by the minute.

We have to stop and take a look at our lives and to see what is truly important.  Do we really need all these material things to make us happy or is a more simpler life with peace of mind the best panacea for what we really need?

To allow time to be by ourselves and to be at one with nature is the very best option that most of us have and it is free to all who wish it.  To be able to take yourself off for short breaks, even a few hours to be in nature, which has all the healing qualities that one could ask for.

To just be and to look around at the green hills, where flowers grow wild and the trees are there to break the horizon in a soft but magical way, to feel the wind on your cheeks and to not think about anything, but just to look and be at one with the spirit of nature itself.

The colour of green is a very healing colour.  It soothes the stress in one’s eyes and miraculously clears the head.  The colour of blue, reflected in water of a stream or a lake, has beneficial qualities of calming and reducing anxiety and just by listening to its movement.

The sea has the same calming properties, even when the waves are sometimes high they will calm the anxious brow.  Trees hold a certain energy and when you get used to hugging a tree, it will gladly give off its energy to you, so again restoring the life force that is within us all.

Nature, at any time of the year, brings its own healing vibrations and should be cherished.  The smell of the flowers, their perfume, is natural and soothing.  The golden summer wheat will lift the sadness from one’s brow, as the golden colour raises one’s vibrations and restores new life and vigour.

Even the coldness of winter will bring in a feeling of wellbeing, as the clearness brings a freshness to one’s life and restores one from apoplexy.  You feel recharged and all negative emotions seem to miraculously fade away.  Senses become heightened in so many ways and a belief system in one’s self is restored.

Through nature, wellbeing is restored and a certain calming influence, which we all need, is always there for us.  We just require the time and the space to recognise that we can be healed if we so chose to do so.

The emphasis has to be on being quiet and to take in all that creation has to offer for us throughout the year, so that whatever our problems our mind can, through peace and tranquillity, be strengthened to cope and not to allow the strains and stresses of life to overtake our delicate frames.

We can actually switch off for a time and this is worth so much for so many.  We are all able to escape the stresses of life if we so desire, we just have to make that conscious effort to do so.

          Jenny Ayers
Monday, 16th July 2012

Friday, 22 June 2012

Start to Make Those Important Decisions to Remove the Constraints of the Past

The wakeup call is all around us.  Planetary changes are in a colliding aspect, which brings about chaos and destruction all around us in so many ways.  It literally is now the clearing out of the past and bringing in of the new.

For those of us who do not address these issues, their chances of survival are slim, so important is this impact on the world.  It affects all parts of society.  The wakeup call has already begun in earnest.

For those who chose to ignore its message will find that they cannot recover.  For them they have not listened and so they must now struggle to keep going, otherwise they will go under.

Too many globally have been given warnings to change.  Many have ignored this and so they must heed the severe consequences of their actions.  Their own ignorance and arrogance will be their own downfall.

Where the individual has been given warnings regarding their health and they have chosen to ignore them, their wake up call will be severe as they are brought down.  They will see severe handicap or worse will face them then and only then will they act.    The concern here is they maybe too late.  That choice remains in their hands.

For those whose relationships are not right, again countless advice has been given and ignored, so situations out of the blue will be forced upon them and the upheaval to their lives will be immense.

Financial matters, where they have not realised that they are a contributing factor in their own demise by not being on the right path, again if they chose to ignore the advice and guidance given, so they will further fall until they are finally forced to deal with the issues – the devastation to them grave indeed.

In every aspect, be it the individual dealing with their troubles or on a political scene, all must now face what is being thrown at them.  This is unstoppable.  The Universal Forces have to wipe the slates clean, so that Mankind is forced to address these grave issues in their lives and to start anew.

As always the fittest, the ones who recognise this call, this challenge, and are prepared to deal with it head on, will survive.  The rest will be handicapped by various degrees.

So given this explicit warning, there is no more time to sit and reflect now, while there is limited time, and it is limited, start to make those important decisions to remove the constraints of the past and enter into the new evolution of life and expectancy.

          Jenny Ayers
Friday, 22nd June 2012

Friday, 1 June 2012

All can live in peace. The choice has to be theirs alone to decide!

For those who are afraid, life is always steep and unsettled.  They see dark shadows around every corner and all is threatening to their way of living and acting.

For those who remain in this difficulty the circumstances are grave indeed.  Unrest, loss of sleep and illness plague these souls.  They are in a constant state of distress.

In order for them to relinquish this slavery of the self, they must remove themselves from the heavy earthly conditions and begin on a journey of enlightenment.

It is a spiritual awakening, which casts no shadows, but influences us in our thinking that we are all saved no matter what the conditions that surround us.

By the guidance that is always forthcoming, a new lease of life is established and fear is removed.  Then a healing to soothe their very existence occurs and a brighter aspect is formed.

People are no longer in a state of unrest, as a new way is shown and a better understanding that life can be got through in a better way with better conditions, because we set the conditions by which we live.

When we understand that we play a mighty role in how we are each day and a plan of action is given to sort out the fear and the threatening conditions, so we are able to reset our lives to live in peace and harmony no matter what the rest of the world is going through.

Our world is in place and we will always feel safe in that place, because we have reset those conditions by the guidance, which is always given.

Everybody can be rescued.  They must first ask and the guidance is given to safeguard not only the individual, but others besides.

All can live in peace.  The choice has to be theirs alone to decide!

          Jenny Ayers
Friday, 1st June 2012